Kids Say The Darnest Things..



  • tater8589
    One of my co-workers has a son (about 5 i think)
    Last Christmas he caught his son kissing an 8 yr little girl at one of the parties they were at, My cw takes his son Jr to the bathroom and askes him "Jr why are you kissing on that little gir, she's older than you" Jr says "Daddy she's really pretty"
  • tater8589
    I don't know how old I was, but my mom tells me when I was little I told my grandfather (Papa) "You need to potty train your cows"
    He had a farm and of coarse cows just go where ever they are standing, I apparently was tired of trying not to step in cow patties. Lol.
  • ladyk09
    Ok ok I have one day my aunt was talking to me, my sister and my cousin about becoming teenagers and such....we got on the topic of sex and my aunt made a statement that you girls are all virgins now and blah cousin yelled "I am not a virgin ( she was about 11 years old)!" everyone was like-- yes u are! We all went back and forward a couple of times with yes you are, no I am not, yes YOU ARE!!!!! My cousin finally yelled, I am not a virgin I am a LEO! Hahaha we still laugh about that one!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    my 3 1/2 yr old told me " i dont like coffee, because it makes me cough" haha get it...cough-ee
  • fitmom4ever
    My three year old wanted to know what was in the miso soup she was eating the other day, so my husband told her it was tofu, it is yummy and good for you. So a few days later I walk into her room where she and my 9 month old are playing, and I see the baby sucking on her toes. Immediately I go "Ew, Rachel, get your toes out of Roni's mouth, that's gross." To which she responds, "But Mommy, Daddy said toe food was yummy and good for you." I still can't stop laughing when I think about it.

    On the other side, the embarrassing side, I was having trouble sleeping a few months ago, getting maybe 2 hrs of sleep a night, and my husband decided he was tired of seeing his wife look like a zombie and was taking matters into his own hands. So one day he came home from the liquor store with a small bottle of vodka and some cranberry juice. When my daughter asked what the bottle was, he replied honestly, "This is alcohol to help Mommy sleep." We didn't think twice about it until last week when we returned from a shopping trip and started unloading groceries in front of the kids and my mother-in-law. As my husband pulled out the bottle of rubbing alcohol my daughter, always curious, piped up "What's that Daddy?" "Rubbing alcohol." "Oh, that's the stuff that helps Mommy sleep." *i sink through the floor as i look at MIL's questioning face*

    Oh yeah, last one, but truly priceless: We were having a really hard time with potty training my older daughter immediately after the baby was born (jealousy and regression and all that). After a particularly trying week with multiple accidents a day I scooped my daughter up in my arms and felt a disconcerting wetness. I asked, "Rachel, are you panties wet?" She just looked me in the eyes and asked in a matter-of-fact tone, "Mommy, does Cookie Monster eat cookies?" I think that is the toddler version of "Does a bear s**t in the woods?"
  • tater8589
    bump. these are so funny.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    We were a military family when our son was small. The kid and I were flying out ot Salt Lake City to Atlanta to meet hubby for a few days. He was about 5 or 6 then and when the plane took off he said, very loudly, "My tallywhacker feels funny!" The entire section of cheap seats were in hysterics laughing.
  • chickybabe05
    We are farmers so my children are pretty advanved in the where babies come from area lol anyway i was shopping with my 3 yr old daughter, i picked up a tray of eggs and she screws up her face and and says "god, i can't eat those baby chickens" so there i am explaining that these are just eggs and there are no baby chickens inside, she continues insisting there must be so i have to explain how where these eggs come from there are no roosters. She finally gets it and pipes up " oh so the hens and roosters don't make babies there" i was so embarrassed as the man next to me is doubled over laughing.

    also a classic is when she see the cows "riding" each other...she says they are having piggy backs!!! lol
  • chickybabe05
    Hahaha just remembered a really good one...a few months back i was really ill. I was in the bathroom when my partner came home, he asked our 7 yr old where i was, she replied, mums in the bathroom again. I think we will have another baby in house soon. My partner was white as a ghost when i came back from the bathroom, i asked him what was wrong and he said is there something you haven't told me?
    lol poor guy scared him half to death
  • jsimmons5730
    When I was around 5 or 6, my Sunday school teacher asked if we had any prayer requests. I spoke up and asked her to please pray for my mommy because everytime she writes a check my dad yells at her.

    Also, when my sister was about 4 or 5, we were at church, and during the service she got away from my mom and ran up to the front of the church. Before anyone could get to her she bent down to pick something up. The poblem was, my sister had decided to take her underwear off at some point that morning and no one knew it. So she proceded to moon the entire church. LOL

    Now, lets get to my kids. My son has always had nose bleeds. When he was around 8 yrs old, we were driving down the interstate when he started up with one. I didnt have any tissues or napkins on hand, I searched my purse for something and the only thing I could find was a maxi pad. He had no clue what it was but my 11 yr old daughter did. We couldnt stop laughing, and he kept looking at us and saying "WHAT!!" with a big ol pad flat against his face. My husband shook his head and told us we were so mean, but it was priceless. And of course I happend to have my camera so I snapped a nice pic to use as blackmail
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    bump :)
  • mlemonroe2
    I used to work in an eye clinic and one of the doctors is in his 20's and very good looking. I had a patient one day and his wife and young daughter were with him and when the good looking doctor walked by the little girl looked at her mom and said "mommy, I like that doctor!" I looked at her mom and giggled a little but the mother didn't think it was funny!! I had to run and tell all of the other doctors! Loved it!