

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    ldspill - I have the exact same problem with my husband! As my son says "if it has more flavor than cardboard, daddy won't like it". I usually have to make 2 dinners, too. There is just so much that he won't eat! I like variety, can't STAND having the same thing over and over and over. I tell you, one time I made something with peas in it, he picked out every single last pea! If there are chunks of tomato in a sauce or something, he'll pick out every last one! I have another 2 year old, so I know what you're going thru. It's just amazing that he stays healthy but eats so poorly.

    Decided not to do the hula hoop today but instead did a Leslie Sansone walking DVD. Tomorrow, I'll do a step DVD

    Alice - when we were in FL, I looked online for a MahJongg game, and found quite a few. Only problem is that there isn't one like the game we play.

    Amanda - congrats on being able to wear that dress! And the wolf whistle from your hubby probably made it that much sweeter.

    I have a question for anyone. A while ago the use of apple cider vinegar certainly helped curb my carb attacks. Really, now I very seldom have them. However, what I am finding is that I am craving sugar. Not just sugar in fruits, either. Dried fruits seem to squelch this desire because they are very high in sugar. Yes, it is the "good" kind, I know. But does anyone have something that squelches the desires for sugar?

    grandee - oh, bandit is so adorable!!!!! I think I'm in love. You are so lucky to have such beautiful cats. We're thinking about getting one or two more. We'll get them from the Humane Society. There is one that looks like a Norwegean Forest Cat but right now he has ear mites. We want to see how he interacts with other cats before we get him. There is another one that we'd think about, but he was in isolation because of a cold, he's about to come out so we want to see how he is with other cats, too. I kind of like this one little cat, she seems so loving. Maybe I'm just a sucker for smaller cats, yet I love Loki who is 15lbs. He's the same way -- not overweight, just BIG.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening and day tomorrow.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    For the past few days I've had absolutely NO PROBLEM staying under my calories but no energy to do any exercise either.... stomach flu will do that to you! :sick: I was fine at 11:00 am Friday but by 3:oo I was hugging the toilet. Good news is between detoxing and stomach flu, it doesn't take much to fill me up! :wink:

    I slept most of yesterday but felt like going to church this morning. Now I feel back to normal and since hubby is on nights am seriously considering breaking out the ol zumba DVD and seeing if I can break a sweat!

    Don't know if y'all heard about the grass fires in our part of the country last week on the national news. Last Sunday afternoon we had 45-65 mph winds which caused a power line to go down and start a wildfire that burned 5,000 acres in and around the house we just moved out of. The fire department evacuated our renters and former neighbors. Talk about the power of prayer, all we suffered was smoke damage! The fire literally licked up all the grass on our acreage but left our wooden privacy fence standing and stopped just short of the house. Four other homes in the area were completely destroyed. It cost a pretty penny to have the soot and smoke smell removed, but as of today they are back in the house. Things could have been so very much worse!
  • mrsanderson404
    :tongue: My food diary entry for today..."ate too dang much"....LOL....not too bad...but a bit over on my protein....but it's dh birthday and the t-bone steaks smelled heavenly!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rebel, glad to hear that you're still around......can't wait to find out what you've been up to :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well....hope you're up and about really soon....those fires sound terrible....I'm glad that you and your house are safe.

    :flowerforyou: Macmadame, glad your running is going so well :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I saw some news about your storms on TV today......wow, I'm glad you are safe

    :bigsmile: Grandee, your Bandit is adorable and Mac is beautiful......there are pictures of my Haifa and Bernie on my profile.....I can't imagine living in a house without a cat....Bernie is about 13 pounds and I thought he was huge......Haifa is 15 years old and starting to lose weight as he ages.

    :cry: Jeannie, I'm sorry to hear that things are rocky with you and your husband......stay in the moment and take care of yourself and your kids

    :bigsmile: Michelle, we bought a MahJongg game but gave it away because it was so complicated.......we liked playing the computer game but the regular game was too different.

    :flowerforyou: Alice, I agree with you about focusing on goals that you can control in some way........amount of exercise, calories, water drinking
    losing weight seems to have a mind of its own.

    :bigsmile: Amanda, it sounds like you have the most amazing wardrobe, I'd love to have a peek in your closet:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: smwert, I am glad you are starting to feel better.....you have been sick for much too long

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, it always helps me to have my food planned ahead of time and some plans for what I am going to do with my time so I don't think about food or eat for entertainment

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, we have been trying to brush the dogs' teeth and find it challenging but the $500.00 for doggie dental work last month was a nightmare

    :flowerforyou: today is our Isagenix cleanse day which is a day when I take it easy and do simple chores but hubby decided that the poodles needed to be bathed and groomed so I got recruited to dry them after their baths and clean the hair off the carpet after the haircuts were done......they were so clean and beautiful that I didn't take them to the muddy dog park so if I want to get my 10,000 steps, I'd better get up right now and get moving :bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's been a long and busy weekend, and I'm tired. I accomplished everything that I had planned except for a walk today, so not too bad. The exciting news is that last night I bought an iPad. My friend gave me a router, my son in law installed it today, and I am posting from it now! I had been saving for one, and since they are releasing the new model this week, the current model dropped $100 in price. I'm pretty excited! More tomorrow; I need to head to bed now. Goodnight!
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Good Evening Ladies!

    Hope this finds everyone happy and health. It warmed up today, 44 degrees (heat wave?) and a little bit of that shiny thing in the sky. It's been so long since I've seen it I had to be reminded that it's called sunshine. This weather has been truly strange. We never know from one minute to the next what our weather is going to be. As I've mentioned before the weatherman can not be trusted.

    I've decided to be my own weather "person", to be PC. I plan to step outside and gauge for myself, then plan my day. Here is how you can do the same. Braid some yarn and hang it on a nail outside your window.
    If it's wet..........................It's raining
    If it's white.......................It's snowing
    If it's stiff..........................It's freezing
    If it's invisible.................It's foggy
    If it's dry...........................It's sunny
    If it's moving...................It's windy
    If it's gone.......................It's a hurricane
    I wish I could take credit for this funny idea but a friend of mine brought one of these home from a trip to Boston. It is called a New England Weather Forecaster but I have a feeling it will work just as well in any part of the nation. I've found it to be very accurate.

    I just had a garage sale from my storage unit. It was very liberating to get rid of a bunch of stuff that I will probably need when I move. My husband has assured me that if (and that's a big IF) I need something I gave away I can buy a new one. Hhhmmm, do you think it's premature to start making a list? You never know when you might need another lamp from the 70's that was so ugly I ended up donating it because the people at the garage sale had good taste. That rowing machine that was so rusted that it looked like something that came up with a sunken treasure. Oh, and the bellbottom hip huggers, that I wouldn't be caught dead in, that really did fetch a great price. Oh yeah...antiques and artifacts, pretty much stuff that cave dwellers painted pictures of on their walls. I have no idea where it all came from, it couldn't possibly have been mine. I really thought I was cool back then but after opening up some of these boxes.....not so much. Anybody want to buy some platform shoes?

    Hope your day was as enlightening and interesting as mine.

    My Best to you all!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Thought I would share my new picture. I found this dress on Saturday and tried it on to see how much more I would have to lose to wear it (it's a med) I was thrilled that it fit !!!!
    Now I just need good weather to wear it. I will change my picture back in a few days. The bike is really much better looking.
    P.S. See I cut my own head off!!!!! It picture is fine on my profile. Can't figure out how to move it down. Oh well.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    I am just about to give up. I have regained so much weight just by coming back to work. I am eating the same way I was before so I know that it is just because I am not burning the calories I used to. It is coming back on so fast. I thought I could stay ahead of it. The bottom line is that I am fat again. I am beginning to think this is the way I will be. I only eat about 1400-1500 calories a day and I walk 4 miles a day plus. what is the point of working so hard for a year just to have it all be reight back where I started? I think I need to take a break and regroup. Come up with a new plan. I feel like such a failure. (I haven't updated my ticker. If I do I will feel really bad so I am not going to do it.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Quick checkin..... I'm at my daughter's cleaning and this is my coffee break. I'm being accountable after my huge fall off the wagon last evening. I KNOW what my problem was. I let myself get upset because I had to leave my warm, comfy living room to go out in the very hard pouring rain to do something I had committed to. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I know better! Anyway, when we got back, I was a happy camper and just couldn't get my mind off sweets. So, instead of chewing gum I hit the sugar, and once I hit the sugar I can't stop. As I said, I know better and I am feeling so much remorse. Well, I am burning those calories today and want to get a walk in as well when I go to pick my granddaughter from school. It's a beautiful, sunny, but cold, day so I'm hoping it'll be more pleasant this afternoon. Haven't read the posts yet....won't let myself while I'm here....only fill in food diary. I'll read them tonight and see how everyone's doing. DH is in Memphis so I don't have to cook. :happy: :happy:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmorning Everyone:

    D's birthday today he is 61 and hurt his back on the weekend. He is trying to come back from that.:ohwell:

    Twins birthday party was a success, they are 7, and some of their cousins were there, only 11 showed
    up, oldest was 10. Yikes, noise level was something else. My sister-in-law fell down the stairs with a
    glass of wine in her hand. She's okay and wine glass broke, but she will be sore today.

    I am back to work today and weighed in and felt pretty good even though weekends are my downfall. I
    really watched what went in my mouth. The scale actually went down. :bigsmile:

    LDSPILL: You are in rock and hard place with your hubby bringing home all that temptation. Tell him to
    lock up his treats in a cupboard or a box so you can't be tempted.

    DOOBIEDOO: Weekends are really tough for me too, but you just have to try and get passed it. There is really
    no cure for that we just have to get our minds around that we are not going to be tempted. Easier said than done.

    FROGMAMA: I work in Buffalo, NY so you know what I am talking about. This weather sucks :sad:

    SUEZZZ: I hope you feel better and get over the flu. There is so much crap going around its hard to stay healthy.
    We have never experienced grass fires here in Ontario, where I live, but I hope all goes well with that.

    RJAdams: Please don't give up on your weight. It is a constant battle for all of us, but I was soon to give up until I went
    on this site and I have lost 18 pounds so far and still at it and will be for a while. Its not a sprint its a marathon.

    Take care everyone will check back tomorrow.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I weighed this morning and lost 2 pounds. I am happy that it is a lost just disappointed cause the author of 17 day diet claims you lose much faster. Not a lot of exercise last week so that could be it. But I am glad it is down. I will keep on with the plan.
    I read all of the post and will try to address them later but for now I feel I have to address Robin. Robin please dont give up. I also have to do loads of exercise in order to lose. Maybe you need to go down on your calories a little. figure out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and try to stick with that. Also a wise woman on this site gave me some great advice when I was complianing about gaining when I thought I had done nothing to deserve it. Her advice was check what I ate carefullly. sometimes we let those little things creep back in and forget to log them. Maybe cut back on carbs or sugar for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. On my plan he suggests eating his plan during the week and giving yourself a couple of cheat meals on weekends. Please dont give up. I know it is discouraging. My hardest part is always maintenance. I pray that when I get down there I can keep mine off this time. I have lost about a million pounds in my lifetime. We are here for you, keep posting and keep trying.

    Have a good day ladies. I thank all of you for the weather concerns. It is a beautiful cool day here now and that weather is gone.
    Vicki M
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    On the way to the gym - it has finally reopened. Just a quick stop in here to log my breakfast and I'm off. Just have to make one quick comment.

    Robin - I know how hard you exercised in the past 4 and 5 hours a day when you were off work. Maybe your body has become so accustomed to that amount of exercise that it is in temporary rebellion to the new schedule. Perhaps, if you keep your calories in check and don't give up, you body will adjust to the new exercise schedule. It would be a shame to give up now. You have worked too hard for this. I think if it was me I would keep the calories where they are, eat real clean, put the scale in the closet and check back in with the scale a few weeks.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning! I am at work and just stopping in for a brief hello. Robin, don't give up! We are here to listen to you vent. Hang in there, and just try to concentrate on staying in your calorie goal for now. Hopefully, your body will even out.
    I plan to try to swim again tonight, so I will be back later this evening after that. Have a great Monday!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Robin, never, never, never, give up......Vicki had a good suggestion about paying careful attention to what you are eating and noticing whether there are things you can cut out for awhile........eating clean, eating lots of veggies, staying away from alcohol, sugar, and bread of any sort might be some places to start......

    :flowerforyou: I'm going out to dinner tonight to celebrate a special occasion with a young friend and a dozen other people. We're going to restaurant that I like but haven't eaten it for years because everything they serve is not anywhere near my food plan but tonight I'm planning to eat. Just for fun, I tried posting a meal that I might eat and the calorie count for the meal came to over 1500 calories :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :noway: There's no way I could burn that many calories so it will be a challenge and a change for me.:laugh:

    :laugh: I've ridden the exercise bike, danced with the TV and taken the dogs to the dog park and if I get up now and start moving maybe I can burn the rest of the 1500 calories I need for dinner or I can go lie down and read my book and maybe take a nap.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Hello to all members.

    Jumping in to mark my spot. Larking again.

    Robin do not give up. It will happen just give it some time.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies;

    MICHELE, How much water are you drinking? I usually get that craving when I need more water. Also try green teas, ginger teas, with mixtures if you don't like the tastes. Sometimes too it is my body saying my blood sugar is low, so I have a baked potatoe and a hamburg with lean meat and a few vegies ontop. Hope this helps a bit.:smile:

    BARBIE, how did your dog come out of it.? They are put to sleep for the treatment, was your dog sick or in any pain after? I may have to have Buttons done. :frown:

    Brisk walk today, snow was hard to walk in, I kept slipping and sliding some. My buttocks are sore now. My teeth are sore too, and the dentist wants me back for more things! Oh woe is me, :sad:

    Catch you all tomorrow, good night sweet dreams!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    BARBIE, how did your dog come out of it.? They are put to sleep for the treatment, was your dog sick or in any pain after? I may have to have Buttons done. :frown:

    Marilyn, Brandy did fine with the dental work. We took her in at 8 AM and they put her under, did the dental work, and we picked her up late in the afternoon. She was sleepy and dopey and wanted her daddy to lie on the hide a bed with her all evening, but by morning she was her regular self again.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Hi everyone - I belong in here seeing as how I am just within this category! :laugh:

    Today I've been walking along the beach with Mr Slinx. The sun was shining, the wind was cold but it was so good to be out in it.

    Here in UK we are starting to move out of the Winter season and onwards to Spring and it certainly felt like an early Spring day today. My goals for this month are to get the vegetables in so I will be working up a sweat digging and planting etc. Any fellow gardeners here? Also, I want to get out more and do some walking especially taking in some cliff walks and get a bit more of that bracing air in my lungs.

    Anyone started any Spring cleaning yet?
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Everyone! Ate dinner at my daughter's so I could spend some extra time with her and my grandddaughter. I had a busy, non-stop day and I'm relishing it. I love the good healthy tired I'm feeling instead of the exhausted tired that I felt from just being sick for several years. So, today I not only got good exercise, I stuck to "program" and no sugarholic downfalls!

    Robin, Robin, Robin.....please don't give up! I agree with Barbie that you really have to monitor, not only how much you eat, but what you eat. I have always found that eating processed foods does not allow me to lose weight as fast as eating natural foods. That's why I have the motto "if God doesn't grow it that way think twice about eating it". It was really hard for me to give up processed foods so what I did was get them out of my kitchen and filled my fridge with my favorite good foods. It was amazing how quickly my body no longer craved those bad foods because I was filling it with the good stuff. Also, make sure you don't have an underlying health issue. That was a huge issue for me. I can't tell you how many times a doctor told me that I should be eating less when I wasn't eating a lot! It was very frustrating. :frown: Anyway, hang in there. We're all supporting you.

    Mary, you lucky duck. I'd love an Ipad! I'd like one to have in my camera bag so I can download photos while out in the field. Maybe someday.

    Barbie, I looked at your photos and all your pets are beautiful. I love those poodles! I have a friend in upstate NY who has two standards....one pitch black and the other pure white. I think poodles are gorgeous animals. We've owned Shelties and a Golden Retriever, and my kids all have labs. I am hoping that we'll eventurally get what I call a "doodle" dog.......you know, something crossed with a poodle so it doesn't shed. (Between the Shelties, Retriever and these two cats, I've had enough pet hair!) We have two labradoodles in our neighborhood that I adore. I've dropped many hints to my hubby, but nothing yet!

    I think I'll curl up with my book. Nightie, night!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Robin....I can really understand wanting to give up and I think its a brave thing to be able to write it here. I think this is the place to be able to say that because I know that many times I have felt that way. I also know that when I do let myself "have a vacation" I usually end up very disappointed a lot heavier in a very short time. I definitely need to move a lot and really monitor my intake. It can really be a drag when I hear that people in my Weigh Loss group can eat a lot more than me and then not exercise and lose bigger number than I lose. But I have been tracking and doing this for over a year. I have lost about 35 lbs (my tracker doesn't show that because I started and stopped over many months so had to get down to where I began)....and I have to talk myself through those tough times when I want to not try so hard. I think being over 50 is just another challenge but it doesn't mean that we can't get healthier.

    My challenge today was meeting some old friends for lunch and we were at a sushi and hibachi restaurant. I just saw big sodium numbers on all the choices. The choices were really tough. I made the best choice I could (teriyaki chicken and plain rice) but I know I need to drink a lot of water.
    My sinus infection is getting better so now I think its time to get back to the gym for me!

    Again....thanks for posting...especially the hard stuff!!