Am I the only one who does this?



  • DimenaZhena
    Options I want to make my diary private lol.

  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    I like looking at people's diaries, I just think it is interesting! Especially people that follow different types of diets than mine (ie vegetarian, etc). Plus I get good ideas of new things to try.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Mine was open till I started getting advice I didnt want from people not on my friends list.So I made mine viewable for friends only.
    If I feel I need advice from people ive never even talked to before I'll ask.
    If your on my friends list feel free to comment on what I eat.:happy:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I DO look, but mainly to get ideas. I also look, obviously, if I'm going to comment on a pal's diary!

    I can't justify getting all self-righteous because some days I eat well - lots of fruits and veggies - and sometimes it's fried food and alcohol. It's unrealistic (for me, anyways) to think that everyday will be perfect, but maybe I am setting the bar quite low...

    Edited to add:
    The truth is that a lot of people are using the food diary as a tool for fat loss and for that to work, you have to be honest! But you have to admit that they have guts - especially knowing that people are poking around!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I eat pretty clean. But I'm not dieting, I'm changing my lifestyle. So I do have days where I have ice cream and have chocolate. I make sure to stay around my calorie goals and I'm losing weight. Feel free to look at my food diary. I won't eat perfect everyday, but most days I have pretty clean food. At least all things I make myself.
  • in_it_2_win_it
    I ALWAYS look at peoples food diaries... I helps me to see if what I am eating is better or worse then what someone else is eat.. and actually looking at other people's gives me ideas for things I May wanna eat.. or try.. so I think being able to see people's food diaries.. is a good thing.. wish it had that feature on the ipod touch version.. but w.e
  • racquelm29
    It never occurred to me to do that. I may try it in the future. Good luck with your fitness goals!
  • fitmom4ever
    I have my food diary public to receive constructive criticism and ideas for healthier choices, but like everyone, every day is not perfect. I also like the idea of being able to give helpful hints to others when I do make good choices. I have a question tho about recipes. Most of my dinner entries are recipes that may not have healthy sounding names (example: pork chops with dijon cream sauce) but are actually healthy adaptations (using fat free evaporated milk instead of cream and fat free reduced sodium chicken broth). Are people able to see my recipes, and can I check out others recipes? I am always looking for delicious & healthy meal ideas.
  • TheNewMrsDemo
    TheNewMrsDemo Posts: 26 Member
    I didn't realize you could see other people's diaries :) I'm excited now though. Mine yesterday was bad, but I'd love to see others to get some ideas!!! I guess this is a good way to motivate each other. I mean if we are struggling with something, someone can look at what we're eating and give us pointers or visa-versa. Going to peek now :)
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Go ahead take a look; I have nothing to hide. Did I eat a cupcake today... why yes I did. It was a mini one and under 100 calories and so so good and I loved every bite :love:

    I don't usually look through other diaries, but I may start now that I know everyone is looking at mine.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Go ahead take a look; I have nothing to hide. Did I eat a cupcake today... why yes I did. It was a mini one and under 100 calories and so so good and I loved every bite :love:

    I don't usually look through other diaries, but I may start now that I know everyone is looking at mine.

    Haha love it!

    Never thought of looking at other peoples diaries but I'm mostly looking at it on my phone anyways.
    Mine is public if anyone wants to take a look and have any critizisms or advice.
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I definitely look around at other people's food diaries. Mine has been open since i started and although some days I have more than others I'm usually pretty good :) I have gotten a few comments the past couple of days about not eating enough--but that's because I've been sick and just haven't wanted to eat all that much. I figure I'll go with what my body wants (and needs). Oh and I'm vegetarian, but I have had some eel sushi (it's my fave), anyway the point is if you want any of the random recipies I have just ask :smile:
  • simplywriting
    Yes, I absolutely do this. My reasons are different - I like getting ideas for new meals, food and snacks. So I like seeing what everyone else is eating. I have my diary open to my friends. And yes, I'm honest - even on the not good days, which thankfully I haven't had many in the past two weeks, because I had a bad weekend out of town. LOL

    The one thing that has bothered me for awhile, is why it seems so many people have their Diary private even to their friends. It just seems that if you are truly trying to lose weight, and you are truly trying to be healthy, you sure wouldn't care who was looking.

    At any rate, I love the diary feature. I love recording my stuff everyday. I love seeing the calories I have consumed and I have gotten a huge eye opener on how many calories are in some foods.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Interesting topic. I have mine open to friends and am always welcoming friends. I'm till new here. But I agree that I like to look at others for ideas or something maybe I haven't thought of.

    Besides, it helps to make me accountable. I plug it all in. And yes, we all have our good & bad days. I want to see my reasons for my gains!

    I too love the features they offer on the Food Diary.
  • basalmouse
    hmmm never thought about making it public but make sense... i am a bit ocd so i scan or input everything!!! and im not perfect and i rarely meet my goal for calories (im always under) i know its bad maybe if i make mine public ill be more diligant to eat more???
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Mine is public to get feedback too... though some days (and weeks) are definitely better than others. I do try to put notes in the food and exercise diaries about things that may have affected the day so I can remember looking back and others will know too!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Mine is public to get feedback too... though some days (and weeks) are definitely better than others. I do try to put notes in the food and exercise diaries about things that may have affected the day so I can remember looking back and others will know too!

    mine is public.

    usually it's good, but lately (as in since the new year, lol) is it has been looking pretty awful. i've been lazy about adding ingredients to the log and instead will just add a fast food item that is similar to what i have been making at home. for example one time i chose the 'wendy's blt wrap' when it was actually homemade. i didn't want to input tortilla, cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado (substituted for the ranch). :) another example is using the 'walmart deli blt chicken salad' when i am too lazy in input 3 cups lettuce, tomatoes, bacon bits, chicken and spicy dressy (substituted for the ranch). several other examples come to mind too.

    i used to put notes in when i did that, but i've been lazy about that too. lol. thanks for reminding me about the notes section! i need to start using it again, not only for people that browse but for myself when i am looking back.