What to eat when craving something sweet?


I was just wondering about portion size... when i add foods into the calorie database, what is a cup size?? A coffee cup or a cup that you would measure flour in (small cup) ??

And also... what treats do you guys have when you really feel like something sweet? After going all week, exercising and practically starving!.... last night i just wanted some chocolate and wine.... it was saturday night... good movies on the tv and i just had cravings... internet searches told me i was just thirsty and the cravings would pass... as they were a figment of my imagination... but when the stomach started to rumble, it felt real to me!

(ended up drinking 2 glasses of white wine) :-)


  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    My daughter gave me a book called "Suicide by Sugar" last summer. After reading it, I decided to drop sugar for GOOD. So, when I got the cravings (which I did!) I ignored them by sheer will power. But, I think that reading the book is what motivated me to do so. It convinced me that MOST of our modern-day illnesses are either caused or worsened by sugar and that basically everyone is addicted. Prior to making the commitment to cutting out sugar, I would just count calories and try to limit things that way. But when a craving would hit, I would eventually cave. Now I am completely free of cravings. Good luck to you!
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    Generally a cup size is a general baking measurement cup. As for the treats I tend to spike some frozen unsweetened fruit with a spelnda packet, eat something with some white chocolate peanut butter, or snack on those chocolate rice cakes and sugar-free dark chocolate pudding. :)
  • melischemitz
    melischemitz Posts: 46 Member
    Depends what you're measuring. Dry goods (cereal, oats, flour) use a dry measuring cup. For liquids use a liquid one. But for things such as meats and things that are too big to accurately measure in a cup, use a scale. (8 oz is 1 cup).

    For sweets, I tend to drink a glass of dark chocolate almond milk.
  • tmyers541
    tmyers541 Posts: 53 Member
    A cup = 8 ounces of fluid, so a small drinking cup. Average coffee cup is 6-8 ounces. Wine glasses usually hold 5 ounces :)
  • lilcrittert
    lilcrittert Posts: 105
    I too gave up sugar and refined flours. When I crave something sweet, I usually drink a "homemade frappacchino" made with stevia, or an individually wrapped prune (I never liked these until I gave up sugar). The individually wrapped ones are by Sunsweet...Gold Label. They are excellent with a small piece of cheese (protein to balance the carb), also an excellent source of fiber and potassium (more than a banana). Homemade fraps are excellent, brew coffee extra strong, refrigerate, add milk or cream, sweeten, add ice and blend in blender....very filling, feels indulgent.
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    i will drink one cup of the light Silk chocolate milk. i think it is about 80 caloires and it is a treat. i use to get some of the sugar free Jello pudding cups-60 cals...but do not do any of the sugar free products anymore since learning about the Aspartame poisoning issues. fruit is another good option....frozen grapes are a great treat.
  • DancingFox
    DancingFox Posts: 88 Member
    I had a friend who used to take some dry cake batter and mix it with a bit of water...and simply eat it. Sounds crazy, but it seemed to work for her! She lost over 50 pounds using it to curb her sweet cravings, along with her MFP plan.
    Myself, I have a bag of Brookside dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. I just nibble on a few of those and I'm good. :)
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    how long did it take for the cravings to cease?
  • ThePartyGoblin
    I am all about frozen fruit and sugar free jello. I'm not really worried about Aspertame at all, so it works out to about 10 cal a cup. I also use those 100 Calorie packs of cookies and such.
  • wiglitt
    wiglitt Posts: 22
    Grapes....fresh or frozen. They are sweet and they hit the spot.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    personally I have been eating the smart ones ice cream desserts, or the ww chocolate ice cream sandwhich bars....`140-170 calories...I say if you are craving it..better to have it and get over with, than to ignore it....hold out, then give in and go overboard.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    Grapes....fresh or frozen. They are sweet and they hit the spot.

    YUM...I love frozen grapes
  • ccjacks
    ccjacks Posts: 3
    Quaker Mini Delights are pretty good. Especially Cinnamon Streusel and the Caramel Corn cakes. http://www.quakeroats.com/products/rice-snacks/mini-delights/caramel-drizzle.aspx
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    When I crave something sweet, I have fresh halved strawberries and I sprinkle them with unsweetened cocoa powder. Works for me!
  • jitterbug89
    jitterbug89 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm not one of those people who can eat an apple when I'm craving chocolate or dessert. Portion is key to fulfilling your craving while also maintaining your waistline. My favorite things to eat when I'm craving a low-cal dessert would be: sugar free jello pudding cups (or the kind from the box), diet hot cocoa (only 25 cals!), Warm delight minis, and my FAVORITE... Sweet Moments chocolate covered brownies (in the refrigerated section by the cookie dough). Those brownies are sooooo good! I love to eat them frozen but they are amazing just refrigerated. They are only 180 calories for 3 and 3 is the perfect amount for these little cuties.
    Also, Skinny Cow has some yummy frozen treats too for low stats. I love their cones! Their ice cream sandwiches are awesome too with only around 150 cals!
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I just posted this recipe :


    These are not overly sweet so they won't cause you to have a sugar high, but they really helped me when I wanted chocolate.

    If you look at the nutritional contents, they aren't high in sugar, and have a good amount of fiber and protein to keep you full :) These are great b/c they don't have any artificial flavors and made from scratch!

    Hope you like it..
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    A tablespoon of Nutella on a toasted English muffin hits the spot for me. And chocolate milk. I have it just about every day!
  • nkaplosinit
    nkaplosinit Posts: 74 Member
    I like frozen yogurts or dark chocolate as my sweet treats! :-)
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    When you are having wine, try and go for red wine. It's better for your heart in the long run and white wine has more calories.

    As for sweets, I have those 100 calorie snack packs and they do a good job at hitting the spot. I get the variety pack, so that way I'm not having the same cookie for like 10 snacks...
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    sweet cravings are caused by psycological addiction or by low blood sugar. Add regular fruit servings to your diet but be choosy, bananas are loaded with sugar but if you have a fruit smoothy with protein added in the mix it will curb those cravings, coming off a higher sugar diet you are going to crave sugar just like any other drug. For some its harder than others I cut out all added sugar first in my tea, coffee, and what not it took a while but I got over missing it in a month, then I started cutting processed crap out of my diet, that took some time but now about 90% of my diet is unprocessed foods. I still have a sweet tooth on occasion but its rare. The best benefit I got was when I started to have some long standing health problems go away completely and I feel 100 X better than when I did 3 monhs ago. Find what works for you, if you really have a hard time giving up sugar in your coffee or tea try adding some cinammon or use honey as they are both natural healers for the body and much healthier for you.