Summer Challenge- from parka to bathing suit



  • joynova
    joynova Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Joy and I gained 30 pounds the year after my mom passed away (3 years ago) and haven't had much luck losing it. I did lose 16 pounds last winter but gained it back over the summer. Like many others here, I don't want to hide in shorts and a tank top this summer! I want to feel good in my bathing suit again!
    My starting weight is 179 and my goal weight is 155. I don't tend to loose very quickly so I want to be realistic! lol
    Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
    Thanks Marci!
  • This challenge sounds great. I am getting married in July and need to lose weight before then! I will need help to stay motivated!

    SW 130
    GW 115

    Congrats! How exciting! You can do it!
  • I'm Meghan! :) Are we weighing in starting THIS Wednesday?

    You know what, we can if ya'll want just to get on track, but it won't actually count..maybe just to get used to the idea of weighing on on Wednesdays and to check -in.. sound good?
  • I'm Meghan! :) Are we weighing in starting THIS Wednesday?

    You know what, we can if ya'll want just to get on track, but it won't actually count..maybe just to get used to the idea of weighing on on Wednesdays and to check -in.. sound good?
  • sounds good! :)
  • joynova
    joynova Posts: 65 Member
    Sounds good to me too!
  • Sounds great! By the way, anyone who wants to add me, feel free!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Hello All! I would love to join this challenge. I am horrible about losing weight and gaining it back. It's like a never ending process that I can't seem to break. Hopefully I can get it off and keep it off this time but only time will tell. So for this 3 month challenge I am going to hope for at least 15lbs but it sure would be nice it was more like 20lbs. Good luck to everyone!

    Starting weight - 154.2
    Goal for June 1st - 139
  • k_harvey
    k_harvey Posts: 23 Member
    Hi All!

    I am Keri and am excited about doing this also. It is my first challenge and is just the motivation I need to stick to getting to my goal. I have two boys (ages 7 and 10) and they are very active and big snackers so I tend to dig into their snacks a little too often. Plus, I telecommute from home so their snacks are here calling my name when they are at school. :laugh: I have two warm-weather vacations planned in April and June so I would love to go feeling great about how hard I worked at getting into shape.

    I'll report my starting weight tomorrow for March 1 since I haven't weighed-in since Friday. :flowerforyou:
  • I have a bathing suit that I want to fit into but no way is that happening so Ill settle for feeling comfortable showing my knees in shorts! lol I wanna join but not sure I wanna share my starting weight I'm the biggest person in here! Ill set my goal at 5lbs a week so Ill say Id like to lose about 90lb by June 1st
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Is it too late to join?
    Starting weight for Challenge-192
    Goal weight for June 1- 172

    That gives me a loss of 1.6 pounds per week. A healthy rate, and a little wiggle room if I don't get the 2lb/wk goal I have on here ;) or have a bad week! Personally I know I have setbacks... because, if it was that easy to lose I would be skinny! lol
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Has anybody tried zigzagging calories? I started last Wednesday and it is nice on the higher calorie days, but so far I have gained weight (but I also haven't worked out in a week). I was just wondering if anyone had any success doing it.
  • I haven't really "zig-zagged", but I've noticed when I eat more a little more after being stuck on a certain number, I actually lose. It's weird!

    Also, how many times do you all weigh yourself each week? I tend to weigh myself every morning, and I wish I could break that habit and do it just one time a week.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I haven't really "zig-zagged", but I've noticed when I eat more a little more after being stuck on a certain number, I actually lose. It's weird!

    Also, how many times do you all weigh yourself each week? I tend to weigh myself every morning, and I wish I could break that habit and do it just one time a week.

    My old "Weigh-in day" was Friday, but I usually do it after every workout (in the evening and I am always lighter than the morning). It makes me feel good and motivates me to continue working out to see a "smaller" number after working and sweating so much. :happy:
  • k_harvey
    k_harvey Posts: 23 Member
    OK here goes for the Parka to bathing suit challenge!! :glasses:

    Jan 2011 SW: 153.5
    MFP SW: 150
    Challenge SW: 143.5
    Happy W: 137
    GW: 135

    Let's keep each other motivated! I know I will need help this afternoon since my order of Girl Scout cookies are being delivered...:wink: UGH!
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    so how did everyone's first day of the challenge go? mine was ehhh - we had a sales rep bring in donuts and i convinced myself to eat one and they i tried to talk myself out of going to the gym tonight. once i realized what the heck i was doing i got myself to the gym and had a good workout. hopefully i'll have a better frame of mind tomorrow!
  • At least you talked yourself into going and still working out! That takes motivation!
    As for my first day, it went pretty well. Finally got my 8 glasses of water down! Now to do it everyday. :tongue:
  • had a pretty good day too, went a little over on my sodium but had a pretty solid workout. hope you all had wonderfully fabulous days! :)

    I hope it's okay with everyone, but I'm going to be doing my weigh-ins on Thursdays still. I live on campus at school and Thursday is the only day I have access to a scale (and i'm WAY too poor to afford my own right now). :)
  • mes1921
    mes1921 Posts: 71 Member
    Just found the new board! My name is Megan.

    SW: 195
    GW for June 1: 170

    Hopefully will be able to lose more but would love to see the 170's. lost some weight last summer but could never get out of the 180's! Just worked out and feel pretty good!
  • I just weighed in at 142 (starting weight was 158 in Jan). While 142 SHOULD be great, I weighed 2lbs lighter on Monday (Monday was my weigh in day). Seriously? A 2lb gain, what's up? ::sigh::

    I hope every does better than me!
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