270 min. challenge 2/28 - 3/6



  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    weekly goal: 350 minutes

    mon: 57 min. walk at home 10 min shake weight
    tues: 57 min. Walk at home
    wed: 55 min. Walk at home 10 min shake weight
    thur: 65 min. walk at home
    fri: 180 min. Running around/walking
    sat: n/a min. (what you did)
    sun: 68 min. Walk at home

    total: 502
    left to go: over 152 mins
  • tmccutcheon
    tmccutcheon Posts: 66 Member
    Weekly Goal: 420 minutes

    Mon: 72 min (running)
    Fri: min.
    Sat: min.
    Sun: min.

    Total: 72
    Left to go: 348 minutes to go

    Starting the week off right!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Weekly goal: 400 minutes

    mon: min. 60 minutes walking
    tues: min. 30 minutes house cleaning
    wed: min. none - stuck in a meeting until late
    thur: min. 30 minutes walking - 15 slow pace, 15 moderate pace - added 25 more on new stationary bike yay!
    fri: 240 minutes cleaning (job) I don't plan for this to be part of my goal each week, so still have a lot to do the next 2 days...
    sat: 90 minutes walking + 30 minutes stationary bike
    sun: so far 40 minutes on stationary bike

    - not sure I will make the 400 without counting my cleaning job from Friday. Schedule was off due to meeting and switch around with work schedule... I will try to get in more time before bedtime - need to cook dinner for now.

    Added another 40 on stationary bike tonight.

    total: 345
    left to go: 55

    Guess it wasn't the week to set goals so high, but hey, I tried - that's what counts!

    Don't be so hard on yourself! You did AWESOME!! Over 300 in one week?! Great great job!

    I'm up for another week! Let's go!
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    hey guys! i'm definitely up for another week... just posted a new thread. here it is-


    everyone is just rocking this challenge! let's keep it going.....