Kangaroo Pouch aka my lower belly!!!



  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    I LOVE SaFire!! As soon as we can afford it again, her vids alone on Hooping University are well worth the 20 bucks a month. And she is so nice. She'll take the time to go over all my idiot questions.

    Steph I'd recommend getting your own tubing and weighting it with your own stuff. I use red label 160 PSI tubing from Menards (Poly urathane I think?). You can adjust the weight with tape (for outside) and water (inside). It's SO much cheaper and you can literally make it your own.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I just started a Tracy Anderson "post pregnancy" DVD for abs. Only 5 workouts in and I'm seeing results. My lower abs are DEFINITELY tighter. It's a tough workout but worth it. The exercises work the abs from different angles. Check out the reviews on Amazon.com . They're fairly convincing!
  • lockedonna
    My lower abs and my weight are the main reason I started doing this. We do bicycle crunches every week as part of our ab workout in my belldyance classes. I think if I did those ab exercises more than once a week, it would actually show. I keep meaning to do them more, but am always too busy, but am I too busy now? No...I'm on the computer though when I should be sleeping. :) Also, I have the Wii Fit Plus and I know it's not always the same as real exercise, but every day that I exercise on the Wii Fit Plus, I always do Super Hula Hoop for whatever the maximum time offered is along with torso twists and the half moon in Yoga. I'm hoping to increase my ab exercises as well as my cardio exercises. Now that I'm almost 2 weeks in and doing well at keeping my food in good shape...I need to work on getting my workouts into good shape. Good luck to you!
  • lockedonna
    I would love to make my own hula hoop and do some workouts with that. Thanks for the idea! I like exercising that is fun as well...it's what keeps me coming back.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I LOVE SaFire!! As soon as we can afford it again, her vids alone on Hooping University are well worth the 20 bucks a month. And she is so nice. She'll take the time to go over all my idiot questions.

    Steph I'd recommend getting your own tubing and weighting it with your own stuff. I use red label 160 PSI tubing from Menards (Poly urathane I think?). You can adjust the weight with tape (for outside) and water (inside). It's SO much cheaper and you can literally make it your own.
    That's an amazing idea!! :drinker:
  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    bump plus question: lower abdomen is my problem area as well. would pilates maybe help?

  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    I have been using an exercise ball with "Pilates on the Ball". I don't see any results yet but I do fill it!

    God I gotta stop posting when I am tired, I ment to say "I don't see any results yet but I do FEEL it!".

    "Fill it" dear god I don't make sence sometimes.

    LOL! I didn't notice, but looked again, after your 2nd post, and got a huge laugh out of it...and I can relate!!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Sorry I forgot to check back into this post!

    Here is the basics for making your own hoop: http://www.jasonunbound.com/hoops.html
    I get my materials at Menards. I'd advise you invest the money for a pipe cutter (or use one of those circular saw thingies) because it will save your wrists and make a clean cut. For a 40" hoop, it's about 125" straight. You can use different sizes of tubing, just adjust the couplers as needed.

    The tape can be anything but electrical is generally the easiest to work with and reapply when it starts getting beat up. Erm, and cheapest. *whistles* Another option is to sand the hoop and go "naked". Seriously, a hoop with no tape is called that.

    The 100' of tubing for me is around 24$. Price it right and you can sell custom hoops to your friends. LOL Or have 10 different hoops. What ever. ;D Don't expect to be perfect with it right away but if you keep working at it you'll be hoop dancing in no time!!
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    Well my kangaroo pouch is flab (i.e. fat) so no amount of spot training is going to help. I just need to lose more weight. You can work on tightening the muscles underneath so when you do lose the weight, it will be firm but until the weight is gone, it really won't help visually. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do the work, just realize that the fat is the main cause.

    I forget what they call them but that exercise where you lie on the floor with your legs straight up in the air and then lift your hips off the ground works the lower abs.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Okay so tomorrow I am starting week 4, level 2 of Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack DVD. So therefore today I am at the halfway point. 3 weeks down 3 weeks to go!!!
    my measurement results so far:
    Day 1: Today( half way pt):
    waist 31 30
    hips 41.5 41
    tummy 38.5 38
    arm 12.5 12.5
    thigh 24.5 23
    chest 39 38.5

    So I have a lost a total of 3 inches so far and I know its not a lot but hey i am proud of myself!!! a loss is a loss :) and I know the best is yet to come!!! Level 2 is waaaay more intense so I am hoping to see some dramatic changes at the end of this journey!!!
    I definately recommend this dvd to women who have the "pouch" from pregnancy, My pouch is almost gone :)