New and getting a lap band soon!!!



  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Welcome! And how exciting about the lap band! I've heard good things! (my only concern is how do you get all the nutrients you need each day? Do you get extra supplements?)

    They take a bunch of bariatric geared supplements. They work with people on their nutrition and such. Not that you're saying this, but a lot of people bash it as an easy way out, it's actually quite hard.
  • Welcome! I wish you the best success!! Be glad to have you as my friend!!
  • ot35
    ot35 Posts: 1
    odd?...your ticker says you lost weight and you don't have the band yet...
  • Hello and welcome to your journey on MFP. I am curious, but prior to having WLS, isn't there a lot of counseling and appointments involved? Are there classes to instruct and weigh the pros and cons? I know that there is still very few insurances that will cover this procedure, so I imagine that the cost is also a huge impact upon the decision to have this done.

    Even with having WLS, you will stil have to monitor and watch intake of foods. Will there be certain items that you will not be able to eat? I know after my gallbladder, fried is a HUGE No-No. It is a good thing since I don't need fried. I can imagine that the nutrient loss because of food intake loss could have an effect on bone density as well. Is that something that they monitor during the post procedure?

    I think that it is wonderful that you have found something that will work for you, and if I was having the same things going on with you, I am sure that I could hardly stand the waiting till it was done. I wish you the best of luck in your procedure and look forward to also hearing about how you maintain afterwards.

    Thanks for your support and good questions! I researched the lap band for 2 years prior to my decision. Most major insurance companies cover WLS now, if you meet criteria (high BMI, high BP, diabetes, sleep apnea or other problems). You are correct about pre-op appointments and procedures. I have had several over the past six months.

    Diets consist of small healthy meals (cut up). You cannot drink and eat at the same time. Protein is essential, and I can only take chewable and liquid vitamins.

    As with any surgery there is risk and people should consider it seriously, this was not something I entered into lightly. I just have "yo-yo'd" since I hit menopause (had to have a hysterectomy in 1991), and despite eating a healthy diet I have had a hard time losing weight.

    I know if I lower my caloric intake to less then 1500 calories I can loose weight (I just lost weight), but in order for me to keep it off and break the cycle I need this tool.

    Thanks again for understanding!!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hello and welcome to your journey on MFP. I am curious, but prior to having WLS, isn't there a lot of counseling and appointments involved? Are there classes to instruct and weigh the pros and cons? I know that there is still very few insurances that will cover this procedure, so I imagine that the cost is also a huge impact upon the decision to have this done.

    Even with having WLS, you will stil have to monitor and watch intake of foods. Will there be certain items that you will not be able to eat? I know after my gallbladder, fried is a HUGE No-No. It is a good thing since I don't need fried. I can imagine that the nutrient loss because of food intake loss could have an effect on bone density as well. Is that something that they monitor during the post procedure?

    I think that it is wonderful that you have found something that will work for you, and if I was having the same things going on with you, I am sure that I could hardly stand the waiting till it was done. I wish you the best of luck in your procedure and look forward to also hearing about how you maintain afterwards.

    Thanks for your support and good questions! I researched the lap band for 2 years prior to my decision. Most major insurance companies cover WLS now, if you meet criteria (high BMI, high BP, diabetes, sleep apnea or other problems). You are correct about pre-op appointments and procedures. I have had several over the past six months.

    Diets consist of small healthy meals (cut up). You cannot drink and eat at the same time. Protein is essential, and I can only take chewable and liquid vitamins.

    As with any surgery there is risk and people should consider it seriously, this was not something I entered into lightly. I just have "yo-yo'd" since I hit menopause (had to have a hysterectomy in 1991), and despite eating a healthy diet I have had a hard time losing weight.

    I know if I lower my caloric intake to less then 1500 calories I can loose weight (I just lost weight), but in order for me to keep it off and break the cycle I need this tool.

    Thanks again for understanding!!!
    I appreciate you coming back to share more about it, it's a bit easier to understand knowing the person has done a lot of research etc. It's when someone decides to have any surgeries but does not put in the time that worries us. The best too you as your date is coming up soon!!:flowerforyou:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I don't really know what a lapband is, other than what I have read in this thread. But I wanted to wish you luck on your journey, no matter what you have to do to get there. I think you are very brave, I am not sure if I could have surgery.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Good for you Joleen, get your life back on track, don't worry about the criticism from others. I believe people who are obese have a disease, I can't imagine getting to that size myself without something being terribly wrong in my life or myself. Your better to get lap band then die of a obese related medical problem.
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Wow, aside from some of the judgements, this has been a very educational thread for me. Joleen, I wish you the best of luck! My aunt and uncle both had lap bad. My aunt really succeeded and lost weight while my uncle for some reason, just couldn't get there. I hope and pray yours doesn't have any complications and you get the end results your looking for :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome !! I wish you the best of luck with your band .. I had the lap band surgery Nov 2010. It is a nice tool to have. Just make sure you follow the diet plan they put you on.

    Hope everyone has a great day !
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    Wow! I guess I'm one of those people that chose to change my eating habits and lifestyle over any type of surgery. Lifestyle changes last a lifetime, a temporary fix is simply that. Have you tried MFP in losing weight? Many many members had planned on WLS and threw out the idea after losing their weight on here in a healthy manner not involving invasive surgery.

    I do hope you change your mind, you'll find members on here that have lost 200+ pounds on their own using the MFP support boards, tools here and altering their habits into healthier ones.

    Welcome to MFP, I do hope you try this site before making a surgery attempt that will alter your body and life forever. A number of members have gone the lapband, sleeve and other invasive surgery routes only to quickly gain the weight back and not have learned how to alter their eating habits.

    I agree as well.
    Good Luck to you and welcome!

    WOW! why was I friends with you QTwells?? UNSUPPORTIVE!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Congratulations on making your decision to change your life for the better! I'm a fellow bandster and like the other bandsters have mentioned, the band is a tool. A tool that can only do the work if we use it properly, same as MFP. :wink: Good luck! Looking forward to supporting you in your journey. We're all in this together! :bigsmile:
  • Good luck with the band, I love mine band. Thank you for starting this post because i did not know how to add fellow banders as friends.
    As far the difficulty of getting the band it took 6 months of supervised diet and exercise. 6 months of lifestyle classes and visits to a nutritional advisor along with psychiatric screening. Followed up with a post op diet that frankly kills you with how bad it messes with your head.
    I feel healthier, my calorie intake is controlled and my nutrition is only supplemented with a multi vit that I choose to take. I may add Calcium just because it is good for you also. My goal is to loose 2 pounds a week and I just started the couch to 5k.
    I have been obese for 20 years with a BMI over 42 and I have lost far to much of my life to care what anyone thinks of my band. I exercise just like you and eat just like band stops me from becoming the lazy food consumer I was. I have to make healthy choices or I don't loose, believe me cookies and cake slip right pass the band and land right on my bum too.
    People with bands are not cheating themselves the satisfyingly wonderful feeling of be coming a healthy person, they just bought a insurance that they will help them maintain it.
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    I too have had the lapband surgery...this month on the 31st will make it 2 years for me and it was the best thing I could have ever done for my Life. I have also CHANGED MY LIFESTYLE but this TOOL is helping me by restricting what and how much I can eat it has no way done this for me it has just helped me. it makes me sick :mad: that people who dont even know what you have done to research and what you have done to try to lose weight beforehand will JUDGE you, I know that I tried everything including diet and exersize before I had my surgery and it would never come off and stay off and now I have my band and I am in the best health I could possiably be in I have participated in 5 5k's, 1 10k and 1 half Marathon in this past 2 years and before I took everything I had to walk from the parking lot into work without having a heart attack much less workout for a long period of time. I also researched the surgery for over a year before I decided to get it, my doctor wanted me to have bypass but I decided that I did not want that I wanted the lapband and I provided the reasonings to him and he agreed with me that it would be the better option for me. Dont ever let anyone tell you that you are taking the easy way out it is just as hard with the band, but now you will have that tool to help you keep it off! Good luck with it and if you ever have any questions or concerns please dont heasitate to ask! ill request you as well as a friend. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    Are you WLS girls at your sweet spot yet?

    I am at my sweet spot!! this is the 3rd time I have been tho lol. I was there, then got to tight.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I had my lap band surgery on June 23, 2008. I just sent you a friend request. Any other lap band or WLS folks are welcome to send me a friend request too. :-)
  • Thanks everyone for your support!

    Pghgal!!! I love your post because it explains a lot of what I am going through right now with my pre op 2 week liquid diet!!! I am having a crazy time. I am paranoid about protein, I am sick of the sweet, gooey shakes and I am constantly smiling and telling everyone I am fine because my family is afraid to take a bite of anything in front of me!!!! I sat down to dinner with my hubby tonight for a nice bowl (mini) of chicken broth, yuck just to feel normal. It is so odd!! I am having the surgery at Temple and the program is great. Lots of support and the Psych. and nutritionist are helpful, I am not really nervous. I am just really ready to get on with my life. Then when I feel that way, I try to stop and remind myself to enjoy this process!!!

    Thanks again so much for your supportive comments!

  • tiggr62
    tiggr62 Posts: 64 Member
    Wow very different opinions. I say what ever works for you do it. If you need that extra boost then go for it. I really don't know anything about the lap band surgery, but I hope it works for you. Take care of yourself after surgery.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!i just want to wish you luck.This is your journey.You have done the research.I don`t think people should tell you what to do.It`s your decision.Take care of yourself and hope this works for you!!
  • Welcome and CONGRATULATIONS on your new journey! I think it's wonderful that you've made the decision to do what you gotta do to get fit, healthy, and happy!

    The best to you. We're definitely here to support!

  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 111 Member
    Good luck! I really hope this is the help you need! Keep us posted :) and feel friend to send a friend request!
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