Lenten Scale Diet: T minus 6 days... are you in?



  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I'm willing to try! I also weigh myself at least once daily, frequently more. So this is probably just what I need to lose my dependency on the scale :ohwell:

    (Also, I'm not religious, but here's to a Lenten effort!)
  • snafu
    snafu Posts: 16
    Yup, count the duck in as well...........I always give up stuff for Lent and this seems a very constructive addition................Scales are being given to Mr Duck and will not be returned until Easter Sunday..............gulp......!!!! :tongue:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm kind of in, and out, at once. I decided today to give up mfp and scales this lent. So see you all again on Easter Sunday (or until Tuesday's over first, anyway).
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    i am in. would love to not worry about my weight for lent. what good thing to give up
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    T minus 2 days until the Lenten scale diet begins....
    After my weigh in this morning... I might just break the dang thing then I dont have to worry about it... GRR!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Ok guys - Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the last weigh in, correct??
  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    So we are suppose to post our weigh in here tomorrow and then again on Easter? Is that what we are doing? Sorry! NOOB here! :)
  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    I am in!
    I weigh myself every morning - today wasn't so pretty and I am in an awful mood!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I love this idea. My next weigh in is March 9 and it is my monthly update for pictures. I'm going to give this challenge a try. :)
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Jew-ish girl in for the Lenten Scale Diet! Love it! Come Passover, I will be stoked.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Non religious here, but definitely like the idea...I'm in!
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    My CW (weighed in this morning) 186.5. I just registered to do my first 5k on Mothers Day here in Pittsburgh Pa. So i am hoping with the training and eating right I can drop some weight. My GW is 140-145ish. Good Luck to everyone with this challenge
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    That is a great idea! I'm ok with posting my weight on here tomorrow and then again on Easter! See you all in the morning!! Emma - you wanna start the new "Lenten Scale Diet" thread tomorrow or we just want to continue with this one?
    So we are suppose to post our weigh in here tomorrow and then again on Easter? Is that what we are doing? Sorry! NOOB here! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey guys -- the official thread is posted!! I am excited... nervous too ... but mostly excited!

  • massageu
    massageu Posts: 4 Member
    I'll Try it
  • kattiek
    kattiek Posts: 83
    I'm doing it! Tired of obsessing over that sucker.
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