Fit By Summer - February



  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    ARgh - up 2.5 lbs. Hoping some of it is water and TOM, but a lot of it is eating like crap last week. :sad:

    Must do better this week!
  • dmkaiser83
    How is everyone doing? I'm feeling more toned, my jeans are loose, and I feel GREAT!
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    down 2 pounds since my last post. .5 lb since Sunday and its TOM...last month gained 4 at TOM, so WOOOhooo
    now at 201. 16 pounds to go to meet my summer goal of 185.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Got up and got active 6 days last week, kept within my calorie goals 6 days last week (went over by 95 calories once but was under every other day), and the scale didn't budge :-( Disappointing, but I was still able to notch my belt tighter today so no matter what the scale says, I know that what I'm doing is effective.
  • cohollywood
    Ugh. I always seem to plateu right before heading into the next 10 numbers. I'm still holding steady at 150.5. Guess I need to step it up this week to hopefully make it under that. We're going skiing on Saturday, so that should help burn a ton of cals!

    Heading to the gym this morning to do W5D1 of C25K - I'm not really looking forward to it this morning, but, we'll see how it goes!!
  • xtina1982
    hey everyone! kinda dropped off the radar for a couple of weeks; a combination of lots of things, but they're not important and today, i'm BACK.

    weighed in just for giggles this morning and i'm down just shy of a pound to 150.2; not quiiite as much progress as I'd like to see, but that's my own fault and i'm addressing it now. :) also did an hour of cardio today.

    on the whole, feeling very positive. turns out a couple of missed workouts threw me into a real slump which led to MORE missed workouts, so i'm going to do better not to let that happen again.

    still working with My Fitness Coach and 30 Day Shred to mix things up - LOVE 30 day shred, and was pleasantly surprised to make it through the first level relatively easy; I guess the endurance of 60 minute workouts has done some good. Think I'll stay there a bit because wow, i suck at push ups, but i'm hoping to move on to the second level a little later in the week.

    also, summer weather is here in florida - i'm getting excited to break out the tank tops! :)
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey where has everyone been? I too have dropped off the radar, gained some weight back but kicked this week off by setting up my wii again and doing the wii active exercises...I was surprised to check my polar watch after my workout today and see that I almost burned off 400 cals!!

    I hope everyone is well!
  • xtina1982
    xtina1982 Posts: 37
    (are we starting a new thread for march?)

    kept today kinda short...still pretty sore from monday and tuesday, but squeezed in about 45 minutes of good sweating.

    i was doing really well with my eating habits...not so much the last couple of weeks, really carb-heavy for some reason. need to be more mindful of that.

    overall: feeling good. a little tired, but good. :)
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    3 words...Girl Scout Cookies.

    My bosses, both skinny little things, bought cookies but didn't want them in their houses. So what do they do? Bring them to the office where several people are struggling to lose weight. Does that seem fair to you?
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Started the 30 day challenge on the wii active yesterday and have successfuly logged in for 50 days in a row, the longest I have ever logged in a row!! I have gained weight back, but am starting to lose it again thankfully!!
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Still going strong. I lost 1.4 pounds since my last weigh-in for a total of 26lbs lost, and now have 5 weeks till my cruise.
    I'm planning to spend 2-3 more weeks on this weights+cardio routine, and the last couple weeks on an all cardio increased calorie deficit to get that extra lean look.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    uh oh, I need to start a new thread for march. Stay tuned.

    Here we are: