Team UK - March 2011



  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member

    My downfall is chocolate not drink.

    Unfortunately my vices include both chocolate and alcohol, sometimes both at the same time! It's all about moderation though, I managed to lose the weight I wanted whilst still having a treat. The problem is to keep it in moderation now I'm maintaining as I'm not being so strict.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    "backinthenines" you live in Sunny South Wales?! Me too...i live in Cardiff!!!

    Me too!! :happy:

    Do you go to any gym?
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    "backinthenines" you live in Sunny South Wales?! Me too...i live in Cardiff!!!

    Me too!! :happy:

    Do you go to any gym?

    I do indeed......DW sports in Leckwith?!?! How about u???
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I do indeed......DW sports in Leckwith?!?! How about u???

    Fitness First in Pengam Green. :smile:
    I used to go to the International Pool in the Bay (they have a gym there too), but FF is closer and I used to go there before I switched to the Bay and it's nice and sociable and literally round the corner from me.
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    I do indeed......DW sports in Leckwith?!?! How about u???

    Fitness First in Pengam Green. :smile:
    I used to go to the International Pool in the Bay (they have a gym there too), but FF is closer and I used to go there before I switched to the Bay and it's nice and sociable and literally round the corner from me.

    My friend's husband takes a spin class at the International Pool (..not actually in the pool.....obviously:wink: )

    DW sports is about a min from my house, closer is better, no need to go home after work....otherwise the sofa would be too tempting!!! DW sports is ok, more of a convenience gym for me!!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I know a couple of the spin instructors there... my mate Steve who also teaches at FF and Richard who I used to know through Cardiff Tri club. Any one of those?
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    My downfall is chocolate not drink. As I've been sitting here I've devoured a 100g of Green & Blacks chocolate with mint fondant at 478 cals a bar.

    I can kind of take or leave booze. I genuinely don't like the taste of a lot of drinks. Sometimes my man and I have a glass of wine with dinner but a bottle would last us all weekend.

    Green & Blacks 70% dark chocolate is lovely and I'll buy that sometimes but again have no probs rationing it.

    Cheese however.... :embarassed: :ohwell:
  • stacy85
    stacy85 Posts: 10
    Hi all - mind if I join ?? Xx
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member

    My downfall is chocolate not drink.

    Unfortunately my vices include both chocolate and alcohol, sometimes both at the same time! It's all about moderation though, I managed to lose the weight I wanted whilst still having a treat. The problem is to keep it in moderation now I'm maintaining as I'm not being so strict.

    I'm going to be honest - anything with copious amounts of cheese, vodka, chocolate or cream are my weakness!!!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all - mind if I join ?? Xx

    Everyone is welcome :)
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I swear if this pesky extra 1lb doesn't disappear sometime soon, I'm going to lose my mind!!!

    On the plus side, I made Salmon and Leek risotto last night (it's the Sainsburys feed the family 5 nights for £20 recipe thing - they've got some great suggestions!) and it was soooooooo good. I'm not a massive fish fan but I love smoked salmon and really loved it. And at only 450 calories (although I had garlic bread with it, so make that 550 calories) it was great :) finally came in 150 calories under target on a non-exercise day which I haven't done in weeks.

    It's pancake day today, so I'll be avoiding the canteen at work like the plague. Last year those chocolate, walnut and whipped cream things were the devil!!

  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Lrns - I picked up that Sainsburys recipe card last night and thought the risotto looked lovely. Must try it out.

    My hubby is insisting I make pancakes tonight, and what makes it worse is that I'm meeting my BF for dinner in Wagamamas also. Guess I'll be over today then (and it's only 9.15!!)
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Oooow I looove pancakes... Put my order in with the creche this morning, so we'll be having pancakes for dinner. They're not even that bad for you, the fillings however....yikes! Better go for a faaaast walk this lunch break!

    Weighed myself again this morning, on my new scales and I'm still up from the old scales, so I'm pretty sure the old ones were better than the new ones :tongue: Ah well, doesn't matter I suppose, I'm (nearly) sure I haven't actually put on weight, so I'll just keep going (won't input in my weight on MFP though, that would look too bad!).

    Djeez I've been reading around on the message boards here and is it me, or are some people on this site (not this thread) a little bit obsessed with it all? Sure, we're all here to try to eat well and hopefully loose weight as we go, but some threads/blogs really seem to take it a little far. Eating should be fun as well! :drinker:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning all :smile:

    I had a nice long weekend, so was just logging for a few days... I worked my backside off!!

    I recently bought one of the 10 Minute Solution DVD's (Bums, Belly and Thighs) to do alongside my walking! I managed to do 30 minutes of it on Friday, along with a quick 10 minute run and all my usual exercise... my upper abs and thighs were ABSOLUTELY killing!! Needless to say, I wasn't fit to do it on Saturday! I managed another 35 minutes of it yesterday, and I can feel it working already!

    Foodwise, I wasn't great :mad: Stayed within my calories though, but it was all the wrong stuff! Double Sausage and Egg McMuffin on Saturday morning, Steak Ciabatta on Saturday night (with a generous helping of chips), Big Mac meal on Sunday!

    I was back to being good yesterday though :smile: I even walked down to my sisters house to get my hair done, and back again!!

    It's nice to see everyone so enthuiastic and doing so well :smile: the energy levels and morale are most definitely up... it really must be spring :laugh:
  • stacy85
    stacy85 Posts: 10
    Morning all - another day hoping this week i will loose something as im trying really hard , just need to get through pancake day - got the family over tonight for tea so going have to cook pancakes for them - so will see if i can resisit. x x
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Morning all.
    Had to scrape the car windows this morning. Must have been a cold night.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Lrns - I picked up that Sainsburys recipe card last night and thought the risotto looked lovely. Must try it out.

    My hubby is insisting I make pancakes tonight, and what makes it worse is that I'm meeting my BF for dinner in Wagamamas also. Guess I'll be over today then (and it's only 9.15!!)

    I'm hoping BF in this post means best mate, not boyfriend - if not, woop woop for having a husband and a boyfriend :)

  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Yes, best friend NOT boyfriend - although a few more remarks about "floppy bums" from my hubby and you never know...

    (Only joking, I love him really. Just not his compliments)
  • Hi Guys can I sneak in :-) I am in Newport, South Wales

    Been following MFP correctly for 4 weeks now, and 5lbs down. I weigh in on Wednesdays, but not holding out for muich this week as we went to Yorkshire to visit friends.

    Although the last few days have been cold I am loving the sunshine.

  • resh76
    resh76 Posts: 6
    Thanks for the encouragement! I did day 4 yesterday, even though i got home at 11pm. Actually feeling a little less sore today, maybe i am over the worst!
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