Do you count calories from fruit?



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Yes count fruit. Those calories are counted towards carbohydrates so they will affect that number. You can gain weight eating too much fruit.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I count them. From what I understand with Weight Wwatchers you are allowed so many points a day and it is a very low number usually. Their fruits and veggies don't count because of this, I believe.

    Yes their new program allows even less points 19-20 for me which is 900-1100 calories maximum and only 1.3 points more are allowed with 30 minutes of intense exercise which is about 80 calories. Being able to eat a cup of fruit, an apple and 3 cups of vegetables is a 'free' 300 calories.

    ** I am NOT a member of WW old or new but I wanted to read up on it a while back, see if the points were really all that different.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Weight loss is calories in, minus calories out. A single medium-size banana or apple has 100 calories each, and tons of sugar. You simply can't ignore these foods and pretend you didn't eat them - they DO add up and count as calories!! :smile:
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Calories are calories, you should still try to stick to your daily allowance, but if you're going over by 100 or 200 on fruits and veggies you aren't doing yourself much, if any, harm. Veggies are always completely free, but because fruits are much higher in calories you do have to be more conscious about them.

    Potatoes are free? Yams are free? I don't think all veggies would be considered this way. I think they mean free because carrots and celery have so few calories, that they would rather have you eat those and fill up on those, than other things.

    I don't know weight watchers, but this is just what I'm assuming.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Yep, everything I eat or drink gets counted.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I'm trying to get WW out of my head. The plan was designed to have you skimp calories here, so you can eat calories there (fruits & veggies) and they be *zero points*.

    I still track fruit, my apple is 80 calories but veggies I sort of still do as *free*.

    That handful of fresh spinach & two mushrooms I added I don't feel will cause me to gain. And if I really am hungry Ill snack on roasted cauli or celery, radishes green beans, etc and not worry about it.

    But I stop when I'm not hungry anymore, I don't keep eating until I'm full.
    I do track sweet potatoes and the like, or if I eat a meal of veggies.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Count them. They are still calories. Healthy or not. Our system is based on calories...and if you stay below your calorie limit you will lose weight. This includes fruit. WW has a different system set up. And while they are is different from our system. If you want to be successful I would probably follow one or the other.

    As for sugar. I wouldn't worry about the sugar from fruit and milk. They are natural, healthy sugars... The sugar that I would suggest paying attention to is the refined sugars in processed foods, etc...
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a WW member and will try to explain. My best advice: don't confuse Points with calories - they are not the same thing!

    Long story short: WW revised the formula used to calculate Points, so it is now more accurate. Calories are part of this new formula, but they also factor in other macronutrients like carbohydrates, protein and fiber. Many things are higher in Points values, and daily Points allowances are generally higher. You are correct in that most fruits and vegetables are now Zero Points, but the reasoning behind this is (as far as I can tell) to make fruits and vegetables more appealing to members so that they consume healthy snacks instead of turning to processed foods.

    For example: a banana was worth 2 Points on the previous formula and so were certain snack cakes. If given the choice between a banana or a snack cake for a "sweet" snack, most members would choose the cake over the banana, since they were the same Points value. On the new Points Plus program, the thought is that now members will go for the banana since it is zero Points.

    That being said, unless you are following the WW Points Plus program, count your calories! A calorie is a calorie and needs to be accounted for in your daily food journal, which it sounds like you are doing. Keep up the good work and try not to worry about the sugars from fruit. In my opinion (which is based on nothing more than what works best for me), sugars from fruit are naturally occuring and a better choice than processed sugars. It's probably not ideal to go over your daily sugar target, but I'd be more concerned if the sugars were coming from sources like refined white sugar.
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm with weight watcher and you are right, they don't count fruits and most veggies as points (ie starchy veggies still count). This is because they have there own ways of counting... when I'm on MFP I always count my fruits and veggies because this isn't a formulated system. Weight watchers allocates points to everything (taking into consideration more than just calories). So unless you are a member using their tracking tools I'd suggest counting them.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Sorry I didn't read the whole thread so I don't know if someone said that you can change the settings in your dairy to allow more grams of sugar. I hate seeing the red but it's impossible to stay under MFP's allowance if you eat as many fruits as you should in a day. I occasionally don't log veggies like the weight watchers plan. I hate to go over on my calories because I ate two cups of broccoli! :)

    Editing to say I changed mine to 40 grams. I did a little research and decided I shouldn't have more then that. I struggle a lot with the sugar intake!!
  • Definitely count them. I had great success years ago with WW but as we all do, slipped into bad habits and all went back on again. I liked the sound of the new WW so gave it a go. SOOOOOO many people are having issues with the new system and are gaining weight. Most fruit and veggies are free but the way points are calculated has changed. It really didn't work for me and i started gaining no matter how i tried using the new points system (some daily, all daily no weekly, all daily some weekly, all daily all weekly! LOL!)
    I've come over to MFP and am eating what I like, when I like and so far so good i've lost what i put on with WW!
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    Potatoes and Yams are not free on WW. Starchy vegetables are assigned a Points value, though the exact number eludes my memory at the moment.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I keep seeing people say "I'm not going to gain weight by going over my calories on fruit or veggies"... or something along those lines...

    It's not necessarily the overage on fruits and veggies that are going to make you gain or maybe not gain, but not lose either. If you're over, you're over. It could be the extra glass of milk you had for breakfast, it could be the extra tbsp of peanut butter you had for lunch or it could be the extra 3 oz of steak you had at dinner that all total together to make you go over...not just the extra apple you had at snack or the extra cup of brocolli you ate at dinner.

    A calorie is a calorie no matter how healthy it is. If you want to lose the weight like this site has set out for you, then follow the plan.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    For the record I am NOT on weight watchers never have and never will otherwise I wouldn't be using this site. I never stated anywhere that I am anyways just want to clarify. I only brought it up because a friend at my gym told me about ww and fruit points and just wanted to know if anyone else heard it too. As for sugar if you look under the nutrients section in your daily intake it will tell you right there everything you are taking in. Just going to better clarify cause I guess it wasn't clear to some people.
  • tiffnday
    tiffnday Posts: 27 Member
    They count. It's not only calories but a lot of natural suger so sorry they do count.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I'm not on WW, and I do count calories in fruits. I do not agree that a calorie is a calorie when it comes to weight loss. The calories from non-starchy whole foods are unlikely to lead to weight gain while the calories from heavily processed starchy/sugary foods ARE likely to lead to weight gain (or slow down your weight loss). That doesn't mean you shouldn't count the calories from the fruits/veg....rather you should focus on increasing the amount of calories that come from those whole foods and decreasing the amount of calories you intake from processed foods.
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Definitely count them (as most have said).

    I find that fruit is pretty inexpensive as far as calories go. For the number of calories, it seems to fill me up pretty quickly. Yesterday, for example, by lunch I'd eaten half a grapefruit, a banana, and an apple, and this was in addition to my meals. I still had over 1100 calories left (out of my 2050) for the day.

    I did WW a couple years ago, and a point is ~60 calories (but not exactly). As was also said above, there are other nutrient values figured into that.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    Yes, you should count calories from fruit!!

    I have done Weight Watchers (recently) and they have calculated the points you have per day. They strongly reiterate in every meeting that fruits are not "FREE," they are just zero PointsPlus. You still have to count your servings/portions. Trying to count calories AND do Weight Watchers will mess with you. Do one or the other, in my opinion.

    In response to potatoes and yams being free... negative. "Starchy" vegetables are NOT zero PointsPlus.

    I think a lot of people assume things about WW that aren't true! If you haven't gone through the program or sat through a meeting, don't try to follow it, because you might not be successful (case in point-- thinking fruits are "free").

    Just my 2 cents!!~
  • i heard that most fruits and veggies count as ''negative calories'' because it takes more to digest them than the calories they're worth.So I've always counted them as a free food and that's always worked for me
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Count the calories, ignore the sugar as long you're eating it in fruit form.

    If you're drinking the juice, then the sugar counts.
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