New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    Wednesday Question: Are you a fruit or veggie person (or both)? And if you're more of one than the other, is there anything that you found helpful to get the other into your diet more often?

    I actually love both and I guess that's the problem I have...I pretty much like everything...:laugh: . I'm finally learning how to eat in moderation. Just because it's healthy, doesn't mean I can overindulge. My favorite fruits are apples, grapes, strawberries/berries, and pineapples. My favorite veggies are asparagus, green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower. Yum :tongue:
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Fruit or veggie person.....neither. While I would much rather eat fruit, I hardly ever do.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Tuesday question-I try to make sure the kids eat a fairly balanced meal, though it is difficult as they are all such picky eaters and seldom like the same thins. I also try to get them to play and be active as much as possible. Hopefully taking the little ones to the gym with me 4 days a week helps them to realize that exercise is for everyone including parents.

    Wed. question-I prefer fruits over most veggies though I don't do particularly great eating from either category.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Wednesday Question: Are you a fruit or veggie person (or both)? And if you're more of one than the other, is there anything that you found helpful to get the other into your diet more often?

    Most definately a fruit person. There aren't many fruits that I don't like. I have some issues with veggies. I like corn, green beans, and spinach cooked. There are many more I like raw, but that's all for cooked. I do try to incorporate them into dishes though. I will eat cooked carrots with a roast. I like to throw in some fresh green beans too. In a chili or soup you can add veggies and never really know the difference. I like celery raw but it should be a crime to put celery into soups - its just not good.
  • Wednesday Question: Are you a fruit or veggie person (or both)? And if you're more of one than the other, is there anything that you found helpful to get the other into your diet more often?

    I'm much more of a fruit person. It's a struggle to get the right veggies into my diet. And on the SCD plan, fruit isn't allowed and veggies are required at every meal, so that's been the hardest part for me to stick to.
  • 35 been togeather 2 yrs married 6 months this time 4 kids 18 to 5
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    @Shannon - Yeah, my wife reacts to sugars and I was surprised to hear her doctor say (though in retrospect as I started looking into it made more sense) to seriously limit her fruit due to all the sugars ... she was on a juicer kick for a while and when throwing fruit into the mix really spiked it ... and unfortunately spinach juice isn't as tasty ;)
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I prefer fruits, although I eat a big veggie salad most nights for dinner and enjoy it. Fruit makes such a great snack though. My favorites are strawberries and peaches, but they have to be good quality. I hate buying strawberries and coming home to find out there is already one moldy one in the bottom that I didn't see!
  • I like fruits and veggies, my favorite fruits are blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and apples. Veggies are good too at lunch and dinner or for a snack. I love asparagas, brocolli, carrots, celery, sweet potatoes, etc.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    I am a fruit person - have been since I was a toddler, apparently. Veggies are more of an effort, sometimes - but we have a salad bar at lunch at work, that helps. Plus, I'm a huge fan of baby carrots and cucumber sticks as snacks.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I love the fruit only because it seems more easily prepared. I can grab an apple, orange , grapes, grapefruit(love love love love grapefruit), bananas and snack quite easily but veggies take longer. The best way for me to get my veggies in is just by eating a lot of soups or casseroles. I can hit the recipes with multiple veggies rather than just 1 or 2 as a side dish. I am not going vegan anytime soon .
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    Up until now I have been a fruit person but lately I have come to really love my veggies. I have started to get huge veggie cravings.
    I am loving roast vegetable stakcs on polenta and eggplant parmigana. Yum.

    It is summer here and the stone fruits are just coming to an end I love them and wonder if the fact they are at the end of the season may be why I have started losing weight again. I may have had way too many fresh local cherries over summer. I love summer fruit.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Wow, lots of fruit people!! =) ... I guess that doesn't surprise me though as I'm usually the weird one ;)

    Anyway, how about a question today that is on my mind right now!

    Q) What exercise routines work the best for you to make sure you get in your workout and still enjoy family time?

    A for me) I like running as I've mentioned, but running on a treadmill drives me nuts ... I need to be outside, cold or not. However this winter has been difficult as I really don't mind the cold, but by the time I get home, get dinner, spend time with the kids, clean up and get them to bed it's dark ... usually not a big problem, but running in the dark with ice is not so smart so unless it's the weekend or I've been on vacation, I've been finding it difficult to find the time. I'm not a gym guy, and running is the only thing that I enjoy doing, so I'm wondering what other routines are out there that may give me some new insight! :)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Wednesday's question...I am not much of a fruit eater. In the summer I do eat a lot of watermelon and strawberries though. At our house we eat a lot of salads and steamed veggies. Love broccoli and cauliflower!!

    Thursday's husband and I do our P90X workouts at night, usually at 8:00 so we can get to bed by 9:30. We try to get dinner finished as quickly at possible and get a little family time in before we workout. Working out at night does take some family time away, but my son is 14 so sometimes he works out with us or he has his own things going on. Sunday is our "rest" day and our only day off work, so that's when we try to get some quality family time in.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    My exercise routine is done at the gym. I go in the morning otherwise it won't get done. I do 20 min. of cardio to get warmed up then alternate lifting between upper body and lower body on different days followed by another 20min. or so of cardio. After that it's time for abs and stretching (my favorite part). I also like doing Zumba when I find a good teacher, or step class (I used to teach several years ago).

    This week I've been in to the gym only once due to a sick little girl. I am so feeling like a marshmallow and resenting the fact I can't go. Exercise at home is not really possible because my youngest is constantly needing attention since she doesn't have her sister to play with. Hopefully health will return her soon.

  • I either have to workout in the morning before work or right when I get home. Otherwise it just doesn't get done. If it's after work and DH is home I try to limit it to 30 mins so it's not taking too much time away from together time....and dinner doesn't get pushed back too far.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Wednesday question:
    I am a vegetable person. If I don't eat something green everyday, I feel like I've missed out. I have been trying to supplement my breakfast and snacks to equal at least one piece of fruit a day but don't always get it.

    Thursday question:
    I typically work out right after work. I don't have any kids and my husband knows if I don't work out, I get nutty so he is okay with me not being home until 630 or 7 most nights. It gives him time to play Golden Tee with his BFF or work around the house. So we have good "me" time. Sometimes we run together which is nice. Once we have kids I am pretty sure my workouts will be swtiched to before work. My next house will have a home gym.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member

    Q) What exercise routines work the best for you to make sure you get in your workout and still enjoy family time?
    Honestly, this is the reason why I don't workout as much as I need to. I work full time, come home, cook/eat, then play with my girls, clean, give them baths. I've been working towards doing the elliptical or something before they go to bed, but just haven't yet. Their bedtime is 10pm so that means that's when I get to workout since I CANNOT get up and do it before work. Half the time I just go to bed because I'm tired, and sleep is important too. So, I'll be looking at the responses to see what others do as well.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Wednesday: I like both fruits and veggies. I eat more veggies, but like fruits more. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries... YUM!

    Thursday's question doesn't much apply since there's just the two of us.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    @Shannon (Shamrock) ... I'm glad I'm not the only one having issues with finding the time! :) ... In the Spring/Summer/Fall (as I like running) no biggie ... I can go for a night run (and I love night runs) after the kids are in down and then hang out with Marceen when I get back ... but in the winter I don't exactly want to break a leg ;) ... I have a nice recumbent bike but still am searching for consistent motivation ... I keep telling myself that in the Spring it will get easier again!!! :)
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