Just got called fat...hurts every time.



  • I'm fatter. Don't let it get to you. :flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    People who say those things often have insecurities of their own. You know you are doing something good for yourself. Prove people like them wrong by working hard to meet your goal. You got this!

    totally agree who ever told u that is an insecure unhappy idiot! who else would tease other people. how old is he/she 7?
    if its a guy tell him to go play with his small vienna sausage lol.

    and HELLO! u are so NOT FAT! i'm 5'5" and 165 and I dont feel FAT. Of course I have a ways to my goal but I feel pretty good at my weight. if I can stay at this weight and tone up all over I can honestly say I would be happy. Seeing that you are 2 whole inches taller than me, I cannot imagine u looking FAT.

    so F-them! and do you! I wish I had the guts or skills to play sports. Never give up something you love for someone who means NOTHING! keep at it girl!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    How old was this person? I know it probably won't make you feel any better, but their obviously a huge tool. Don't let it ruin your fun. Get back on your board and ride it with pride. You're beautiful bb.
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    just remind yourself that they say hurtful things because of their own issues and remember that your not losing weight for them but for yourself....besides try and look at it on the funny side...you might be able to change the look of your body but can they change their ugly faces
  • People who put other people down are not happy with themselfs. I'm sorry that this happened to you! You just keep doing you and keep on long boarding.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I seen your picks and saw that your trying to lose 15Lbs. Hmmm I think their ether jealous or got the hots for you :) your doing good don't worry about it.
  • steveohypertension
    steveohypertension Posts: 13 Member
    from a dad ... ride your board ... focus on school ... you're fine, "F" those kids ... 5'7" 165 lbs ... not even close to 'fat" ... again, consider the source there are many very cruel people in the world ... I was made fun of constantly in my youth and into my twenties ...


    stuttering dad

    oh and I had lots of zits and really bad hair ....

    now go get back on facebook ...
  • Amazon_Warrior88
    Amazon_Warrior88 Posts: 28 Member
    Don't worry about them...let your haters make you stonger. You keep doing what your doing and reach your goals and let them eat their words.
  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    i totally get ya..i was doing a triathlon a few summers ago and within the last few KM 's of the run i was passing then getting passed by these two guys..early 20's and fit looking...then one said " come on...we can't get beat by the fat chick"...i almost stopped dead!....i pushed hard and they crossed the line about 3 secs ahead of me....it bummed me out UNTIL i realized they had a wave start 6 mins ahead of me...which meant i kicked their butts

    people can suck...
    but you know what, i would rather be dead last ( and have been ) then give up the things that bring me joy
    get on your board and shake that *kitten*
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    i totally get ya..i was doing a triathlon a few summers ago and within the last few KM 's of the run i was passing then getting passed by these two guys..early 20's and fit looking...then one said " come on...we can't get beat by the fat chick"...i almost stopped dead!....i pushed hard and they crossed the line about 3 secs ahead of me....it bummed me out UNTIL i realized they had a wave start 6 mins ahead of me...which meant i kicked their butts

    people can suck...
    but you know what, i would rather be dead last ( and have been ) then give up the things that bring me joy
    get on your board and shake that *kitten*

    wow, people are idiots.
  • jleshko
    jleshko Posts: 40 Member
    I took a look at your picture and can honestly say you are by no means fat... It's good you are conscious of your weight and will keep it in check and not let it creep up, but you are a very beautiful young lady and whoever called you fat is an *kitten* that is probably speaking that way to you because of their own insecurities... Keep on skateboarding...
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    I took a look at your picture and can honestly say you are by no means fat... It's good you are conscious of your weight and will keep it in check and not let it creep up, but you are a very beautiful young lady and whoever called you fat is an *kitten* that is probably speaking that way to you because of their own insecurities... Keep on skateboarding...

    Totally true :smile:

    It's funny...since studying at university I didn't encounter any of the discriminating paroles I had to hear in school back than.
    So I assume that those, who "mob" you are just stupid :smile:

    Never mind and don't waste your time...I know it's easy to say...but believe me you are doing way better without letting those people get in your way.
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