Why is it so hard to say 'I'm fat'?



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    To me obese sounds worse than fat.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    When I actually say I am fat, people go off saying I should not say that! Confused. :grumble:
  • SeattleLady
    I used to call myself "fat."

    Then I realized that, at least in my case, saying "I'm fat" was actually me putting myself down, bringing all the negative cultural stigmas that accompany "FAT" onto my body and my person. All through my teen years, I thought that if I was skinny, all my problems would be solved - everyone would like me, boys would like me, and I would be happy. NOT TRUE (duh!). Saying "I'm fat" for me is to reduce myself back to this one dimensional stereotype, that my body size determines everything else about me. It doesn't -- I am a passionate, intelligent, beautiful human being with a lot to add to the world, and people who are worth my time will like me for those reasons, not because I weigh a certain amount or look a certain way.

    Personally, I think the labels are meaningless -- exercising and eating right are means to an end of maintaining my body, not a end in themselves, and therefore I focus on embracing the body I have which allows me to experience this awesome world --- not restricting my body through labels.

    That said, when I'm feeling less yogic, I definitely have been known to call myself "all chubby and *kitten*," but I really try to keep the negative ish to a minimum --- it's not helpful.

    kuddos to you. I agree.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    well right now i am technically obese, but it depends who im talking to or what situation im in. when my 7 year old cousin asks me if 'theres a baby in there' like his cousin on his mom's side, i say 'nope, just fat!' with a smile on my face cuz he's not trying to hurt my feelings or insult me. ill say overweight if its someone i dont really know and its mentioned. people who dont know you tend to think you feel sorry for yourself (which is not really my case) when you call yourself fat.
  • mrscjwilson
    I try not to say fat because FAT is not Who I am Its not What I am...Fat is what I have allowed to accumilate on my body/cell and causes me damage, but It can be removed....and once removed I AM.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I laugh at myself and call myself fat. On the boards I try to refrain from that word BECAUSE I don't want to offend anyone that may be bigger than me. I know how it is to have someone smaller than me say they are fat and quite frankly it pisses me off lol. So, I choose not to for personal reasons.
  • barefootbeautiful
    My body is fat. I am happy. There's a difference between letting a word describe us, and letting a word define us (I just did my blog on this!). Fat seems to be a word that does a little more defining, because it seems to imply a certain lifestyle that people on this site in particular may not agree with. So yeah, I have fat on my body - more than I should. But that fat doesn't define who I am.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I was fat at 162 lbs. When I came onto this site on Dec 6 2010.

    141 lbs today - & I can still see areas on my midssection that is fat...But, I know in due time, it will come off... :happy:
  • misschaplin
    when thinner I used to say "Im fat" since actually being a bit fat I now say "Im very curvy" hadnt really thought of it before, wonder why this is........honestly....Yes I am fat! :/
  • imagineaballoon
    I used to call myself "fat."

    Then I realized that, at least in my case, saying "I'm fat" was actually me putting myself down, bringing all the negative cultural stigmas that accompany "FAT" onto my body and my person. All through my teen years, I thought that if I was skinny, all my problems would be solved - everyone would like me, boys would like me, and I would be happy. NOT TRUE (duh!). Saying "I'm fat" for me is to reduce myself back to this one dimensional stereotype, that my body size determines everything else about me. It doesn't -- I am a passionate, intelligent, beautiful human being with a lot to add to the world, and people who are worth my time will like me for those reasons, not because I weigh a certain amount or look a certain way.

    Personally, I think the labels are meaningless -- exercising and eating right are means to an end of maintaining my body, not a end in themselves, and therefore I focus on embracing the body I have which allows me to experience this awesome world --- not restricting my body through labels.

    That said, when I'm feeling less yogic, I definitely have been known to call myself "all chubby and *kitten*," but I really try to keep the negative ish to a minimum --- it's not helpful.

    Annnnnnnnnnd now I think I might love you.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have always struggled with calling myself fat...even though in my heart of hearts I knew it to be true. I suppose, using that word is admitting to the fact that there is a problem there that should be dealt with. If I didn't call myself fat, then it wasn't something that I had to face.

    Secondly, there is a negative connitation(sp) attached to the word. It is what the bullies at school used or was part of a joke. Some how 'Your Momma's Big Boned' doesn't exactly have the same effect!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I have always just said that I am overweight. Unless I am talking to my husband, then sometimes I might say I am fat. But I will not be fat much longer!
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    I laugh at myself and call myself fat. On the boards I try to refrain from that word BECAUSE I don't want to offend anyone that may be bigger than me. I know how it is to have someone smaller than me say they are fat and quite frankly it pisses me off lol. So, I choose not to for personal reasons.

    Completely agree. Tho I have to admit to describing myself as a big fat fatty to family and friends :-)
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Fat kind of lost it's meaning when I used to be called fat at a size 4 :laugh:

    So I think I'll always be fat, just to varying degrees. Right now I'm in the "so fat you need a "wide load" sign on your butt" group.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I agree also, that fat is what is on my body, it is not what I am made of. Therefore I am not fat, I just have fat.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I'm not fat, I'm very muscular with a layer of squish.
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    i know i am not obese or overweight but i still think that i am fat. like someone has mentioned earlier, i don't mention that i think i am fat on the boards here in fear of offending other people.

    honestly, if you can recognize you are obese/overweight and/or fat, i think it's a good first step to want to make changes. i read on Time that they did a study on overweight individuals, and they found out that they often thought themselves as thinner/smaller than they actually are. i just think it's good to be honest to yourself. some people might view the word "fat" as un-PC or negative. to me, it's just a good motivation to stop being fat.

    that's just my opinion though, i am usually really straight forward around my friends (i try to be more tactful around people i don't know), i really don't see a point in sugarcoating things. sure, someone could say that they are just a tad chubby, but everyone else might look at this person and think this person is fat anyway.

    BUT ultimately, as long the individual is HAPPY and HEALTHY, i don't think the choice of words that they use to describe themselves matter.. i hope not anyway!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I dont like using the word "fat" on here becuse it can offend someone who weighs more than I do. People look at weight and dont consider the hight or where weight is being carried. I know people who weigh more than i do but carry it differently, this will be the case for everyone. So to use fat on a site where most people dont know the actual person they are helping to use weight could effectivly make someone feel worse, or fatter than what they are!
  • AeshaKSha
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    I'm fat. I've even called myself a fat tub of goo. I used it to push myself into action. I think it's funny that my doctor struggled to call me obese. I said it for him. It improved our relationship!:laugh: Since I started losing the weight I have seen my GP and an ENT consultant, and I am their favourite patient. I wasn't offended by what they were telling me, and I took steps to change my situation. So many people don't, and I'm sure that frustrates the stuffing out of them.