&-Week Challenge Team Europe / UK



  • little_lion
    Hey everyone!
    Sounds like you are all doing really well :) keep it up!!
    Stacebob - in regards to TOM, i think most of us who are doing this challenge are female so we're all going to have to go through that at least once in the challenge, dont worry about it :) i usually find that the weight i would have lost that week shows on the scale the following week so you might have a big loss next week too. even though you've already lost 2lbs this week anyway! well doneeee

    ive had a couple of days where i've eaten more than planned, MFP is telling me i went over my calorie goal - however, my calorie goal on here is a little low sometimes, i have it set to sedentary and the last couple of days i was really active, walking around london all day up and down lots of stairs and slopes, and i don't see it as going over my goal really because i think i needed those extra cals as i was busy.

    however i am still going to do a crazy last chance work out today AND tomorrow to try and burn as many off as possible before saturday! :D is anyone else doing a last chance workout? would be cool to share what we did if so
  • Stacebob85
    Thanks Little Lion :) Unfortunately for me I don't have access to scales on a Saturday so my only chance for a last minute calorie burn was yesterday; and I ended up going out! Although actually, I am visiting my Ma this Saturday and she has scales, so I might try to shed a teeny bit more by then if I can... Start the challenge as I mean to go on, eh? Although, I am slightly worried about the rest of the challenge; I'm going to Ma's on Saturday as we're off to my wedding dress fitting, so I have to be careful not to lose too much between Saturday and the wedding (end of May) or else there won't be time to adjust it again :S I might tell them that I plan to lose around 10lbs by mid-April and see if they think that's work-able.

    A friend and I were supposed to hit the gym tonight but she's just text to say she's sick, which means I'll either go to the gym by myself (which I don't particularly like doing as all the other people who seem to go there do so just to maintain weight and are therefore not as wobbly as me and I get very self conscious) or I'll bust out Dance Central again and do a bit of grooving in the living room! I have the afternoon off work tomorrow too, so I might try out a new DVD I bought the other day. It's an abdominal-specific DVD containing 5 10 minute workouts that you can do all in a row, mix and match a few, or just squeeze one in on a busy day. Since most of my weight is in my tum and bum I'm hoping it'll help me tone my problem areas. I'll let y'all know if it's any good :)
  • ephillips792
    hi im new on here and dont know why its not showing iv lost 2lb?
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hi all, hope you are all having a good week. I have had to travel to cornwall yesterday as my dad is very poorly so am battling with trying to stick to the diet in difficult circumstances. Still within calorie goals but not able to hit the gym at the mo. Took the baby for a stroll this afternoon to try to combat cravings to do some 'emotional eating'.
    Hope to keep the side up and resist those yummy cornish parties!
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    Oh Nikki I hope your Dad is Ok. That's a lot to deal with, alongside a small baby too x
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Thank you...
    I meant cornish pasties not parties!
    There's also the clotted cream and scones!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Aww Nikki, sorry to hear about your dad. Its always difficult with illness (and a baby) to not just grab and go as it's so much easier than thinking about what to cook/eat.

    Keep at it though you are doing a great job. :flowerforyou:
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Hi all,

    I really can't see me losing the silly 3lb goal I stupidly set myself for this challenge last week.

    My normal weigh in day is Monday so i'm 2 days down. So i've decided to do the challenge weight for Saturday then I will log my own weigh in on the Monday. That way if I lose weight by Monday then I will be happy.

    i''m finding it easy to ignore chocolate. That was an easy task for me. I wonder what the next task is
  • Stacebob85
    Good morning all!

    I've woken up in a proper chipper mood today; weight loss yesterday + gym jaunt last night + half day at work today + wedding dress fitting tomorrow = one happy Stacebob :D

    I hope everything's OK with your Da, Nikki x And I'd watch out for those Cornish parties as well as the pasties!

    I'm intrigued by the next challenge too. I thought the chocoalte one would be a doddle for me as I've much more of a savoury tooth than a sweet tooth, but I didn't factor in how much I'd miss my hot chocolate at night! I'm starting to get withdrawal symptons :P
  • little_lion
    i` don't normally eat chocolate but since I'm not allowed it this week, i've been craving it all the time! proves you always want what you cant have.
    i've just had some nice porridge and banana and i'll be off to the gym shortly, feeling good today.

    stacebob - definitely tell the wedding dress fitters you are losing weight and see what they suggest. im sure they will be able to accommodate your loss, brides are always dieting for their weddings aren't they? lol !! :)

    WHere do we post our weigh-ins tomorrow? on here or the other thread? or would you like us to send them to you Pearl_Normal?

    Nikki i hope things are getting better for you today xxx
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I got up at stupid o'clock this morning to do som'e planning before going to work (I'm a teacher). I got it done quicker than I thought so jumped on my treadmill for 25 mins and got my day started with a bang.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Well done Morty :) , i find if i exercise first thing it perks me up for the day, i just done a 50 min jillian Michaels dvd , weird tho im finding the exercise much tougher this week than last week, hopefully that will pass and im planning on doing zumba later.Just a question for you all, since im working out more im hungrier usually id find it hard eating the 1200 calories, i earn more doing exercise but this silly voice in my head keeps saying don't eat more, who here eats any of there exercise calories and if you do has it slowed down your weight loss.
    Stace enjoy your dress fitting :) and Nikki hope your dad is ok x
  • Stacebob85
    stacebob - definitely tell the wedding dress fitters you are losing weight and see what they suggest. im sure they will be able to accommodate your loss, brides are always dieting for their weddings aren't they? lol !! :)
    Lol That's true! I'm going to tell them that I hope to lose 10 - 14lbs by mid-April, so I'm hoping that they can offer me a secnd fitting towards the end of April. Problem is, I have no idea how long it takes to adjust a dress, and as my wedding is May 28th I've no idea if a late-April fitting would be feasible.

    I reckon it's going to be really hard for me to try to not lose any more weight during May. Maintenance of weight really scares me cos it's a difficult business. Plus I know that even if I lose a stone by April, I'm still not going to be at my desired weight, so having to put off weight loss til after the wedding might kill me!
  • Stacebob85
    Just a question for you all, since im working out more im hungrier usually id find it hard eating the 1200 calories, i earn more doing exercise but this silly voice in my head keeps saying don't eat more, who here eats any of there exercise calories and if you do has it slowed down your weight loss.

    Stace enjoy your dress fitting :) and Nikki hope your dad is ok x
    Thank you!

    For me, it depends on how hungry I am. I won't eat the calories I earn through exercise if I don't feel the need to eat, but if I do then I don't mind indulging, but tend to got for things that have very little saturated fat and just the energy/calories instead. I've been doing more exercise since Christmas (I put on 7lbs over December due to a house move, Christmas, New Years and a lack of willpower!) and I've lost almost a stone since then, so eating my exercise calories sometimes seems to be fine.
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I am sooooo hungry right now after exercising this morning, lol x I am thinking about eating one of my students, lightly roasted with a BBQ sauce. how many calories in a teenager?
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Morty1966.... you can have a student prepared in the aforementioned way for 325 calories but I think you would find a desert of a p45 afterwards and a third course of a prison sentence!
    Thanks for all the lovely messages girls... my dad had chemotherapy last week and is really very poorly, hard to see him like this. I have been drinking far more since being here, which I thought accounted for my tummy feeling bloated.... but this morning I discovered it is actually the T.O.M.... gutted, hasn't happened to me in 15months due to being pregnant and breastfeeding!
    Am relying on 3g connection on phone as router is broken, I honestly am not sure how I lived without broadband in the past!
    Well done to all of you exercising like mad, I am hoping to get out for a walk this afternoon and may even have a go at just dance on the Wii... reckon that will be comedy, especially with having packed no sports bra!
    Looking forward to seeing us beat everyone tomorrow with our amazing progress! X
  • little_lion
    Morty LOL!! well done for getting in that extra run though!

    Boooie - i usually eat back most of my exercise calories. 1200 is really the bare minimum that a female should be eating when sedentary (sitting down all day inactive). if you burn an extra 500 (as an example) and still only eat 1200, your body only has 700 calories to live off of for the rest of that day.
    the way i think of it personally, is that if i burn an extra 500 and only eat 1200 it's similar to if i did no exercise and eat 700 - which i would never do.
    plus i find that i'm usually too hungry not to eat my calories back if i have exercised in the morning lol !
    its up to you and you should do whatever you think is best but if you are hungry don't deprive yourself :) i hope this made sense!

    Nikki - just dance sounds fun, a girl i used to work with lost loads of weight and told me the only exercise she did was just dance!! i might buy it actually.. let us know how you get on :) xxx
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Problem is, I have no idea how long it takes to adjust a dress, and as my wedding is May 28th I've no idea if a late-April fitting would be feasible.

    Congratulations - that date seems popular, my sister and friend both got married on 28th May as well (and its my BIL's birthday too).
  • Stacebob85
    Thank you! We chose the date as it falls in the Bank Holiday weekend, and (at the time) we thought it was out of the football season. Turns out the UEFA Champion's League final is that day. I don't actually mind the game being on in the bar at our reception (sound down of course, for those non-footie fans), but if Arsenal get through there's a friend I can totally see just not coming to our wedding. And then I might have to kill him :P
  • Stacebob85
    Oh man, I apologise to you all; just had another chocolate fail; my Mr. just came back from the shop with a Magnum ice cream for me, which I didn't want to turn down because he'd bought it because I hadn't had enough calories today and he didn't want me to be under-eating. That, and the no-chocolate thing completely slipped my mind until I was halfway through chowing down on it.

    I promise to do better next week!