What to eat when craving something sweet?



  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    It's probably not the best idea, but I have Pez when I want something sweet!
  • tmyers541
    tmyers541 Posts: 53 Member
    Crystal light in my water really help my sweet cravings.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    For chocolate...I love Wethers originals chocolate. I think it's them...whatever they're called, they're chocolatey, and take awhile to suck on. Take care of my chocolate cravings!
  • Chocolate tea with stevia! Takes care of my chocolate cravings and no calories. I get more than enough sugar in my daily diet with milk, fruit, bread etc. so I try to stay away from refined sugar. It IS very hard. The tea helps alot. I buy mine at a tea shop, but Stash makes a chocolate mint you can but at the store. I have also started drinking Kefir. I am not as hungry and don't seem to have nearly as many cravings. Good luck!!

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  • debbiemacfarlane
    debbiemacfarlane Posts: 35 Member
    I really like Sherbert. A half cup and my sweet tooth is satisfied. I actually find it a little to sweet.
  • WOW, you all had some really different ideas of what to eat to curb sweet cravings...

    Can i ask what stevia is? Im in New Zealand and have never heard of that... I dont have sugar in my tea, dont drink coffee or hot chocolate and chocolate bars can normally sit in my fridge un-touched for months, just had a craving for some last night.

    I also watch out for foods with aspartame in them, foods with sugar are much better for you in the long run... even in moderation!

    Would love to switch to red wine, but i LOVE white sav blanc... thats my drink.

    Now i have a better idea of cup size... i think i may have been using portions too big for my food planner.

    Also loved the recipe for the vegan mocha brownies... will definately try those.

    Thanks for all your input.... stay safe X
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    I just go for it and keep things moderate. I had some Breyer's coffee ice cream earlier and I had maybe half a serving.... I had two jellybeans at work one day that my friend had sitting on her desk. Just a little taste here and there usually is enough for me, so I don't bother with finding alternate recipes most of the time.

    I used to overeat a lot worse but since I started eating healthier and tracking my food on here it's a bit easier to not overindulge.

    Actually a couple weekends ago on my birthday I did have a lot of carrot cake and pizza ahahha. But I hit the gym good that week and I had been eating a little less a few days before and I didn't gain any weight (in fact I have been consistently losing).
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I eat a yogurt the last few nights when I've craved something sweet
  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    Stevia is a calorie free sweetener made from stevia extract (plant based). I use it instead of Splenda or Sweet n Low, and have to use much less of it as it is soooo sweet!
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    how long did it take for the cravings to cease?

    I'm not sure if this is for me, but the cravings were intense for about a week, and then gradually died down. By 3 weeks they were completely gone although when I would see a pastry or something at a bakery I would think, "that looks good". 4 months after I stopped completely, I made an apple pie for the family (Thanksgiving) and told myself I would allow 1 bite (just to try it). I did. It was really odd. I could tell it was really good, but I didn't want any more after that one bite. I just walked away - no pain at all.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Some of my favorite sweet attacks are:
    * "hot chocolate" made with cocoa powder, pumpkin pie spice blend, a dash of vanilla extract and 1/2 water 1/2 unsweetened almond milk (50 calories for a HUGE mug);
    * fiber one yogurt (50 cals);
    * jello mouse temptations (60 cals)
    * werther's sugar-free hard candies (5 pieces for 40 cals);
    * roobios or camomile tea with a bit of stevia (5 cals);
    * frozen blueberries zapped in the microwave with a little stevia, and then topped with a tbsp or two of grape nuts cereal (sort of a fruit cobbler substitute for ~ 30 cals).
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