Movies that make you cry



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Saving Private Ryan
    Good Will Hunting
    50 First Dates - Just something about him making her fall in love with him every single day

    I guess since I admitted this then it's time to schedule the castration.

    Oh yes. E.T. I remember when that movie first came out, the media was saying that children under a certain age (I'm thinking maybe 8 or 11 comes to mind for some reason). My daughter was under the recommended age but my sister had taken her kids and recommended it. So I took my daughter and we both cried. I was sitting in the theater trying not to bawl my eyes out and looked over at my little daughter and she was sitting there silently bawling her little eyes out. Gettin' teary eyed right now and I've watched that movied a million times since then. :laugh:
  • NoWomb4More
    NoWomb4More Posts: 30 Member
    i am sam
    Another favorite of mine! My 15 year old son cries watching that one too.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I'm an emotional wreck. I want to cry just thinking about the following movies:

    1. Dancer in the Dark (gets me every time)
    2. Pleasantville
    3. 50 First Dates (they play 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' at the end and I lose it)
    4. Any of the 3 Lord of the Rings movies. I'm a nerd at heart.
    5. Rosewood ( I ball my eyes out)

    50 first dates gets me everytime too!!!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    -My Sisters Keeper
    -THe Blind Side
    -Life as we Know it
    -Pay It Forward
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    P.S. I love you (sniff...still gets me)
    Where the Red Fern grows (stomach still gets jumpy)
    Shane (Shane come back...)
    Color Purple (when she sees her kids again)
    Beaches (song)
    Steel Magnolias (after the funeral and Sally Fields gets mad)
    Terms of Endearment (saying good bye to her children)
    What a Wonderful life (when he comes back and sees all the people who love him)
    Hachiko: A Dog's Story (dog keeps on coming back looking for his master)
    Good Will Hunting (everything)
    Forest Gump (the ending)
    Passion of the Christ (holy crap during the whipping scene I almost threw up I was crying so hard)
    Step Mother (the whole last half)
    I am Sam (when they take her away)
    There are soooooo many more
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    7 pounds :cry:

    Totally agree.

    Ezra: You must be Emily.
    Emily: Yes.
    Ezra: It’s so nice to meet you. :cry: