Team UK - March 2011



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hello fellow uk'ers :D

    I didnt have the best month ever, I managed a 2lb loss in feb, better than nothing I suppose.

    I am well up for it this month though, my BMI is now 25.4, so close to healthy and my current weight is 11stone on the dot, can not wait to start my weight with a 10. Good motivation :D
  • isadora82
    Hi everyone! I am brand new (first post argh!), be gentle :smile:

    I have had many false starts with this weight loss thing so far this year. I know one place where I really go wrong. Someone says, 'let's go for a quiet drink' and then it's game over for three days. I am considering getting an early start on my annual lent challenge, and not drinking through til Easter.

    I am definitely a northern numpty, so where do I swear in for the great north vs south competition, so I can help beat up the southern softies?? :bigsmile:

    Starting weight was 16stone 10lbs .... ugh :(
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Morning Folks. :drinker:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Where on earth did February go?! Crazy!

    I KNOW!!!! :noway:

    That just flew by somehow.

    February has been quite good to me. A steady 4lb in Feb for me. It's slowing down now that there's less "spare".

    Welcome to all the new peeps. :flowerforyou:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hello - newbe - is this for all UK MFP's or is this for a specific challenge?

    Hi Babes,

    It's a general free for all for all UK folk, but we also have a specific North vs South weightloss challenge going on, which the lovely Rosy manages for us. :smile:

    You don't have to be part of the challenge to post here so socialise away.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I'd like to join ye as well please, although technically I'm not in the UK but in Ireland and I'm not even Irish but Dutch, but hey, my husband is English and I'll be in Harwich tomorrow for work, so surely that must count a little bit hey!! :laugh:

    I've joined MFP about 6/7 weeks ago, through another forum. Unfortunately most of those girls have dropped out in the meantime, so could do with some extra friends and support from here!
    I've only started discovering the message boards this week really (yesterday afternoon was good entertainment), work is quiet, so I might as well join in the fun!

    The weight loss is going well, reached my first goal of being below a BMI of 25 and I've decided to keep going, fitting into a size 12 is my next target.

    Glorious day here, spring is in the air - such a massive motivator!
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    Hi All

    Another UK'er here :) I also had a rather rubbish February so I am hoping to get back on track this March :) Good luck to everyone!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Definately starting to see the last of winter - sun over here 2 days in a row is almost a miracle in itself! Weather has been that nice its made me want to get out more - have walked 147 minutes since yesterday, aiming for 1,000 minutes this month so Im well on my way!

    Going swimming tonight so that should be fun!

    Hope everyone else has nice weather too :)
  • Delboy1961
    Hi All, new to the community.I love March coz its lighter and spring begins

    This time I want it to stay March because Im 50 in April :sad:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Definately starting to see the last of winter - sun over here 2 days in a row is almost a miracle in itself! Weather has been that nice its made me want to get out more - have walked 147 minutes since yesterday, aiming for 1,000 minutes this month so Im well on my way!

    Going swimming tonight so that should be fun!

    Hope everyone else has nice weather too :)

    The weather is absolutely fantastic!!

    I've been looking out through the office window for two days wishing I could get out and walk, rather than wasting the sunshine (I work along the Mall in Armagh, which is a big grassy thing, but the outside is one mile exactly)! Hopefully it holds out until friday so that I can burn some car washing calories :laugh:
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Hello, hoping you won't mind me jumping in. I'm an American married to an Englishman living in Scotland. I've been here six and a half years now, but carrying excess weight for a lot longer than that! I'd hoped that moving continents would help me lose weight, but I discovered how much nicer butter and cheese and chocolate tasted over here, and well, hmmmmm ...

    But I've decided, I've had enough of being fat Flausa, and a friend pointed out MFP. Also I've signed up to do the Half Moon in Edinburgh in June, so I'm trying to power walk the pounds away!
  • nikkionamission
    Hi guys!

    I'm pretty new here, started with the app on my phone about 3 weeks ago and am just starting to get into these forums, I'm hoping this site can help me stick to my goals as I usually give up after about a month!

    How do I get in on the northerners v southerners? I'm definitely up for helping team south :happy:

    Good luck for March losing everyone :smile:
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i'd love some more uk based friends on here as i;ve found it quite motivating seeing everybody's updates and i need a heck of a lot of motivation to get off the sofa. so if you want to feel free to add me my diary is open to the public so feel free to critique i know it needs a lot of work especially at the moment as i'm comfort eating due to various things (still trying to be in my calories though lol)

    and does anybody know of any sites where you can find uk based training partners i could do with someone to drag me off the sofa lol
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member

    The weather is absolutely fantastic!!

    I've been looking out through the office window for two days wishing I could get out and walk, rather than wasting the sunshine (I work along the Mall in Armagh, which is a big grassy thing, but the outside is one mile exactly)! Hopefully it holds out until friday so that I can burn some car washing calories :laugh:

    One place Ive never ventured to is Armagh, drove past it loads though lol. Fingers crossed for decent weather for a while longer - but tonight was freezing getting out of the car so Im not so sure - we can only hope and cross everything though lol sun is my biggest motivation!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi All,

    End of Wednesday, very late night at work, did great all day then sat with cuppa and thought I would have a few 'ryvita crackerbread' only trouble was had with too much peanut butter. 20 crackers later. OMG! It is so easy! About 300 calories in 30 mins. Has made me even more determined to take extra care tomorrow.

  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Hello another Uker here, I'm from the North East! 'Whey Aye Man!'

    Not been on MFP very long, I like to eat crap and drink too much booze !! but now that I can see exactly what I am eating, I'm doing alot better (.... Apart from the odd night out where I 'drink' a weeks worth of calories! )

    Had a bad february, and haven't lost a thing, mostly due to 3 christenings and a wedding in a row ... too much booze and party food!

    Lets hope we all do alot better in march!!!

    Soon be summer! :)
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I like to eat crap and drink too much booze !!

    girl after my own heart :)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member

    Wasn't it freeeezing this morning??!!! -2 down here in Wales. :grumble:
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Havent ventured out yet, looks lovely, sun is out but no doubt judging from lastnight its still very cold - going for a nice long walk this afternoon but will be taking a coat!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Would love to get out there but will be at work til just before 5, then drive to take over managing polling station for referendum polls til way after 10pm... Last votes at 10pm, then take down all the stuff, drive ballot box to where it needs to go, home by 10:40 if I'm lucky and straight to bed.

    Lucky I was in gym 7 this morning otherwise I wouldn't have got anything done all day.