Team UK - March 2011



  • mellissacase
    Happy March Everyone,

    Despite having a bad cold iv been really motivated this week and have done loads of exercise, can't wait for saturday's weigh in!

    Also hoping the weather is good this wkend as I want to tackle my major over grown garden. I want to be able to relax in my new garden with a new body by July and for the 1st time ever not be embarrassed to sun bathe.
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone and hope you're all ok ..... It's good to see that everyone's been positive!

    I appear to have got out of my 'depression' that I was in since I last posted and have found my diet 'mojo' !!! It's now day 11 for my diet and my very good friend nagged me to weigh myself today. I did and I lost 3lb in 11 days and am sooooooooooo happy and feeling good.

    Need to start on increasing the exercise to tone up the wobbly bits but for now I'm over the moon.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Hello everyone and hope you're all ok ..... It's good to see that everyone's been positive!

    I appear to have got out of my 'depression' that I was in since I last posted and have found my diet 'mojo' !!! It's now day 11 for my diet and my very good friend nagged me to weigh myself today. I did and I lost 3lb in 11 days and am sooooooooooo happy and feeling good.

    Need to start on increasing the exercise to tone up the wobbly bits but for now I'm over the moon.

    well done lovely :) 3lb in 11 days is fab!

    My scales and I aren't friends at the moment - it won't go any lower than 164lbs and I'm throwing a tantrum with them!

    On the plus side, I saw my PT last night and he measured my body fat % and its now 28% - 8% lower than it was at the start of January!! WOOP! So I was very happy yesterday evening!!
  • sarahkorry
    Hey everyone!

    I thought I would say hello from smoggy Middlesbrough! Well done Irns88 on your body fat! It just shows that it pays to look at other means of measuring your fitness/weight other than the dreaded scales!

    How is everyone today? Loooking forward to the weekend? x
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Good morning everyone, hello from Dublin (I'm the cheater on this thread with not really being from the UK)

    Bloody freezing here as well and a thick fog. Hopefully it will burn off soon, like it did yesterday. I was in your lovely coun try just yesterday, for work, and it was glorious weather in Harwich.

    Lost another pound this morning on the scales, so am very pleased. I really feel so, so motivated.

    The only thing that freaks me out a little bit, is the amount of money I'm going to have to be spending soon. I've lost nearly two clothes sizes (14/16 to nearly 12) and my clothes are literally hanging off me, I'm a bag lady at the moment, very unflattering. I haven't been this size for as long as I can remember so I literally have NOTHING in the correct size. Even my bras and knickers are too big now. Obviously I'm delighted, but to be frank, the Irish recession has hit our family big time as well, so how will I afford a new wardrobe? And what if I even drop another dress size (not really planning on that, but you never know)?

    I can't believe I'm actually moaning about this, but when I looked in the mirror last night and saw even my tits swimming in my bra (sorry if tmi), I realised that there's nothing left that fits me properly anymore.
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    How do we join the north vs south challenge? :D xxx
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    How do we join the north vs south challenge? :D xxx

    The last results week thread is

    If you message Rosy67 with your starting weight, whether you're north or south, and what day you WI, I'm sure she'll sort you out!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Do what I did! EBay!

    I would go through my wardrobe at intervals, pull out everything that was too big to get away with and in decent condition, and throw it up for sale! the money made from your sold items will pay for nice new items that actually fit!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Wow hello all the newcomers! I'd love to get into size 12 clothes and I'm hoping when I reach my goal of 167 lbs and/or 24% bf I'll be there.

    I was lucky enough to be working outside today. I've been weeding a large gravel driveway. Its been back breaking but satisfying with it all looking so nice, that is until the owner came home in her large 4 x 4 and made tracks in it :frown:

    Another gardening job tomorrow, then hopefull spend some time doing mine in the afternoon. Shame I can't log all this as exercise and I've already taken it into account :sad:

    I'm experimenting at the moment and put my calories up, as I've plateaued. I think I may not be eating enough. The only reason I say that is because I've had a really bad couple of weeks where each day was between 600 - 1000 cals over and my weight still stayed the same and my bodyfat %. It actually hasn't moved since 11th Feb.

    So I'll let you know.

    Anyone else had this problem?
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Do what I did! EBay!

    I would go through my wardrobe at intervals, pull out everything that was too big to get away with and in decent condition, and throw it up for sale! the money made from your sold items will pay for nice new items that actually fit!

    LOL I had a box of size 10 stuff that I was going to ebay in a "it'll never fit again" moment when I was a 14, and now most of it fits again... I have a new old wardrobe!! :drinker:

    Glorious weather out there today. :smile:
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Evening all,

    Everyone is doing so well!!! Loving the UK thread!!!

    I'm hopefully going to hit 1 stone weight loss on weigh day tomorrow......... measured a few vital statistics a couple of weeks ago for a bad week when i don't lose!!!

    Which I had measured body fat before starting!!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Does anyone else find the cold makes them REALLY hungry?
  • mellissacase
    I'm so happy had my 1st loss this week for a while. Only a pound but i'm proud of it!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I haven't seen Rosy post in a little while? Is she on holidays or something?
    I might send her a message.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello everyone!

    good week for me! 2lbs off, now 9st 2lbs! my goal is 9st but now i might aim for 8st 12lbs.

    hope everyone had a good week
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    hello everyone!

    good week for me! 2lbs off, now 9st 2lbs! my goal is 9st but now i might aim for 8st 12lbs.

    hope everyone had a good week

    Well done! It's great to be in a position where you've succeeded and feel ready to continue that success.
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    Just found this thread - Hi all :wink: Last week was the first in ages where I didn't lose much :cry: Feel a bit worried, especially as I'm going on holiday for 3 weeks from Friday - don't want to mess up all my hard work now .....
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Everyone
    New to this thread :)

    Will be good to chat to UK dieters :)

    Im having a bad day today :( TOM and I have wanted to eat everything, not looking forward to weigh in on Monday :(

    Hope you are all well
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone just checking in to say hi from the sunny south coast! love this site and have been browsing for a while - thought id start tracking and have done really well this week with my food - exercise was a bit crud as ive had a chest infection but cant wait to get started on the Wii fit again soon. Am really excited to be joining you all on my journey - hoping to look halfway decent for a festival/my wedding anniversary we are going to in the summer. Love reading about how well everyone is doing on here. Husband decided he wanted a takeaway tonight- i didnt want to say no ( and be a diet bore) so just had a chicken kebab with no chips/sauce etc was quite yummy - hope the calorie count on the site is not way off though!! Saved calories for a couple of glasses of wine on friday night but ended up not having them - still its nice to know you can be pretty much normal and healthy and still have a treat now and again. I'm saving £6 per week for every week I track on MFP (my weightwatchers fees) lol so hopefully by the winter I shall have a nice pot of money to buy some lovely new clothes yay!!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Does anyone else find the cold makes them REALLY hungry?
    I do and I work outside in the cold. For the winter I increased my calories on those days. When its hot I tend to lose my appetite maybe its because I drink more water.

    smileylittleorange, I'm on the SouthCoast (Portsmouth) where are you? Buddy me if you like and anyone else who wants some support. :happy:

    Welcome all the other new comers.

    Maria thats an awesome weightloss for this week congratulations!!