New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • When Im home I try to work out when my kids are at school, most days its not a problem. My wife does get upset when I get home in the evening and want to workout that day. Its really the only time she gives me grief about it.
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    Q) What exercise routines work the best for you to make sure you get in your workout and still enjoy family time?

    A) I normally exercise during my lunch and/or breaks. That will allow me to come home and spend quality time with my family. On the weekends, my family and I spend a lot of time at the park. At times, we'll bring our two chocolate labs to join us for a nice walk. On rainy/cold days, I Zumba :smile:
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    I tend to workout once the kids are in bed or after school drop off when my daughter can go in care. I prefere 9am ish in the morning if it fits in. I hate to get up early to exercise.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    We have an elliptical and a bunch of dvds, that I do love, but our house is just awful. We are moving in two weeks so I'm hoping to have an area set up just for all this. I don't mind the kids around, but hate secluding myself to work out at this time. If I can workout while they play along side I'll be more likely to do it...I think.

    Matt - I really want to start running. I was planning to buy a treadmill because I have issues with running outside. However, our new house is close to some trails, and its in a neighborhood. My plan is to attempt to start running when the snow is gone.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    ~* ~* ~* FRIDAY Question! *~ *~ *~

    I just love anything that starts with the word Friday ;) ... Anyway how about something not food or fitness related!

    Q) Any fun or big plans for the weekend??

    A) My goal is to start doing some damage on getting the new room ready (previously an extra 'play' room) for our son to move into so we can get the baby's room opened up (his current room). I think my goal will simply be to move furniture out and get the carpet ripped up ... doesn't sound too fun perhaps but I'm excited to start the room switch process!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    ~* ~* ~* BIRTHDAY QUESTION! *~ *~ *~

    (If you want to share) let us know your birthday ... I'd love to keep a list going and keep the birthday wishes out there! :)

    A) Mine is January 17th
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Matt - I really want to start running. I was planning to buy a treadmill because I have issues with running outside. However, our new house is close to some trails, and its in a neighborhood. My plan is to attempt to start running when the snow is gone.

    My favorite 5k races that I did this summer/fall were the cross country / trail runs ... so fun and beautiful!
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    ~* ~* ~* FRIDAY Question! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Any fun or big plans for the weekend??

    A) My husband comes from an amazing and large family (7 siblings total). There's always a birthday party every weekend :happy: . Looks like we'll have some sun this Sunday (I live in California). So typically after church and a quick wardrobe change, we head out to the park with our labs for a nice walk/or hike...but in this case, I think it'll be a walk. The roads will be too muddy for a hike. Then after our walk, we'll have a nice afternoon lunch at the park. Our local park has some breathtaking panoramic views. My hubby and I love this little tradition we just started on Sundays...and the kids seem to love it too. :heart:
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    ~* ~* ~* BIRTHDAY QUESTION! *~ *~ *~

    (If you want to share) let us know your birthday ... I'd love to keep a list going and keep the birthday wishes out there! :)

    Mine is January 30th
  • Hi there! I am 30 years old and happily married with 5 wonderful children. I have 2 beautiful children of my own (ages 5 and 7) and then I have 3 amazing step-children (ages 8,11, and 13).

    I am absolutely in love with my family and I would like to try to get in shape for myself and to be a better example for my children. I would love to meet new people who share the same goals as I do. Hopefully I will get the oppurtunity to get to know some of you better and good luck to everyone on your journey!:smile:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    ~* ~* ~* FRIDAY Question! *~ *~ *~
    Q) Any fun or big plans for the weekend??

    I plan to seriously get to work packing up our house. Moving in two weeks and I hate to be doing it all that weekend.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Plans for the weekend....

    My weekends don't start until Saturday at noon....I work half a day every Saturday, totally ruins the weekend! Then hopefully we will be making a trip to Lowe's for building supplies. We are remodeling and the next project is my new bathroom!! Can't wait to get started!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Ha, our 1st floor bathroom (the one the guests use!) is still stuck in the 60's ;) ... One day ... one day ...
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    I plan to seriously get to work packing up our house. Moving in two weeks and I hate to be doing it all that weekend.

    My wife was in the hospital having our son the same weekend I was moving ... so going back and forth from the hospital to moving trucks was an exhausting and crazy weekend (granted Marceen had the much harder job!) ... Poor planning on my part ... I was counting on a due date to be exact! lol ... so she left our apartment for the hospital, and then left the hospital for our new/old home! ... so glad we bought at the time (2002), it was an investment right? ;) ... ouch!
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    ~* ~* ~* FRIDAY Question! *~ *~ *~
    Q) Any fun or big plans for the weekend??

    I plan to seriously get to work packing up our house. Moving in two weeks and I hate to be doing it all that weekend.

    if the roads get any better tonight, the hubby and myself are going to karaoke ... my fave for date night, but if the roads r still crappy, then we'll be having movie night:bigsmile:
  • Meggie that is funny what is your favorite karaoke tune to sing?
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    This weekend....

    Sleeping in!!!
    I've been working 12 straight days and have had late night music stuff on 9 of those nights. I cannot wait to stay in bed past 7am.
    Other than that this weekend is once again about music. Playing in the orchestra pit tonight and tomorrow night for the musical Company. Sunday is rehearsal for a huge gig next Friday night with my afro cuban salsa band.
    Oh, and I might actually find some time to get some good workouts in finally!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Weekend plans have been canceled. My daughter Lucy turns 4 on Sunday and we were going to have friends over to celebrate. But, due to this lovely virus that is spreading through my children we will be canceling. I am hoping to get into the gym at least once this weekend because I'm not going there with sick children.

    Birthday-Sept. 8 will be turning 40!

  • ~* ~* ~* FRIDAY Question! *~ *~ *~

    Q) Any fun or big plans for the weekend??

    Saturday: A family trip to a museum/art gallery, followed by DVD night.
    Sunday: Surf life Saving training

    ~* ~* ~* BIRTHDAY Question! *~ *~ *~

    25th March. 35 this year :noway:
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