Cheat meal??



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I intentionally go over my calories one day a week. This sometimes involves "cheating" and sometimes involves just eating more, or taking an "unauthorized" off day from exercising.

    Sunday is my usual day. I portion control my treats. I used to just "go crazy" one day a week, but found that over time, I don't feel the need for it psychologically and physically it makes me feel awful. (I had one particular incident with chicken salad and potato chips that finished me off).

    It's not "cheating" in my book. There are foods I eat only rarely, and foods I eat everyday. No food is completely forbidden. I have to think this way, as I've changed my relationship with food. Otherwise, the "binge, guilt, starve, eat, repeat" cycle rules my life!


    That is actually a GREAT strategy, especially if it's all healthy food. And everyone should always take one day off of exercise a week (mine is also Sunday).
    When you go over calories with healthy food, that's called a 'refeed'. It is important to keep fat low for the best results. It helps to refill glycogen stores and prevent leptin levels from falling and causing a plateau. I do that if I see a stall in my fat loss or I'm feeling really pooped in the gym.
    It sounds like you have a great relationship with food. I also try not to call foods 'cheats' or 'dirty', but 'clean' and 'dirty' is a bit of bodybuilding jargon I have picked up along the way. I still don't view them as harmful, I just don't view them as helpful. Now I don't mean something like a burger or pizza...that still has benefits. I mean stuff like Hoho's and Twinkies...those are some dirty foods, no redeemable value whatsoever :tongue:
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Songbyrdsweet. I totally agree...they should not even be called food. There is nothing remotely foodlike about them.
  • brunion
    brunion Posts: 60 Member
    i have one meal a week chinese no matter what orange flavored chicken & rice oh its so good i dont eat the junk food like candy or cup cakes and stuff like that. so i dont look at it as cheating its good to splurge once a week just dont get to good luck all:tongue:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hey I think we should rename that our "reward meal" for being so on target and doing good things for ourselves. Why do we have to think we are "cheating" to have something that we choose to have. As long as we don't make that the habit and the healthy eating the exception, we aren't cheating at all...we're simply enjoying a reward for our hard work.:tongue:

    Reward Meal it is!

  • rodeoruss
    If the good Lord gives us rewards for our obediance to Him, why can we at least give ourselves a small reward for being obediant to our get heathy and slim commitment. Just be careful and watch the numbers as not to upset the apple cart.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    Haha I had a cheat day today :tongue: It's all good. You shouldn't deprive yourself. As long as you limit yourself, you should be fine :happy:

    :heart: Kelsey
  • jessjess
    Cheats are a must!

    I don't PLAN on having a specific day (one day a week)...but if the opportunity arrises...sure, I'll have a (small) piece of birthday cake. I had some delicious carrot cake yesterday. MMmmmm......

    If I don't "cheat" every now and then...I'll end up losing my mind and eating the ENTIRE cake when no one is looking. :laugh:
  • hgd1212
    At least once a week I "reward" myself. Living where I do, going out to eat is not always an option. (The few restaurants in town can't exactly be considered a reward.:wink: ) I LOVE Starbucks frappacinos, so if we're not planning a trip for anything else, I grab one of those at lunch. It's not much, but they taste that much better.:laugh:
  • NJBeachgirl
    I cheat once in awhile, but for me I found that it triggers me, and I want more, and more. Then the next day is rough cause I still have the craving. So for me, I have to hold myself strict, or I really screw myself up. But I guess everyone is different, some people can take a taste and leave it at that, but unfortunately for me I can't. For example some people can eat 1/2 C ice cream and leave it at that, not me, I'm not happy unless I have the whole pint. So if you can cheat, and get right back on your program thats wonderful, I'm jealous!!!:grumble: Best of luck
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    I cheat once in awhile, but for me I found that it triggers me, and I want more, and more. Then the next day is rough cause I still have the craving. So for me, I have to hold myself strict, or I really screw myself up. But I guess everyone is different, some people can take a taste and leave it at that, but unfortunately for me I can't. For example some people can eat 1/2 C ice cream and leave it at that, not me, I'm not happy unless I have the whole pint. So if you can cheat, and get right back on your program thats wonderful, I'm jealous!!!:grumble: Best of luck

    I too have a bit of a problem with cheating...I find it difficult to jump back on. I have far more strict days than not. I too also find that a cheat meal becomes a cheat day and so on. For me I think it because, the "cheats" that I want are always high in carbs (not so good ones) and it puts my insulin into craziness, and it is hard for my body to regulate itself for a while afterwards.

    I am hearing you.....
  • Jillian
    Jillian Posts: 88
    I love chocolate, it's been hard for me to not have any. I have found DOVE makes a dark chocolate truffle that is sugar free. A serving size is 5 pieces. I have added it to the food database, check it out. They are delicious! I find I only need 1 or 2 pieces to satisfy mysself. Check them out! Good Luck!
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    I don't really consider it cheating. I eat what I want and what I like but I don't go crazy. I do stay away from things that I never really liked in the first place, I just ate them because they were there. (like potato chips and ice-cream).

    I used to get a sandwich with fries and 20 chicken wings. Now I only have 12 wings with nothing else. I have given myself permission to eat my favorite things, just in smaller quantities. Like I said in another post, I'm going for quality, not quantity. If I'm going to waste calories on something bad, it had better taste great!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Body for Life is great. And works great. I know a guy who lives by it and looks awesome. My husband and I tried it a few years ago and we saw huge results in just a few weeks. We had some "life changes" happen and we ended up not following through. I would do it again, but we don't have access to the weights any more.

    Any way, the free day works. When we were on this program we just totally pigged out on our free days and still saw huge results.
  • amandastamey
    amandastamey Posts: 67 Member
    Body for Life is great. And works great. I know a guy who lives by it and looks awesome. My husband and I tried it a few years ago and we saw huge results in just a few weeks. We had some "life changes" happen and we ended up not following through. I would do it again, but we don't have access to the weights any more.

    Any way, the free day works. When we were on this program we just totally pigged out on our free days and still saw huge results.

    That is so awesome to hear! I love looking on the site to get inspiration from the people who went through the challenge! Did u count your calories or just stuck with the menu?
  • mbaker1169
    mbaker1169 Posts: 65 Member
    My cheat day once a week is my motivation to keep going the rest of the week. I love it, and I dont feel deprived during the week. Once it comes, I usually eat whatever I want, but find that I really cant eat as much as I used too. So, I feel even better about it!
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    HI all,

    I just back from 12 days in Ireland - and boy did I cheat!!!:embarassed: Fish and chips, lots of carbs, beer and crap snacks. Was with the two biggest junk food eaters I know. No time for exercise and was snowing, but walked around as much as possible. Got home and waited three days before I got the nerve to weigh myself. Didnt gain a thing - :happy: - how is this possible? I think because I have been pretty dedicated since September ( really eating well and exercising) that my metabolism was able to handle it. I couldnt be more thrilled. I am back on it though. My "luck" wont hold out forever.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Wednesdays are my 'cheat' day. I am in a bowling league with my brother and cousins and I find that I am usually eating my favourite BMT sub from subway and then a drink or two at the alley and plus apparently bowling burns 200+ calories a game and we play 3!!
  • kelkel
    kelkel Posts: 3
    We are all trying to change our old eating habits that we have had for years. It is so hard to do. So you cheated a little but you wrote all the calories down and counted them. That is a big step if you ask me.
    I think everyone cheats a little. The trick is to acknowledge the cheat and get right back on the wagon.
    Don't let it get you down.
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    I totally plan on having a cheat meal here and there. I don't think I have the self control for a whole cheat day though I"m afraid it would start an avalanche. Maybe when I feel more secure I don't know. I do however have milk duds almost everyday. I limit myself to one or two it's only like 1 gram of fat and just a few calories but it sure helps with my chocolate and sweet cravings after meals. And they are so hard to chew it takes forever so I feel like I'm having more than I am because it takes so long! HA!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I love chocolate, it's been hard for me to not have any. I have found DOVE makes a dark chocolate truffle that is sugar free. A serving size is 5 pieces. I have added it to the food database, check it out. They are delicious! I find I only need 1 or 2 pieces to satisfy mysself. Check them out! Good Luck!

    The Dove dark chocolate is so good. I have one almost everyday after lunch. Only 40 cals per piece!

    My "Reward" Day (thanks Cowboy) is on Friday night right now to the brewpub and hockey game. I work hard all week and then I can still make up for it on the weekend. Whatever I am doing seems to be working as I have not had a gain yet (other than that 3 wk vacation...) I think going easy on yourself for one day a week is good mentally as well, as long as you can keep yourself from worrying too much.