

  • zuback55
    zuback55 Posts: 17
    Hello All....I have had a terrible cold that just seems to be hanging on:sick: I have lost 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks so I feel like I have done something right. It has been so terrribly cold here in Alberta (Canada) and just haven't gotten outside to do some walking. I have been doing a bit of exercise around the house...but just isn't the same :noway: I will just have to keep plugging along and soon it will be Spring....It has been a long winter and more to come. Oh Well, I will try and stay positive and as soon as the temperature goes up a few degrees I will get back out walking. I really like Barbie's quote about trading off what I want most for what I want at the moment....It really gave me incentive and I appreciate all the support. My March goals are to keep going and get more exercise and continue with losing 1 pound a week.
    So, Ladies, hang in there and keep up the good work....Cheers, :drinker:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, long day for me, my eyes are having issues keeping open at this time, so this is short, took a 40 minute brisk walk today, physio doc, says no to any exercises but the ones he gave me, so I am going to walk as much as possible. As long as the glutes are tight and my abs are ingaged I can do that without cheating. That is not easy either. Been to the dentist, have to work on a half years wages to catch up on that bill, wow, but it was a good bit of work done. I am to rehab a 1500-1800 diet plan and learn to brush my teeth differently, back in training!

    Hope all is well here, I am going to bed soon.

    Love from our house to yours

  • anniebnannie
    anniebnannie Posts: 85 Member
    I am trying to talk myself back to the swimming pool, but after a long hiatus, my "lazy" woman is protesting. But "want to be fit" woman is talking back to her a lot. We'll see who wins tomorrow, which would be my only opportunity to go this week.

    Okay, I just did it! I emailed and committed myself to swimming tomorrow with a swim buddy. (Deep breath) I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I CAN!

    Smileys, you ask? When you are posting, click on "add smiley" in the upper right corner, and click away! :wink:

    :smile: :wink: :happy: :tongue: :mad: :angry: :explode: :noway: :love: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :indifferent: :glasses: :embarassed: :frown: :smokin: :devil: :sick: :drinker: :brokenheart: :sad: :huh: :yawn: :sad: :bigsmile: Thank you!!!!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    WOW! :smile: Everyone's doing such a great job. I spent the day cleaning my daughter's house (usually do it Mondays) and I was shocked when I put the heavy and light cleaning in my exercise log. Had no idea I would burn so many calories. I did work up a sweat and I am really tired tonight, but it's a good tired. It's still pretty cold here so I don't get outside as much as I'd like to walk. Can't wait for those warmer temps and then it's hard to stay inside!

    I'd been on a liquid diet Mon-Wed for a procedure, today I ate normally, so tomorrow I'll weigh in. I'm curious to see if I lost or stayed the same. I'm hoping to be down 2. Wish me luck!

    Good for you, Doobiedoo! Now that you've dropped 3 you are probably really inspired to stick to program.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am back! After a six month leave of absence from the pool, I swam 1/3 of a mile in 40 minutes. Not bad for an old lady who has been sick for 3 months, if I do say so myself!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, we had dinner at this Chinese place before bowling. I think I was good. Ordered the steamed chicken and vegetables. Had the sauce on the side, but only used a VERY LITTLE of it. It did come with rice which I didn't eat. I also didn't eat the fortune cookie. However, when I got home I had two of the Ghirdelli chocolates. One was the dark chocolate. That seems to really satisfy my chocolate urge.

    Going to do a Jillian Michael's DVD tomorrow and then if I have time there is a yoga class at 9 at the Y branch near me. Then we're supposed to go to lunch with the Newcomers. It's this Mediterranean/Greek place. The food on the menu looks good. Not sure if Vince is going to go or not. He wants to work on his train tables and shelves in the garage so we can get the rest of the Christmas things out of the house in anticipation of my hosting Bunco in two weeks.

    Oh, while we were bowling we got a call from Jessica. She and one of her housemates went out and found the cat! You know, so many people at the bowling alley were relieved, it's truly amazing. I bet she'll buy him a collar. He didn't have one from the Humane Society. I was surprised but she said that the Humane Society up there doesn't chip the cats, they wait until the cat is adopted. The Humane Society down here chips them. Well, I'm just so relieved that she found the cat. I was also worried about the other cat. Shadow only gets along with Lance (who was lost). I wonder how Shadow felt when Lance was missing.

    mrsanderson - thanks for the parchment paper sugggestion for the cheesecake. Parchment paper won't burn in the oven. But will it be heavy enough for a cheesecake? Have you used this?

    barbie - sounds like you're getting a lot of showings on your house, that's good! Hope it sells quickly

    Did levels 2 and 3 of the 30 day shred DVD (Thurs) and then took a yogalates class at the Y branch near me. Tomorrow, yoga and then using the stairmaster. Honestly, I'm very surprised that it was fixed. When the guy was the fitness director at Hickory, they had one that broke and he never got it fixed. Now that he's at another branch, they had two, one broke and it never got fixed. So when this one broke, I was sure it wouldn't get fixed, but when we got back from FL, I saw that it was fixed!

    Hey janesmith

    Robin - I share your frustrationi! Seems no matter what I do, I can't seem to lose. One day.....

    doobiedo - congrats!

    Had a spinach salad at that Mediterranean/Greek restaurant and just had water to drink. Actually, it's easier to order water, then I don't have to think about what it is I'm going to have. I just order it "without ice" because when they put ice in it, sometimes the water is so cold that it isn't refreshing at all.

    After doing the stairmaster, I'm going to pay mah jongg, then some of the ladies are going out to lunch. Late lunch, I need to be home by 2:15 for a conference call. Well, the lunch is at Jason's Deli, and they have good food. Going to check their menu again. On second thought, I may have to skip the yoga tomorrow and just do the stairmaster. I'll do yoga Saturday.

    This morning while I was exercising, I felt like I was getting a headache. It wasn't until I went to the yogalates class and we had to bend over that I realized that the reason my head was hurting was because my sinuses were bothering me. So afterwards I came home, took some Sudafed, and now I'm fine.

    Mary - wonderful, so glad you're better and in the pool

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Robin- boy you must have been exercising up a storm last summer when you were burning 6000 calories a week! I sympathize with you needing a huge deficit to lose. I feel the same way.

    Doobiedoo- Congratz on your 3 lb loss!

    SuzyQ- You certainly showed lots of will power skipping the bakery and going grocery shopping instead.

    Theresa-.6 pound loss isn't such a bad thing. All of those .6s will add up. I have been tracking on NFP since Jan 2010 and have lost about 37 lbs since then. Most of my weeks were less than a pound loss.

    Shirley- I know those birthdays can kill you, but what are you gonna do? Our month is April. My husband's birthday is April 4 and two of my daughter"s are April 7and April 19. I'm hoping that they will share a birthday cake celebration day. I have also entered a few challenges to help me stay on track for March.

    Zuback 55- Congratz on your 2 lb loss

    Anniebannie- Glad to see you found the smilies! :bigsmile:

    Mary- Good job getting to the pool!

    Thanks for the suggestions of the dark chocolate in the freezer. Maybe the dark chocolate will satisfy my sweet tooth better. However, I'm not even going to give it a try until Lent is over.

    Off to bed so I can try to make a 6:15 spinning class tomorrow morning
  • mrsanderson404
    exermom...I haven't used it for cheesecake specifically, but swear by it for so many other baking needs.....I think it would be strong enough for a quick transfer....might want to double it....or there is also cheesecloth......a bit stronger and it sounds like it is supposed to be used for just such a purpose :wink:
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    frogmama-thanks so much for the encouragement! By the way, I love my spin classes too! I plan on going to the 9:30 class tomorrow. Great workout!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just have a minute to report a great line dance class this morning, a few rounds on the exercise bike, a great lunch chicken with onions, green beans, and cauliflower, a great play and walk time at the dog park, some work in the yard, and a cozy evening at home with my darling hubby.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Well, jury duty is over, as is squeezing in all my clients around it. The sun is out tomorrow. All that, means me and Cassie can get our nice long walk in tomorrow. :happy: Maybe I'll throw in some dumbbell exercises. And maybe I'll get around to pulling together income tax stuff :frown:

    TGIF ladies.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Marking my spot. I changed my siggy to have my March goals too.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Glad to see all the posts. It really does help to hear the stories!

    I'm having a tough week. The cold I fought last week at the convention has turned into a nasty sinus infection. I went to the doctor's yesterday and came home and was really sick the rest of the day. I missed getting together with our team---we all just lost that job this week and that made the just want to cry. We will reschedule but I was fighting so hard to get there and then realized that I really needed to get home to be sick! I had to cancel two meetings I was going to this morning as a favor to a couple of friends and that felt awful....but there really was no choice. I think the universe is saying its time to take care of myself....and I know I should listen before the lesson gets louder.

    On the upside...the scale is way down today...but I don't want to use that number as a weigh in until I am back. It's just nice to see a new lower number.

    Frogmama.......thanks for the encouragement. Keep looking for the right yoga class for you. Its great.....but finding the yoga that fits for you is important.

    Mary....great swim....

    Have a good day!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Sally, when I was in my mid forties I got sick and followed my usual plan which was to do nothing about and just keep on meeting my commitments, sick or not.......my darling hubby said "Honey, you're not as young as you used to be".......It made me so mad, but when I got over being mad, I realized that he was right and stopped and rested and allowed my body to heal.........ten or more years later I went to work with what turned out to be pneumonia and my colleagues had to gang up on me and tell me to go to the doctor and then do what I was told which turned out to be taking a week off work and staying home in bed.......I was a slow learner but now I stop when I'm sick and let my body heal.......actually, since I've been retired I don't get sick like I used to :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Macmadame, we started going to bed earlier in February and after the initial period of forgetting the plan, we got into a good routine and I feel a lot better......I wish you success on your early to bed goal.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I'm up early this morning, had time for 30 minutes on the exercise bike, now I'm off to the grocery store before going to line dance.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Busy day today for me. I am working until 3:30, then back to work for a substate basketball game from 5:00 to 9:00. They will serve dinner at the game as a fundraiser, but I'm not sure what they are serving, so I think that in the brief time that I am home I will try to pack a lunch. Of course, that time (about an hour) that I am home will also be my only opportunity to exercise, so I may try to take the dog for a short walk if I have the energy. I guess time will tell. Hope all are having a good Friday, and the weekend brings you relaxation and joy! Here's to smart choices!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Guess what my birthday is also April 4, we Aries have to stick together. :happy:
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Good morning everyone. Congrats to everyone who had a successful February, I haven't quite had the results I was hoping for but I will.

    I am working from home FULL TIME now and I'm worried about being this close to the refrigerator. So....I've put my office as far from the frige as possible and the treadmill is between us. I am creating my own little March Madness, everytime I get hungry and head toward the kitchen, I'll get on the treadmill for 10 minutes. My thought is, I'll feel so good about walking I won't want to eat or it will give me time to think about what I should eat. It's starting to warm up so I might start walking outside again, problem is, it's so hilly here and I'm at the top. You can imagine my struggle getting home uphill and I'm already exhausted. Motorists felt sorry for me and stopped to offer a ride. I must have looked really needy. Don't want to look or feel that way again. I want people who drive by to say.."Damn, walking up and down these hills really works!" OR..When a couple drives by the lady hits her man and says, "I saw you looking!" I don't want to start trouble.....I'm just saying.

    OK, so this month is a new beginning, my tree has tiny sprouts, my tomato plant has flowers and I'm ready to blossom myself. This forum has given me an outlet to just cut loose and say what I feel like saying (as cliche' and corny as it might get). We're all in the same boat, the fact that we use different oars to get to our destination doesn't matter. In fact, your oar might be just what I'm looking for. I swear, I'm paddling as hard as I can, I think my oar must have a hole in it.

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your day, you're the sisters (I have 3 brothers) I never had. You offer me encoragement and motivation and that's just what I need. Consider yourselves all hugged.

    My goals for March: Lose 10 to 15 pounds..........gotta buy a scale!
    Treadmill 6 days a wk.
    Strength Training 3-4 days a wk.
    Healthy Eating every day

    I wish you all Health, Happiness and of course Warm Weather.
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Slow day for me today, I had to stay home with a bad cold, have no energy. I hope I can shake this off fast and get back to my regular routine.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Ildi59 I hope you feel better. I am having allergy trouble and the medicine I take has me drowsy for days it seems. Get well soon.

    Ldspill: I will be glad to be considered your sister. Welcome aboard. I love your illustrations. treadmill between you and fridge is priceless. let me know how it works. Yes we are all in the same boat and sometimes it is hard to paddle but we just have to keep on. Know that you are not alone. we are all in boat helping you when things get tough. keep posting.

    Happy Birthday to frogmama and shirley 61. have a great day.

    barbiecat you always have such words of wisdom. I too am not very good at admitting I am sick. We are not sickly people but seems like when people around me are sick they stop everything and get well and I dont. that is nobody's fault but mine. will have to work on that.
    sallly c take care of yourself and get well.
    joylaut sounds like a good plan. Make it work.
    okay I responded to all of todays posts. that is a lot of work. anyone who has windows 7 tell me how to open windows side by side so I dont have to go back and forth. I know I can do it but now sure how.
    got up early this morning to take beth raymond and regan to airport in New Orleans. they are going to dc for week for regan to participate in young junior leadership something. she will stay with other kids and they have hotel. they wont really get to spend any time with her but did not want to put her on plane alone. nice trip for them to spend some time together. they have arrived. they are on bus going to hotel. heather offered to keep rhea and ray jr but I will be helping.
    still doing great on food just need to get back into exercise routine. allergies are not helping with this. am very tired. hope you ladies have a good day.
    vicki m
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ladies,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I had a great day yesterday! :flowerforyou: The sun, the grandkids, the walking...just all of it felt resfreshing. :smile: There are at least 6 blooms on my daffoidils...actually I just looked out and there is more than one of them blooming now. :happy: It was a "fab" 65 yesterday. I am so ready for spring. I don't mean to rub it in to those who are still dealing with ice, snow and cold temps. I think all of us are ready for warmer temps and Sunshine (important word).:tongue:

    Barbie:flowerforyou: has inspired me to wear a pedometer, however I don't think she meant to bed. :noway: I had it on my pj's and was chilled, so I decided to wear my pj's to bed...and no I don't usually:bigsmile: ...they are usually too hot. DH turned over and put his arm across my waist and asked," are you planning to keep up with your bed activities now?" I started laughing :laugh: :laugh: and needless to say took off...the pedometer...:laugh: :tongue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Doobie, you are doing well with the weight loss!:flowerforyou:

    Vicki-I have found these times happen with whatever food plan you are doing. :wink: I've done a lot of them in my lifetime...
    You will probably see some change soon. You are doing so well!:flowerforyou:

    Faye:flowerforyou: --You are a good friend:flowerforyou: ...I am sure yo will be rewarded for your friendship.

    Mary-so glad you are able to get back to something you enjoy!:flowerforyou:

    Zu-:flowerforyou: -Hope you feel better soon! I know you will be glad when Spring comes:flowerforyou: ...it has been a long winter! I hope it hastens to your door!

    Marilyn- I would like to discuss with you about this issue with your muscles...it sounds interesting.:flowerforyou: I hope all these techniques work for you!

    Annie :flowerforyou: -hope you enjoyed swimming today! OR whatever you do!

    Grandee is a good mama!:flowerforyou:

    Michelle-:flowerforyou: I do enjoy oranges. My mom was in Florida through January and February. She just came home AND brought oranges! Yes! :happy: They are really good. :tongue: They taste better directly picked from the trees rather than picked and then shipped.

    Frogmama- you and Michelle remind me of my sis and her chocolate. She eats bags of semi-sweet Hersheys chips. She has her DH hooked now too. She has never wore larger than a 6.

    Mrs Anderson--do you fix cheesecake a lot? I love those things...and they like me..:tongue: I am "doing" Easter this year. I'll probably have about 80 or so people at my house...I may need to consult you.:flowerforyou:

    Fittocyle- have a good work out with your spin class!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie-enjoy your darling DH...don't forget your pedometer!:bigsmile:

    Joy-jury duty? :noway: Don't you just dread that job? Good luck with your taxes...DH was working on those last night.

    Hi Mac!:flowerforyou:

    Sally hope you feel better. :flowerforyou: At least, you are having luck with the scales!:wink:

    Shirley and Frogmama-mine is April 4 too...we are like a dodge truck...Ram Tough!:bigsmile:

    LDspill-First, I would like to tell you your pics are lovely! :flowerforyou: That sunset is a postcard sunset. I understand about walking up the hills. I have one that is steep in my subdivision. I haven't tackeled it in a while. I am like you, I will build up to that one!:flowerforyou:
    We must be using a similar oar and boat. :bigsmile: Good luck finding the leak, lady. It's very sweet what you said about sisters.:flowerforyou:

    Idi59-I hope your weekend gets better. So sorry you don't feel well.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I know I haven't posted to all of you...I am doing one page at a time!
    To ALL--have a wonderful weekend!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: