"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 4

AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
H20 Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra pounds
Week 4 of 10 (49 Days to go)

-Welcome, to those of you who would like to join the group, althought its already began, feel free to join in. Anyone is always welcomed. We are here to help with weight loss goals, talk, and turn to when you have your weakest moments. Our "H20" group has been going on since August 2010. I have a group of ladies that have been here all a long, I have some that check in every so often to see whats up in the "new" group of people. and i have some that are new to the challenge. So please feel free to join in..


100 miles in 70 days, how are we doing on this challenge? Those of you who are actually doing it. (are you having a hard time getting your miles in, is this doable still?)

If you need a ticker to help you calculate go to tickerfactory.com make your ticker and copy and paste the the bbcode into your signature bar.

20 hours of stationary Boxing in 70 days, how are those of you doing with this?

For those who need some help with heart health, I found this on dr Oz website, when I was searching for new Ideas for H20
http://www.doctoroz.com/walgreens-challenges/healthy-heart, take a look if youd like.

Challenge 1 - Week 4
(03/06) - Keep your sodium in the green all week. keeping your sodium in the green, will help you with retaining water. Along with keeping your sodium in the green all week, I want you to atleast drink 8 glasses of water daily. (up it by one or two glasses, if you can't seem to get past the 8 glasses)

Challenge 2 - Week 4
(03/06) - Pilates (pronounced: puh-lah-teez) improves mental and physical well-being, increases flexibility, and strengthens muscles through controlled movements done as mat exercises or with equipment to tone and strengthen the body. (give pilates a try, I realize it isn't for everyone) get on youtube and search pilates videos, or if you have OnDemand, go under free pass, then sports and fitness, fitness tv, and youll find some pilates. :)

Challenge 3 - Week 4
(03/06) - Lets throw in some lower and upper body exercise. Lets try some boxing.. Front kick: Stand with feet shoulders' width apart. Bend your knees slightly, and pull your right knee up toward your chest. Point your knee in the direction of an imaginary target. Then, kick out with the ball of your foot. Repeat with your other leg. Throw some punches in with the kicks to get upper body movement.

Challenge 4 - Week 4
(03/06) - Allow yourself ONE free day, as far as splurging.. but with doing so, still plug it all into your food diary. Stay true to yourself. just remember not to go over board.. :)

Quote of the week: "With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose." ~ Wayne W. Dyer

I hope you all like this weeks Challenges, It took me a few hours to put it together. After some researching and thinking.. I finally have it together. Here's to week 4. Anyone who has any ideas for week FIVE for st patty's day.. Please share them. Going to have a st patty's day theme.. :)

Until next week - April Val

Weigh in log: http://bit.ly/gc6Fqt


  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    SW: 301
    WK 1: 301
    WK 2 301
    WK 3: 301
    CW: 299

    Weight loss: 2 pounds.. woo hoo.. ;) Finally a weight loss.

    I have 20.5 miles out of the 100 miles done. I think I need to step it up a little bit when I can. :) This weather is making it more hard to walk.. :( I wish it would make up its mind already. I want sunshine.. ;)

    Challenge1 : Im going to work hard on. I need to get my sodium under control. Its not that I add salt, its the high sodium in pre-made food.. :( And Im going to force myself to drink atleast 12 glasses of water all week if possible.

    Challenge 2: I'm going to try a few more Pilates exercise. Last week i tried one that had to do with the abs.. :) Going to do this atleast 2 to 3 times this week.

    Challenge 3: I love boxing, so I'm going to try to do this every other day.. First thing in the morning to get my blood circulating. I figure I can do this in the bathroom before jumping in the shower if need be. :)

    Challenge 4 - Im going to try to keep from using my freebie up this week. I want to have a constant good week. :) I need it.

    Along with all 3 Challenges, Im going to keep up on my zumba, and Just dance 2.. :) Love it.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    marking my spot for tomorrow. Off to spend some birthday time with my baby!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Again - THANK YOU, April for all the time you put into the weekly challenges! The one I have chosen to focus on is the sodium. I LOVE salt! :sad: However, I must say that since I started with MFP I have been more aware of my food choices and actually can TASTE when things are too salty. I don't think I noticed before... my taste buds were so used to it.

    And Tannie... if you let me know where you live... well, friend me and message me your home address. I have an old scale that still works. I'll be happy to ship it to you!

    Oh... unbelievably, I am doing great on the 100 mile challenge! (Have to take credit for the successes when I can!) :bigsmile:

    Weigh-in day is Monday... with the slave driver, Heather! :grumble:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Quick check in for the week. Great challenges April! I know I have a gain after vacation...so now, I have some hard work ahead of me.
    My hubby and I realized that we are not eating in the good way. If I don't face it...I will keep up with the old habits I had.

    Will be back Monday with my ....gulp....weigh in.

    Congrats to those who have losses!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Checking in: 167.5 - down 1.5 pounds from last week.

    April, as always, thanks a bunch for making this week's challenge.

    Also, thank you to everyone who congratulated me and my daughter. We are still riding high from this great news! Still waiting on two more decisions to come in. So fingers crossed!.

    Onto the challenges:

    100 miles in 70 days, how are we doing on this challenge? I've taken to walking to and from the bus stop from work and home every week day so that's 2.2 miles per day. I finished my 9-week challenge on EASA2 so I'm going to work on the treadmill and elliptical during my lunch hour and get more miles in!

    Challenge 1 - I'll see how I do with the sodium. I've been cooking from recipes and some of them have an astronomical amount of sodium, though I do make changes to reduce it (reduced-sodium chicken broth, etc.). I am tracking it though. I also drink over 12 glasses of water per day so I think that's a huge help.

    Challenge 2 - I'll try to find a pilates workout to do or break out my old 20/20 pilates DVD.

    Challenge 3 - I do upper and lower every time I exercise. This will be simple.

    Challenge 4 - I'll see about splurging. I usually allow myself little indulgences every now and then anyhow. Like a piece of candy - and not the dark chocolate pieces. Mmm Twix and Snickers. :laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Bumping this for the weigh in tomorrow - still bloated as all get out and not drinking enough water. Going to go way up on the consumption today - going to try and get 20 in (not terribly over what I should be doing @ 15 glasses a day) but hopefully that will help on the bloat and water retention! Not particularly hopeful for this week's weigh in.....
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    i was ill yesterday and managed to eat the grand total of 100 cals :\

    I will make a big effort on eating today, feel much better, not so sure I could manage my workout yet, I may leave that for tomorrow.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Just updated my walking ticker from the past few days :) I'm cruisin'!

    Challenge 1 - Week 4
    I strive to watch my sodium on a regular basis, and I very rarely drink less than 12 glasses of water a day. So I plan to keep this one up for sure :)

    Challenge 2 - Week 4
    I have 3 videos from youtube I use a few times a month that I seem to like. Here's the links if anyone wants to give them a shot:
    abs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kin6AYFBOKE&feature=related then sculpting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WwK9lWwxnw and then I finish with flex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZopL5-P8zgs

    Challenge 3 - Week 4
    Doing the Kenpo X should work well with this challenge

    Challenge 4 - Week 4
    I can't 'splurge'. I eat what I want just within moderation. It's easier that way for me :)

    Thanks again for an awesome week April, and welcome to all who have decided to join and hello to all my H2O ladies who've been here through the long hull :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Did a double check on my weight this morning, since I weighed in the middle of the day yesterday.. :)

    Wk 2: 301
    Wk 3: 301
    CW: 298

    woo hoo.. :) Im excited.. 3 pounds total. :)
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    Hello H20,

    I'm so thankful to have this thread, I appreciate all yer hard work Aprilval. You always do an amazing job!! thanks!!! sorry I have been MIA for the past couple weeks. :( I have been extremely busy at work and home, which makes it difficult to get on the computer. I have been using the phone app but its really hard to make long posts. As a result of being busy, I have been extremely disorganized and have been bingeing off and on. I've pulled up my bootstraps, went shopping for groceries and have made my meals for the next week, so I'm ready to get back at it. I've been reading your posts and congratz to those who have done well, I'm hoping for a healthy week for everyone.!!!

    I will start the stationary Boxing today, not sure how that is gonna go

    Challenge 1 - Week 4 I have never been a fan of salt so as long as i stay on track this shouldnt be a problem for me.

    Challenge 2 - Week 4 I have been doing hot yoga which has many pilates stretches in it, so I think I will stick to that.

    Challenge 4 - Week 4 I don't think I can do one free day!! I have a very big problem with bingeing!! I have just realized I have no self control once I start. I even amazed myself in the past 3 weeks that on some days I could actually eat that much.

    I love your Quote of the week: "With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose." ~ Wayne W. Dyer As I have been losing weight I have been telling myself that | am a product of now, not my past. I haven't been this weight in 10 years.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!!!
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    I've been MIA... ice storms and personal issues at home with my daughter had me offline for a week, then last week my Grandfather came home from FL so I have been spending more time with him before he goes back and my hours at work have picked up considerably (just still not as much as I would like).

    I'm holding my own as far as my eating goes, though I've not been online to track it... my workouts have not been happening. I'm going to have some major making up to do in the coming weeks! I can and I will do it though! I've got to stay committed to my health. I need to find my pedometer. With my increased work load, I know I am getting a lot of miles in daily, but I was hoping to only count the "extra" activities... my actual fitness workouts. not my everyday life as that is calculated into my regular routines.

    Looking forward to this snow melting and the ground drying up so that I can get my bike out of storage and head out for daily bike rides... and I'm wanting to find some of our local trails to work and/or ride my bike. See just how much my hometown has changed over the past 17 years while I was gone supporting my soon to be ex's military career!

    I'll try and be better about checking in! AND getting my workout in.

    I've got a palates DVD, so I think I might pull it out and complete that part of the challenge...My water intake still isn't great since out water still tastes terrible, but I'm at least drinking a lot of decaf tea to at least stay hydrated good... and it is definitely flushing me out...

    Salt is not really a big issue for me as I used to have hypertension from the time I was about 19 until I turned 35. Was on medication for it, so just learned to cook and eat with little or no sodium. I guess when it is worse, is when I'm ending up fixing boxed potatoes, rice, pasta, etc...but I've been trying to stay away from those...

    My upper and lower body strength training will be my challenges... still working those, but had to take another small break to let my knees rest up as they were starting to get sore. Plan is to get back on track today with them...

    I agree with Roboray... I too eat whatever I want within moderation. I once heard on TV (Think it was some French Author who was talking about the French Diet who was on Oprah)... When you are craving something, it only really takes 2 bites to satisfy that craving. You just need to eat it VERY slow. Savor the texture, the taste, the smell.... That's it... that's all you need. I TRY to stick to that... sometimes, I manage too, other times not so much, but if we all at least attempt to truly enjoy the first 2 bites, then maybe we won't need the third, fourth, nor the whole container/package!

    Good Luck everyone on this weeks challenge! I'm going to attempt to get in here more often to keep up...

  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I wanted to check in today even though I'm going to hit the pavement soon for my run. The weather here today is really nice, cold but sunny and the roads/sidewalks look less trecherous than they have in weeks, so I'm going outside instead of to the treadmill since I have 6 miles planned.. just not sure I can handle the monotony of that on the treadmill!!!

    So for my weigh in, I was down to 156.2, which is a 3 pound loss from two weeks ago (last week was a 0, but that's still good) so I'm really happy! Getting closer to my goal than I've been in a long time, I have it set to 140, but will probably then change it to be closer to 135. According to all the charts I should be closer to 125-130 as I'm only 5'2". We'll see what my body says about that!!!

    Had a great day yesterday shopping with my little sister!!! We've both been losing weight since last summer and we needed new spring clothes!!! Nothing fits anymore!!! Which is a good thing, and we had such a blast together! It was great saying.. do you have this in a medium.. instead of an xtralarge!!!! She's a little ahead of me, she actually bought a size 6 shorts, and I'm in about a 10, but I'm so happy and proud of her, and she of me!

    Have a great Sunday, I"m off to run soon... I'm just letting my big lunch settle before I hit the street!!!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I weigh tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April - YAY on 3 pounds! That's a wonderful weigh-in. Thank you for putting together such wonderful OPs each week. We really do appreciate all of the hard work you put into each one. :)

    Tannie - have fun spending birthday time!

    cazz - I hear 'ya on the salt. The saltier the better! That's really cool that you've trained your taste buds to alert you when you're taking in too much.

    Linda - I'm glad Vegas treated you well. Fingers crossed for a good weigh-in on Monday.

    ceelovejay - look at you go! Congrats on your daughter's acceptance letter. I hope you get two more envelopes of happy news. Is she staying in-state or looking at colleges away from home?

    fitterpam - don't get discouraged over this week's weigh-in yet. You never know what might change between now and then.

    bjshooter - you poor thing! Feel better. :( Don't stress your body out with exercise, just focus on getting your energy back up to where it should be.

    Bru - heck yeah you're cruisin'! That's great. Thanks for the youtube links, I'm definitely going to have to take a good look at those and try to incorporate them into my days.

    roboray - good for you, getting your meals all made and ready to go for the week. That's a great strategy. What is hot yoga?

    ladubu6205 - glad you're still sticking to your food goals. I hope the weather turns around soon so you can get to wheeling all over the town. I've never heard of the 2 bite thing...I'll have to give that a shot. When I'm craving dark chocolate I break two perforated bars off of the big Hershey's bar, and comes to 72 cals (not bad at all), but now I'm wondering if I actually take the time to enjoy it if I can get away with one little bar. Worth a shot!

    Nikstergirl - congrats on 3 pounds down! How fun that you and your sister got to have a skinny shopping trip. You're going to be strutting your stuff in your new Spring clothes!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    100 miles in 70 days ~ uhhh, lol, I'm pretty much lacking on this challenge. I've got a 5K at the end of this month that I really need to be stepping up my game for. For some reason I've got a mental block against me being able to run a full mile. Hubby thinks I can do it, but I just shut down. hmmmm...

    Challenge 1 - Week 4 ~ Oh sodium...I love salty things, and hubby really does. I don't think a single meal of ours is complete without garlic salt. I did a good job yesterday and drank 10 glasses of water! I kept my big 32oz. glass full at all times and right in front of me. Even held it while I wasn't thirsty so I'd remember it was there.

    Challenge 2 - Week 4 ~ I don't think I've ever actually done pilates. Is it like yoga? I'm going to check out the Exercise TV stuff (thanks for the suggestion, April!).

    Challenge 3 - Week 4 ~ I gotta get back on my push ups/leg lifts/squats/planks...I was doing well when I had my monthly challenge (x number in a month) before I got bored. Thinking I need to start up that challenge again, or at least make a little nightly routine or something.

    Challenge 4 - Week 4 ~ I think I'm going to interpret the splurging as NOT working out at all for one day this week. No nightly routine, no Wii Fit, just plop and enjoy the squishy couch. I let myself enjoy little bits of food that I want (chocolate, ice cream, etc.) every day as I find totally restricting myself just makes me go overboard once I DO get it. This also means that I need to work out every day this week so the splurge is actuallly a splurge. :laugh:

    I've been really bad with the scale this week. Ever since my last weigh-in on Wednesday, I've been hopping on the scale every morning, hoping I'd break through the 170's. That hasn't happened, in fact, I'm up a little. I'm going to have to really start restricting myself and not just hop on the scale when I'm about to get in the shower every day.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Starting weight 299.8
    Week 1 297.4
    Week 2 293.2
    Week 3 290.6

    Probably gain it all back.... been bad with food since Friday... Should be back on the right track this week... Still sleeping alot but I'm able to stay up in the morning at least... Just need an afternoon nap...
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Challenge 1 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Keep your sodium in the green all week. keeping your sodium in the green, will help you with retaining water. Along with keeping your sodium in the green all week, I want you to atleast drink 8 glasses of water daily. (up it by one or two glasses, if you can't seem to get past the 8 glasses)

    I dont retain water too often. Certain foods I know to stay away from. Pizza for example will blow me up like a balloon, but a bag of chips wont. NOT that I eat a bag of chips anymore, but Im fairly in tune with my body. I usually dont add salt to food much. Eggs and chicken or beef noodles... thats about it. Everything else is au naturale. That doesnt mean I dont consume products that have salt in them tho... My sodium is usually WAY over, but Im still losing and not bloated so Im ok to skip this. I have been lax about my drinks. Most of it is lack of a place to put it now. And if its not next to me, I wont drink much.

    Challenge 2 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Pilates (pronounced: puh-lah-teez) improves mental and physical well-being, increases flexibility, and strengthens muscles through controlled movements done as mat exercises or with equipment to tone and strengthen the body. (give pilates a try, I realize it isn't for everyone) get on youtube and search pilates videos, or if you have OnDemand, go under free pass, then sports and fitness, fitness tv, and youll find some pilates. :)

    Tryin to kill me arent you? lmbo. Ill throw a set or two of ones I can do. No downward facing dogs or planks for me... I WAS extremely fascinated with Bob Harpers Scorpian twist thing he showed this week.... MMMMMM Bob.... *drooling* However, no way can I do that yet. lol.

    I might do some sun salutations, lotus and whatnot... Do what I can do.

    Challenge 3 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Lets throw in some lower and upper body exercise. Lets try some boxing.. Front kick: Stand with feet shoulders' width apart. Bend your knees slightly, and pull your right knee up toward your chest. Point your knee in the direction of an imaginary target. Then, kick out with the ball of your foot. Repeat with your other leg. Throw some punches in with the kicks to get upper body movement.

    Id give my eyeteeth for an upright punching bag or dummy. Seriously. lol. However, these moves are effective. Ive done my Billy Blanks before, and I have yet to find someone to work me out that good.... Not even Jillian can give me that kind of sweat and burn.... And hes on Demand... :D

    Challenge 4 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Allow yourself ONE free day, as far as splurging.. but with doing so, still plug it all into your food diary. Stay true to yourself. just remember not to go over board.. :)

    I have had my splurge day. :p
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I had one of those "no matter what I eat, I am not satisfied" kind of days. I didn't go over my calories - but FEEL like I SHOULD have! LOL I also drank my water today. I mean, I drank what I SHOULD be drinking everyday!!

    I have decided that yams make a good food when I am looking for something sweet. Didn't have to add anything to them, but I did! LOL I added a WHOLE tablespoon of agave nectar!! (can you feel the sarcasm there?!) For 3 small yams! I ate 2 of them. :tongue:

    So, tell me... is it because of all the water that I drank that I feel like I weigh 2,000#?

    I will be going to the gym later - maybe I will feel better after my workout?!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Well, I have only been here since last week. But, I've lost 1 lb since then.

    My starting weight when I started was 135.
    I've lost 1 lb so I'm down to 134.

    I hope I can do a few of these challenges this week.
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Down 0.4 lbs this week. Seems like I hit the 170's and went into a major plateau. I've been trying to up my exercise intensity to help out...

    Challenge 1: I used to drink 1-3 glasses per day, now I've been averaging 4-6. Gonna try for that 8 glasses!!

    Challenge 2: Is yoga okay? My Doc recommended it for my stress and anxiety and I've never done it, so we'll see how the first week goes!

    Challenge 3: Kick boxing - will look for some youtube vids to help out...

    Challenge 4: I give myself too many freebees already... yesterday had an eat-out day, and today for lunch had chinese... so.... hmm. We'll see. I'm going to TRY and not use it. :-)
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