May I just say.. I HATE grocery shopping... Just a vent.

Yeah, as I said.... Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. I mean grocery shopping for me is like an hour of torture from all the things on the shelf I used to eat, and no longer do... Urgh... Little Debbie, I hate you. Bakery section in the grocery store...:mad: Its just such a battle. I guess I have to be really careful not to go when I'm hungry too... because thats just worse. I don't know, I just wanted to vent I guess.... All this progress is great, but sometimes I just want to be like whatever and consume every food in sight... especially if it has the word chocolate on it. Yup.

Anyone else have this problem? Just curious. Thanks for being there MFP family ;):heart:


  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    I actually still love going to the grocery store, I try to stay on the perimeters and look for new healthy options I haven't tried to make it more exciting! I can see why you hate it though.. I hate that part too! :)
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    i cant say i hate it..

    I get a thrill out of clipping coupons and seeing the $$$ I save when I go.
    I stick to a list , I dont buy anything outside of it.
    On Sunday I get the paper and see what is on sale and plan my weekly meals with what Im going to get.

    Make it game and fun not torture
  • andrewferk
    That can definitely be a problem, especially when hungry. Eat a meal before going grocery shopping, and bring a list. Go straight to the items you need (don't go up and down every isle).
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    I just hate grocery shopping in general! I dread it ever week :(
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    You are not the only one! It's hard, esp when you want a bag of chips or slices of lemon pound cake :happy:

    Happens to me all the time. I just try my best to make a list of the items I need and steer clear of the stuff I don't need. Eating healthy can be expensive, so knowing I don't have extra dollars to throw around helps too :bigsmile:
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I understand what you are going through, but look at it this way, Look at how much stronger you are!
    I mean, what willpower you have. Did Little Debbie make you happy??? For a short time I am sure, but in the long run didn't you hate her anyway??? Didn't you look at the way she was destroying your life and decide it was time for a change?
    Bring those feelings with you to the grocery store. You are only as good as the food you eat.
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I hate it - but probably because I hate cooking - my husband does it all! I know I am very lucky!!

    You're right though you shouldn't go when you are hungry - big mistake!

    I hope you begin to enjoy it again.

  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I hate grocery shopping!
  • mixmastermolly
    I hate grocery shopping but just because it's always crowded. It's just a chore to me. It's easy for me to resist unhealthy foods (unless I'm pretty hungry before going). My strategy is to stay around the edges of the store. Most of the junk (aside from maybe the bakery) are in the middle aisles. Everything I want/need are around the edges.
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    i cant say i hate it..

    I get a thrill out of clipping coupons and seeing the $$$ I save when I go.
    I stick to a list , I dont buy anything outside of it.
    On Sunday I get the paper and see what is on sale and plan my weekly meals with what Im going to get.

    Make it game and fun not torture
    That is the best way to do it. Although you are better than I am. I can;t seem to get past more than two meals. I try do plan for a week at a time and for a family of 6 it is hard to come up with ideas.
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    I've always hated it, my husband took over when my first child was born and he's been doing it ever since! But now that she's 13 and the youngest is 6 I've started going with him now. I'm not tackling that alone!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I don't take the cart down the aisles. I leave it at the end. I also bring a list and only buy what's on it.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I have found that since I am buying for a family.....I find myself buying more treat stuff and junk food for the family.......I don't know's like "well I can't have it but I bet my husband and kids would like it".......I never eat it myself....and then I am pissed because I am not doing my family in favors by buying it either.........

    so, I feel ya about the shopping........
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I don't hate grocery shopping, but I am very crunched for time between my job and taking care of a disabled child, so I hired a concierge service to do it for me. I email my list each week, and she drops off the groceries at my house a day or two later. It's a huge time saver, and also a money saver too because she ONLY buys what's on my list. Plus, I'm not tempted by the bakery or the Little Debbies or the candy in the checkout aisle :happy:

    So if you really hate grocery shopping because of the temptations, you might google for errand services or concierge services or grocery delivery services in your area (in some areas -- not mine -- the grocery store will get everything on your list together for you to pick up. You'll JUST get what's on your list, which I find saves me more than enough to pay for the service. And since what I'm using is a personal concierge service, she will also buy shower gifts and wrap them, ship things I need shipped (like birthday gifts for my out of state relatives), go to the pet food store and buy dog food, and other stuff I need done. It's fantastic!
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    That`s pretty funny.

    I don`t have that problem. I can walk through the isles and pick up all sorts of things. But i turn it over and look at the lable, read the ingredients, then check the nutritional value. If there is something I don`t like about the nutrition I put it back. I guess thats just a restraint that doesn`t bother me as much as you.

    I picked up nutella the other day because it was on sale. I alway thought nutella was considered healthy for some reason. I look at the lable and the first ingredient is sugar. OMG, ya not healthy at all. so I put it back.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I LOVE grocery shopping... I spend some free time during the week looking up yummy new recipes and then go on the weekends to buy the ingredients. And I love seeing what kind of produce they have in. I don't even go down the snack isle (I'm a ho-ho and twinkie addict) because it'll bum me out, but it's cool to learn all of the yummy snacks you can have and still be healthy! It's about finding the positives (and seriously, never go hungry lol)
  • katiemeridien
    Sounds like you need a routine.
    Although it's monotonous, I stick to a fairly simple rotational schedule of foods I make at home. This way, you know what you're there for and go in/out of the grocery without having to think about it.

    It should be simple. The reason I say this is because what you should be ingesting should follow the 'perimeter' rule of your supermarket. Most of the foods you should be eating is on the outskirts of the store such as fruits, vegetables, produce,yogurt , fish, and meats.

    Some companies and grocery stores even deliver, at a low cost. This way you don't become confused or distracted inside the grocery.

    If you keep meals simple, such as
    Breakfast: Yogurt/granola
    Lunch: Salad + chicken
    Dinner: Steak/Asparagus

    You can grab all those things in a jiffy.

    Hope this helps, even a bit.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I luuurve food shopping.

    I love picking really good quality produce, like good pieces of lean mean, free range eggs, organic veg of lots of different colours, fresh fish... and pondering recipes to try etc.

    I tend to spend ages in certain isles, and totally ignore others. LOL
  • trausch
    trausch Posts: 4
    I just have my groceries delivered. You can shop online, stick to your list, get all the deals, use coupons, no temptations, no crowds
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I love grocery shopping, it means I get to stock up on all the stuff that keeps me healthy. What I hate is the day before grocery shopping when all the fresh food is gone and only the unhealthy stuff is left in the cupboards.

    I ALWAYS make a list before going grocery shopping, that way I stay focused on what I actually need and I don't get distracted by new products that are conveniently sitting right at eye level tempting me to try them as I walk up and down the aisles! :)