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  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    don lol sorry I shoulda mentioned Im in northeast Ohio. I actually saw gas yesterday for 3.25 but right down the raod it was 3.15
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    don lol sorry I shoulda mentioned Im in northeast Ohio. I actually saw gas yesterday for 3.25 but right down the raod it was 3.15

    :grumble: :noway: :sad: OUR CHEAPEST GAS IS $3.60!:explode: :mad: :angry:
  • katieg2289
    Welcome Amanda! :)

    Sorry to hear about your daughter, Marcie!! I hope she feels better very soon!

    Gas here (NW Oregon) is around 3.27 I believe, but I don't feel so bad about that after seeing Jena's post! Gas is crazy right now!

    Well I did 40 minutes of Wii Zumba yesterday, 20 minutes two times, and the first time I really thought it might kill me! This is on beginner, mind you! But the second time the 20 minutes actually went by very fast, and it is a lot of fun, not to mention that I feel it works much more of my body than the elliptical does! It was a wild goose chase to find 30 Day Shred here, as no one had it, so I guess I will have to order it online.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hello I am so sorry for being so quiet! The thing is I am not sure why?!? I feel really stuck STILL! The scale is just unwilling then you know how it goes... depressed and then lazy the stormy, rainy, cold weather hasn't helped either! I know I HSOULD post here and maybe get it off my chest! A lot of it is also the cost of living here is just plain ridiculous! As you have mentioned the cost of gas is unbearable! My husband works over 60 miles away from home and me 40 miles away from home AT $3.60 A gallon! My honda has been down for months so my husband is driving the van which gets way lower gas mileage. Everything costs so much! We both have decent jobs and are barely making ends meet sometime they don't meet! Frustrating! :explode: So yeah I have just been in my own head, it just gets to be too much sometimes even for a positive person like myself :bigsmile:

    I know I can't quit working on my weight loss BUT sometimes I think by going into maintenence you can keep from putting ON weight and give yourself time to regroup. I KNOW you all and all my MFP friends won't let me stop! Hopefully this weekend the weather will be better and I can go back to my trails.
    ok rant over (i think) :wink:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Welcome Amanda! :)

    Sorry to hear about your daughter, Marcie!! I hope she feels better very soon!

    Gas here (NW Oregon) is around 3.27 I believe, but I don't feel so bad about that after seeing Jena's post! Gas is crazy right now!

    Well I did 40 minutes of Wii Zumba yesterday, 20 minutes two times, and the first time I really thought it might kill me! This is on beginner, mind you! But the second time the 20 minutes actually went by very fast, and it is a lot of fun, not to mention that I feel it works much more of my body than the elliptical does! It was a wild goose chase to find 30 Day Shred here, as no one had it, so I guess I will have to order it online.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day!!! :flowerforyou:

    WAIT Wii ZUMBA???? We got a Wii for christmas but I haven't added anymore games. I didn't know it has zumba!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Welcome Amanda! :)

    Sorry to hear about your daughter, Marcie!! I hope she feels better very soon!

    Gas here (NW Oregon) is around 3.27 I believe, but I don't feel so bad about that after seeing Jena's post! Gas is crazy right now!

    Well I did 40 minutes of Wii Zumba yesterday, 20 minutes two times, and the first time I really thought it might kill me! This is on beginner, mind you! But the second time the 20 minutes actually went by very fast, and it is a lot of fun, not to mention that I feel it works much more of my body than the elliptical does! It was a wild goose chase to find 30 Day Shred here, as no one had it, so I guess I will have to order it online.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day!!! :flowerforyou:

    WAIT Wii ZUMBA???? We got a Wii for christmas but I haven't added anymore games. I didn't know it has zumba!

    I want to buy it too!! I hear it is alot of fun!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello I am so sorry for being so quiet! The thing is I am not sure why?!? I feel really stuck STILL! The scale is just unwilling then you know how it goes... depressed and then lazy the stormy, rainy, cold weather hasn't helped either! I know I HSOULD post here and maybe get it off my chest! A lot of it is also the cost of living here is just plain ridiculous! As you have mentioned the cost of gas is unbearable! My husband works over 60 miles away from home and me 40 miles away from home AT $3.60 A gallon! My honda has been down for months so my husband is driving the van which gets way lower gas mileage. Everything costs so much! We both have decent jobs and are barely making ends meet sometime they don't meet! Frustrating! :explode: So yeah I have just been in my own head, it just gets to be too much sometimes even for a positive person like myself :bigsmile:

    I know I can't quit working on my weight loss BUT sometimes I think by going into maintenence you can keep from putting ON weight and give yourself time to regroup. I KNOW you all and all my MFP friends won't let me stop! Hopefully this weekend the weather will be better and I can go back to my trails.
    ok rant over (i think) :wink:

    I feel your pain Jena! I am seriously beginning to think the glummy weather seriously affects our moods and our desire to keep working at this. I noticed when I started getting depressed the weather was really bad here...Bobbie I think has had the same experience with all the snow and now you! The weather here has been pleasant lately and I am really enjoying going outside for my walks. Come on Mr. Sun come out and stay please!!

    Feel better soon Jena....we do need your energy!! :flowerforyou:
  • katieg2289
    I had no idea about the Zumba game either, until I went into GameStop on Monday and the guy working told me it was their most popular fitness game! I have never done a class at my gym, but had heard it was fun, so voila game came home with me! I would definitely recommend it! It is SO nice to have a game at home that is not only fun, but makes it so convenient if for any reason I can't get to the gym! :smile:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I wanna get aumba for the playstation 3 kinetic..I love my kinetic.. Well lots planned this afternoon.. I have been STARVING TODAY!!! I ate lunch at 1030.. so to keep myself out of the kitchen I shaved my pomerian doggy he has a skin condition so the hard her gets the more he bites on his back.. Shaved and washed him..did dishes.. At 445 gonna eat dinner then at 500 head to get gas 515 go pick up daughter from dance 530 pick up my son from baseball practice then drop him off at home and then at 6 head to the gym for spin at 630 til 730 then come home eat a bowl of oatmeal for rebound with half grapefruit (I will have to split the rest of the grapefruit with my daughter) then bed by 9..

    So yes I will be busy, I like it that way it make me think less about eating..

    Jena- I hope you get out of your funk soon

    marice- you are so right when its gloomy and rainy here I am upset when its sunny I am running around..i am ready to get to running back outside.. running is my passion it takes my mind of everything.

    kaite- I am glad you like zumba

    Jessica- Eat salad first then pizza you have a base for the pizza to hit.. I usually eat cicis friday becasue its only 4.99 for unlimited pizza.. and this is my meal and they have pasta and salad and dessert cant beat the price and when you are trying to be fruggle what better way!!

    well gonna go vacuum before I head to make dinner!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    mmmmm Panda Express I feel better now! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: :wink: :wink: :tongue: :tongue:
  • brashear_2420
    Good evening everyone. i had a pretty busy day. We had our first OB appointment today. It was all paper work and then some blood work. The nurse was so nice and so informative. We go back in 2 weeks for our first ultra sound and we are so excited. I cannot wait to hear the baby's heart beat. After that, we went to get some lunch at Panera Bread and then to Target. Then i came home and take a nap for 2 and a half hours. I got up and cooked dinner. Now I need to get up and clean the house and workout . Oh and yesterday we bought furniture for the baby. We got a crib that converts to a toddler bed, a changing table, a dresser, and an eddie bauer stroller and infant car set. We got it all at the NEX on base and it was $351 for everything. We just could not pass up that deal. So I am 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow and we already have the main furniture. I like to be prepared!

    Gas in Groton, CT is $3.39 so I feel the pain of high gas prices.

    Jena - I am so glad to see you posting. The yucky weather always messes with me too. I really hope that it is sunny this week so that you get to hit the trails this weekend. Sometimes we all need a break from the obsessive workoing out and calorie counting. Just hang in there and you will get your mojo back. I am sorry that times are so hard for you. I hope it turns around soon.

    Tamara - Good job on upping the calories. I am sure your body is loving the extra calories right now. I am glad you are doing well. I hope that noone breaks in to the house. Please be careful in the mornings.

    Amber - I am super proud of you for making a choice you were happy about. Call me anytime that you need. I am happy to be here for you. You got this my friend.

    Don - I think walking to work or biking is a great idea.

    Marcie - I am sorry that your baby is sick. I hope she has a fast recovery. Amp up on the Vitamin C and please don't get sick. How has your eating been this week?

    Jessica - I am not a fan of the pizza at Chuck E Cheese. I love me some salad and salad bars. I had a salad for lunch today and it was fabulous.

    Karen - I am sorry that you are having a rough and busy week. Good luck and get back to us next week when you can.

    Katie - I am glad to see you posting. They have a lot of good fitness games for the Wii. I almost got the Zumba, but changed my mind. I have a new pregnancy workout DVD that I need to put to use.

    I am sorry if I missed anyone, but I hope that everyone is doing great and hanging in there. I have to get off the couch and get my butt in gear. Have a good night everyone. Oh and my husband goes back to days tomorrow and I am so happy about that. I am ready to have a normal schedule again.
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Marcie: I have hypthyroidism...have had it for about 7 years now, so whenever it goes off balance, I start getting tired; this time, the doctor isn't sure what it is...but i've started a new exercise plan and eating healthier (of course), so lets hope for the best :)

    I just went thru and caught up with's a summary of my thoughts:
    1. So glad I don't live in the states at the moment, (gas prices are ridiculous!);
    2. glad to be a student; I guess I shouldn't complain so much about time constraints considering most of you are busy with families and work committments, and still find time to come onto MFP and make real changes in your lives...:flowerforyou: so proud of all of you for that!
    3. welcome to all the newbies :happy: I'll be on here messaging more often again, so I'm sure I'll get to know you soon!
    4. you guys are all awesome.... you guys for being such great cheerleaders

    xoxoxoxooxxo:heart: xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    bobbie- see thats what makes this whole wieght loss thing hard on me. I hate vegetables. I do like salad bars BUT I just cant gag down a salad at home. Its weird. I also do NOT like the dark lettuce and not the super white part either, the inbetween lol Yes sadly Ive given the picky eating gene to my son who is like that little girl on the comercial grocery shopping wtih her mom and keeps say she doesnt like everything the mom is checking off her list! My daughter on the other hand loves everything except pizza. Some days she eats alota pizza and others not so much as just picking at it. As far as the baby furniture lol Its good to be prepared. i had my crib for a long time when I got pregnant wtih my first. it was on the recalls recently so now IM without one but it was nice because I used it for two kids and basically got a refund! I did see one going onsale at walmart for 88 bucks and told DH taht we should get it even though we arent pregnant yet lol. How crazy does that sound!?
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Good evening team, maybe for me I should say bad evening for me I fell off my wagon and feel terible like I let all of you down as well as myself. I had a burger from Red Robin tonight with the garlic fries. It was good but not good for me. I did try to make it right by putting in my active workout tonight. I could have kept this to my self but I feel like I owe it you y'all to stay on the straight and narrow road. So here I am getting up after being knocked down. I am truly sorry my friends my team well I worked up a sweat I'm going to take a shower and off to beds. Talk to ya'll in the morning.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Interent down at home typing from phone enough said.
    will talk more later

    Don u didn't let any of is down..somedays are just like owned u worked out..your good
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    Good morninng everyone!!!!:yawn:

    Welcome Amanda!!!!:smile:

    Katie - glad you are enjoying the zumba wii. I have it and love it. I have not used it in about a month but your post reminded me how much I like to zumba:laugh: I think I will zumba tonight.

    Tamara - I emailed my weight to you. am I supposed to post it on board?

    Don - you did work out so that is great!!!! you are doing so well dont let this slow you down. it happens:smile:

    I did good yesterday and exercised for 100 minutes!!! woo hoo :laugh: will do it again today.

    any one doing the elliptical machine?( i think that is what its called) I can only do 5 minutes at a time. so I need to work myself up to at least 20 min.

    Have a good day everyone!!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Thank you all for your support and understanding. It felt like that burger just sat in my gut all night long. I have learned my lesson and won't let that happen again. Today is a new day yesterday is gone and over and I will just keep moving forward. I understand that this Zumba thing ya'll are talking about is an exercise thing but what is it exactly is it? :huh:

    Tamara I went to that web site and unfortunately it did not have jumping on a trampoline. However I found this other article that said if you are just jumping and playing around you burn 7.3 calories per minute that is 438 calories per hour.

    Karen hope all is well with you and you are feeling better:flowerforyou:

    Marci i am glad you are back. we are all proud of your son for doing what he is. I salute him and thank him for his service.

    I am going to try no wait I WILL :bigsmile: walk up to work this saturday to see how long it takes me so in the weeks to come I can walk and don't have to spend money on gas. I normally walk 4 mph so I think it will be around 1hour 15 min or less

    well here's hoping everyone has a great day.:drinker:
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning all, 10 year old son has hypothydorism. At the beginning it was hard to adjust the meds, but he is doing so much better now! I'm so glad things are falling in place and you will be back with us more! scary that someone broke into your neighbors house. Do please be careful! I hope your internet comes back up soon....I depend on your post!

    Bobbie...Wow you are wasting no time in getting the baby stuff! You are just super prepared! Save some of the buying because you know you will get gifts and gift cards! As far as my eating I did very well yesterday, fingers crossed I will keep it up! just keep on zumbaing! I can't wait to get mine....I just hear nothing but good stuff about it!

    Amy...You are doing so good! 100 minutes!! WOW! keep it up girl!!

    Don...don't beat yourself up....we are suppose to treat ourselves once in a while...that's why this works!! You worked it off, so you are good! crack me up girl!! Panda Express!!! I love me some Chinese food too!! It is my fave!! Weather any better there? are too funny with your picky eating self! I'm with you though...I don't like salads at home, but can do a salad bar anytime! How is your daughter doing? Weather getting better there too?

    Karen...I can't wait for TAKS to be over too! There is so much stress for students, teachers and parents during TAKS season! Hate it....wish they would just do final exams and call it a day! Even harder when you have a special needs child...just the worrying wether he will pass or not is nuts! Anyway...can't wait to have you back in full force next Wednesday.

    Who did I miss?...Kerri, Amanda hello ladies.

    Talk to you all later.
  • katieg2289
    Hello all!! We got the snow last night and despite not wanting it, I got caught up in the excitement and beauty of it! It's melting now, though.

    Don - Zumba is kind of a mix between dance and aerobics, or at least that is how I would describe it. Lots of gyms offer classes, but I decided I'd rather do it in the privacy of my own home for now! :)

    I'm planning on doing Week 1 Day 1 of Couch 2 5k on the treadmill at the gym tonight, and I must say that I am quite nervous!! I'm excited too, though! I'll let you all know tomorrow how it goes!

    Have a wonderful day, whether it be snowy like us or nice and sunny!! :)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    HELLO B2B!!
    Ok so I have planned my menu and exercise for the day. DH (dear husband) wont be home tonight till after 10 so I know I can get in my hour on the elliptical. I did most of it last night at a resistance of 6 and up to 7. As "bad" as I thought I have been doing I am still at 179 and thats after a pretty high sodium intake yesterday so maybe just maybe I will see a loss tomorrow.

    I know this question has been asked and answered but do any of you highly recommend a digital scale. I am ready to buy one and just want to pick a good one! Having a wishy washy one for so long I just want that headache to be over! :ohwell:
    WW I think is a pretty popular one but what is YOUR favorite?
    here is to a great weigh in day! :drinker: