SAHM 2/21 to 2/27



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Amy~you seriously crack me up! Love the comment....We must, we must, we must decrease our buns!?!?! For me I am mostly happy with my buns size but would LOVE to have a smaller bust size. At one point I was a DD now just a D looking to get to a B or C. :laugh: My friend does not eat anything cooked. She says that when she has slipped (going to family/friends) it has given her a big fat stomach ache so she stays away from it. She took baby steps to where she is at. Just loved the results that it gave so she went all in.

    Aj~Love the new shoes. I am 5'3" and my shoe size is 7 to 7.5 depending on the shoe sometimes even 8. Isn't pregnancy just so much fun? Oh what it does to our bodies.

    So proud of myself I got my work done in 1hr and 45 min tonight.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Holly, AJ, 4love, Stacey and Katie: thanks for the encouragement!

    Katie—I totally should have gone for the turbo kick class today. My step class had a “substitute” teacher and it totally threw me off….completely different style of teaching so I was lost and I really think that I didn’t get as good of a workout because I wasn’t pushing as hard, I was more concentrating on what to do.

    Laura—Welcome to the group! I am the same kind of SAHM mom you are—20 hrs a week, but my son comes with me to the office, and I am able to work from home too. Good luck with your weight loss journey!

    Swtchrypie—the dirty clothes monster found his way to my house as well. Hopefully I will be evicting him tomorrow.

    AJ—those are some sweet shoes! Hope the size works out for you!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    4loveofkids ............Might of been...It was a NFL and American Heart run, Washington Redskin cheerleaders were there, the band and even the head coaches wife, along with some other wives, which I'm not sure who they But it was awesome, everyone wore there favorite team shirt or jersey...It was so much fun!! Would love to meet there next year....

    Aj..............LOVE the new kicks!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    AJ ~ Why can't we live closer? We could swap shoes and clothes....I'm 5'3" with monster 9s as well LOL! My hubby is 5'8" and wears a 13, our kids are doomed ;-P

    Katie ~ I hope your friends can help!! Good job on the workout!

    Amy ~ Hahahah!! I love it, that should be our new SAHM Mantra!

    KC ~ oh no!! Next time! LOL

    So I've been bummed about backing out of the half Marathon in May (friend's wedding week) But I'm signing up for a 5k tomorrow, so at least it's something. I really really love doing races, so hopefully this well help :) I will have to try to do my two half marathons int he fall because nothing really fits into the schedule this spring....

    Anyway, excited for my asiago cheese bagel in the morning from Panera...I will be working it off anyway, right?? :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    KatieM, good for you for getting your work done so fast! :)

    Katie, Capital L's Unite! hahaha... my husband is 5'7". His feet aren't huge, but he's so short. And then I'm short. So... our kids are destined to be munchkins. :laugh: Poor kiddos. Good for you for finding a different race to do instead of just giving up on it altogether. That's good drive. :) And that bagel sounds yummo!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Turbo Fire scares me, you women are braver than I!! Have I mentioned how ridiculously out of shape I am? I try not to think about it, but when a 5 minute jog almost kills me I wonder how I ever used to run 4-5 miles. Then again I also used to sleep back then! Poor baby had a fever last night and was only up twice, but the 2nd time she was up for 2 hours. I knew I'd jinx myself bragging about sleeping through the night.

    I wish I had more time to keep up on here. Maybe at work tomorrow :P I picked up an extra shift and it's my first time going in in 2 weeks! I was kind of enjoying the break.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    AJ - Girl, my feet grew after both kids, I started out an 8 1/2 sometimes 9. Now it's always a 9 1/2 or, I don't buy the shoe, LOL.

    KatieM - DD, D, the good old days, I miss my perky little DD boobies. This is sooooo embarassing but my nursing bra w/ the little man is a 34 H, yep H as in HELP, I'm drowning in boobies. Worst part, I had to go in for an emergency C-section and hadn't bought my bra yet. My hubby and brother stopped to pick it up for me. Note to self: NEVER let two grown men with the combined maturity of a 13 yo boy p/u a nursing bra for you. Let's just say I was privy to many a joke. Man, your friend is killer, I just don't know if I could do it full time. I like me a little bacon every once in a while and I'm thinin that wouldn't go down too well raw. (Hey, why no barfing smiley??) I have heard of people that do eat raw meat, even chicken. Gag me with a spoon!!!!!

    Cat - I'll have to ask her if that's the one she did. I know she did a big one in the fall in DC. I heart her, she is in amazing shape and takes such good care of herself.

    Katie - OK, you can't go showing off your bod and talking about a 1/2 marathon and then tell me about your yummy bagel you're going to eat. I need to believe that you live on bird food and workout 20 hours a day. :brokenheart: I do think it's awesome that you are doing another race, way to keep movin forward. No mom jeans for you!!

    Wildcatmom - Oh yes, stalk us while you're at work. :heart: It's nice to see so many moms coming together to better ourselves and support eachother. Hope your baby sleeps better tonight.

    I think everyone is snoring so I better get to bed. Hoping I can do a longer w/o tomorrow, I've been slacking and sooo hungry. TOM ended yesterday so I don't have any excuses left. The only butterball I want to see is on Thanksgiving!!
  • ellen1980
    Thanks for all the suggestions ladies! Will try some of those sweet snacks out the next time I get the craving!!

    I posted this in another thread but does anyone ever get those days where you feel like you are starving all day long? It's so weird. I could literally eat everything in sight. I don't of course, but the hunger pains suck.......
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Woo hoo, my lil guy finally crawled last night!!! Now, once he gets better, it'll be time to put on those running shoes and start the chase, lol.

    Man, a lot of posting going on this week, I can't keep up, so sorry this is general again, but:

    Welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:

    Congrats on all who had weight losses!

    Now, that I've been off the train, I can't seem to get back on, I did 30DS the one day, well 1/2 of it, since lil one was being cranky that day bc he wasn't feeling well....I just can't seem to get the motivation back on. Hm, do I need a different workout? I do like doing the 30DS......or should I try a different level? I had done 18 of 30 days on level one before I had to stop.

    Sorry this is short, need to get cleaned up for the day, pack Jeremey's diaper bag, and then go pay a few bills, and then meet hubby for lunch at Flat Top Grill :smile:
  • swtchrypie
    Ellen- I do that all the time there are days I could eat and never be satisfied. I feel like i should put locks on my cabinets and fridge :)

    Bluerose- WooWhooo! How exciting the lil man crawling!!! Im still waiting for my girl to roll over.

    Today should be interesting, my son woke up this morning with a tummy ache and my little girl is apparently training for a screaming contest. So I got two moody kids yippie! Time to think of distractions to keep em happy.
  • binabodu
    binabodu Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds like I need to get a digital scale. Maybe when I am a little more comfortable with what the difference could be. Haha.

    Holly- Bummer about your sick little one. We have been battling illness all winter. I am so ready for spring but of course we have a winter weather advisory today! I hope your house gets better soon.

    AJ- I feel you on the house. I have been gone all week during the day and will be gone again today volunteering at my older daughter's classroom. Those are cute shoes! I feel you on the huge feet, I'm 5'9 so I try to justify it and pregnancy growth.

    Barb- Maybe try going up a level to see if you enjoy level 2 more. Maybe that will keep you motivated. I did 10 days on each level and had great results.

    Welcome everyone new. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Wildcat, I'm right there with you on being out of shape. And you're right, not getting enough sleep has SO much to do with it. I hope baby feels better soon.

    Amy, get back on the train today! You can do it! :) I saw a cool blog on here (of course now I can't remember whose it was) about quick ways to burn 100 calories. It involved things like marching in place, taking a brisk 15-minute walk, etc. You don't have to have a ton of time to get a good burn. That's essential for us mommies! We don't have a lot of time!

    Ellen, if I'm legitimately hungry, growling tummy and all, I eat. That's probably not what most MFPers will tell you to do, but it's what I do. If I'm having a starving day, I try to make sure I'm eating healthy, lower-cal stuff instead of noshing on chips or whatever, but I eat. Try to get some extra fiber (and drink extra water with that fiber!) and good lean protein and maybe it will help.

    Barb, I would try something different. Sometimes when we get out of a routine it's hard to get back in it without changing things up. It's like after a break it suddenly seems boring. Try something new! :)

    Swtchrypie, your screenname is hard for me to type. I'm gonna call you Switch. :tongue: I hope your day goes relatively smoothly. Do what you have to do to keep your sanity! Hopefully the kids will settle down soon.

    Today we have a playdate, but the appliance guy is also maybe coming to fix our washer. It broke yesterday mid-load, of course. And now I have no pajamas. I hope he comes today. But I also hope he comes either before or after our playdate. They didn't call me to tell me the appointment (always happens that way -- I have to call the landlord to get the appointment, and she never remembers to call me back and let me know) so I'm not canceling plans. We're going. If they show up and we're not here, maybe they'll complain to the landlord and then she'll start calling me and letting me know these things! Argh!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hello ladies!! Mind if I join in a bit late? Do you start a new thread each week or just change the dates on this one?

    I'm Nicole and I have two kids-DD is almost 4 and DS just turned 2. I try to get them involved in the exercises by using the Wii Fit with them in the mornings. When the weather is above freezing we usually go outside and walk around our (very hilly) neighborhood. I either push both of them in the stroller (they weigh 81 pounds combined!) or I wear DS on my back and push DD. This week I've been trying to work out a bit more with the Wii after they go to bed too, like doing free run or free step for 20 minutes. I also play indoor volleyball on Tuesday nights for two hours. I've been following a vegan diet since the end of November and that's really what has helped me lose so much weight. I have pacreatic issues so I do need to limit my diet quite a bit, but I don't deny myself a few things-in moderation. I really do get sick if I eat too much sugar or fat so that's good motivation to eat well. :)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Okay I squeezed in a 20min. Zumba DVD this morning..feeling very marshmallow like since I've only been at the gym once this week. Lucy has a doctor appt. this morning so hopefully we'll figure out what is going on with her. Day 3 of constant fever and sore throat.

    I gotta run, check back soon.

  • mamato4boys1girl
    Morning Ladies
    One more day until the weekend!! Sunday is going to be a girls day out for me, yippie!! I have to fit in a girls day of shopping/lunch/whatever before hubby leaves. Of course the baby will be with me but until they are mostly on solids they don't really count, haha! I have no time in my day to pump so I rarely even leave the house without him unless it's like a quick trip to the store & I know he's not going to want to nurse while I am gone. I really don't mind because they all seem to be growing so fast & that is one one thing that only mommy can still do so they stick with me. Speaking of baby he has his first cold, a bit of a cough & runny nose but luckily no fevers or anything worse. It made for a fussy day yesterday, he just wanted to be held so my workout was cut quiet short. I have been actually fighting a sore throat for a couple of days & last night the sinus stuff hit hard out of no where with a headache & pressure. Other than that I feel okay but it will probably make me less than motivated for my workout today. Only today & tomorrow & I will be done with the Slim in 6. I am excited to see if I can actually see any real results when I do my final pictures. It hasn't been the best 6 weeks cause I missed a week in there but we will see. I did go back down to my last check in weight after jumping up for a day or two for some reason, so I'm happy about that. Now if it just keeps going down that will make me even happier!

    Barb~if you decided to stick with the 30DS I am thinking of starting it for the first time on Monday maybe we can keep each other motivated through it! I haven't looked at it yet really is it suppose to be 30 days straight or do you get a break day each week? Cause I think I need that one day each weekend to relax or just to run around & not have to worry about when I will get my workout in.

    Well speaking of workout since they baby nursed & fell back to sleep, my oldest is out the door to school & the other two are just in veg mode watching Curious George maybe I will try to get that workout in now! Hope everyone has a nice day.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    not all caught up....but have enjoyed what i read.

    barb--you just have to move forward. as tony of p90x fame says--Just :Press Play. Do your best and forget the rest.

    And that is how i got out of bed before 6am today and did Core from p90x. hard b/c my abs are definitely WEAK. but disappointed that the cal burn wasn't higher. oh well....

    plan for today--drink water, get stretch in?
    plan for rest of week--exercise everyday, eat protein, drink water to flush out that fat. NO weighing till Tuesday.

    what will you do to end the week strong??
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wildcat ~ Don't let it scare you, it's so so fun! :) You're getting back on track and you will be back to running 4-5 miles again!

    Amy ~ LOL! I work out way too hard to eat like a bird ;P

    Ellen ~ Yes! On days I feel like that, I have an entire glass of water before everything I eat, and after. Helps keep the hunger away. Just try to eat healthy and you'll get through!

    Barb ~ I think you are more than ready for level 2!

    Swtchrypie ~ Good luck keeping the kids entertained today...I know how trying days like today are.

    AJ ~ Swtchrypie was hard to type for me until I sounded it out...Sweet Cherry Pie LOL And now I hear Poison every time I type it Hope you had fun with your playdate!

    Welcome Nicole! We start a new thread every week and we are just a laid back group that talks about everything. Congrats on your loss so far and becoming a vegan, I'm sure it was hard to do!

    Holly ~ love the new pic! cute workout outfit!

    Stacey ~ Hmmm...I might just be crazy and do Zumba tonight, even though I've already did strength training and turbokick. I'm going to eat healthy as I can tomorrow, Saturday I am going to eat well all day, then I am headed to a wine and cheese tasting party where I will be very very bad, but back in the saddle Sunday!

    BTW, I am seeing an endocrinologist on the 19th and talk about possibly having mild hypothyroidism...I have symptoms that I didn't even know were symptoms other than not being able to drop weight even for as hard as I work and healthy as I eat...I should weigh 120! LOL Anyway, other symptoms are irregular periods (every 3 weeks, lasts 6-8 days), irritability, tired ( I get 8-10 hours of sleep a night and could still take naps) we'll see. I've had a nodule on my thyroid for at least 8 years, it has grown 1cm over the years (1.1cm-2.3cm) but it hasn't made my THS levels off at all. But there are other tests that have never been run on me that I'm hoping they will now!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, my normal day has been not so normal of a day.............Woke up to a very sick 9yr old.. Emailed with his teacher and she had 5 out of class yesterday..So I am thinking something is going I have been spraying lysol around here like crzy, I can't afford to be down and out, nor do I want my 4yr old getting it ...But why does it seem all the cleaning in the world won't stop a bug from working its way through the
    I wasn't able to get to the gym this morning, and its been a week since my procedures ......So my week has been out of routine for me...I am hoping by Monday, I can get back at it ..... Plus having my mom visiting for the week, that always kind of throws my routine off a She loves coming to visit and loves to order Cream Of Crab yummy..She's killing

    Well, I hope mom's you've had a great Thursday.....YAY for Friday.......Stay Strong and keep moving
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Wow, this one is burning up today! Everyone is on. What a nice read. Today was my first day back at getting a "normal" workout in and it felt good. Everyone still has a chunky nose and the kids have a lingering cough, but we are all on the mend. It's snowing....again, so bonus workout for shoveling later. If it stops long enough for me to get out there.

    aj: shoes look great, my feet always swell when I exercise :( So I wish you luck on the size.

    4love: I'm with you, I'd actually like to keep my "heavy" sized buns, but thats the first thing to go one me:( No butt or hips.....kinda sad actually :laugh:

    kata: you are my hero! Your back looks AMAZING!

    ellen: me! me! I normally have those days after eating REALLY good for a couple, only I normally do eat everything that's not nailed down. I end up going over cals, but not crazy. I eat 1/2 portions or really low calorie snacks. I don't go by a box of ho ho's or anything. My main cheating is mini marshmellows. There so not the best thing in the world, but who can eat more than a cup of them 150cals.

    blue: Yah for crawling babies!!

    bina: Great weight loss!

    PNC: welcome!! Pretty new here too. We do start a new thread on Mondays...nicolee516 does that (Thank you nicolee!) Normally late morning. She'll post the thread on this one.

    holly: Great pic :wink:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome, PNCTink! We do start a new week, but Nicole always links at the end of the old thread. Some of us (namely me) always forget and keep posting in the old thread, so you might have to go back a couple of posts. But it'll be there. My kids love doing the Wii Fit too! It's fun for us. I let them choose some of the activities, so they always go for the silly ones, and then I'll pick strength exercises in between their fun ones. We all get the movement we need, and it's fun. :)

    Holly, so sorry to hear she's still sick! :( Keep us posted.

    Christi, I never pumped either. It was a waste of time. Took forever, and then my babies always refused a bottle anyway. I just took 'em along in the wrap carrier and like you said, it wasn't a big deal. :) Hope you and baby both feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

    Stacey, GO YOU for getting up so early to work out! That's awesome!

    Katie, I never would have figured that out. I feel dumb. :laugh: That makes more sense. Glad you're seeing the specialist. Hopefully you can get some answers!

    clcole, I hope the rest of your family doesn't get sick. Take care.

    DJ, glad everyone's on the mend and you were able to get your workout in. It snowed here, but we just caught the tail end of the storm so it was just a dusting. I'm so over snow!

    After wearing them around the house for two days, I've decided that I'm not going to exchange my shoes. My feet feel really good with them on. I even did my workout today with them, and I have no foot pain! I usually do have a little pain after a barefoot workout. So, I'm keeping them. I was also happy with my workout today. I did a custom workout with my EA instead of doing one of the programs, and I just avoided the exercises that usually hurt the fronts of my thighs. I got a good burn, worked up a nice sweat, was able to maintain a good heart rate for a longer time. And now that I'm done, I don't feel weak and my legs aren't twitchy. I think I was right, I just have to go easy on that particular muscle group. So that's the new plan. We'll see how it goes for the future.