Stay at home moms



  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    We've got a lot of SAHM's on here, but we never talk.:ohwell: How's everyone doing? How does being a SAHM affect your weight loss? What would you say is your biggest struggle as a SAHM (weight loss or otherwise)?
    ha, trying not to snack all day on their snacks!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    We've got a lot of SAHM's on here, but we never talk.:ohwell: How's everyone doing? How does being a SAHM affect your weight loss? What would you say is your biggest struggle as a SAHM (weight loss or otherwise)?

    My biggest struggle right now is trying to find the time & the energy to work out. I am still nursing & the baby eats every 2 hours, even at night. It is hard to workout when you are exhausted but I do it anyway because I feel better once I'm done. My oldest 2 are in sports so my nights are usually packed with practices or games. 1st softball practice for this season starts tonight & basketball just ended Saturday. Exercising is the only me time I get.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Right now, I'm also struggling with time. I have 4 children ages 8, 6, 4, and 2. I get tired of people thinking that Im home all day so I should have no trouble exercising, cleaning etc .... I get up at 5 most days to get my exercise done, because I will not have another moment to even think about it until about 9 at night.
  • kao1970
    kao1970 Posts: 22
    I,m a SAHM too a 13 year old boy and 11 old girl :yawn:
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Hi! I'm a sahm to a beautiful soon to be 4 yr old disabled little girl. Good luck to everyone!
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi I am a sahm of 4 girls..just sent you a request!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Another SAHM here. I am a mother of 3, 7 year old daughter and twin 3 year old boys! I am also looking for friends..
    I so here you on SAHM have LOTS of time (I wish). Between feeding the kids all day then cleaning up the messes my 3 year olds make my house is a disaster. I spend most of my time doing laundry and in the kitchen! With my little monsters you can't take your eyes off them for a minute or I will have flour and other dry goods all over my house LOL. I work out in our downstairs so I take the 3 year olds down with me and they play while I work out. NOT easy to keep them contained but I have made it my mission to work out 6 days a week. When it gets warm outside I plan on taking them on walks everyday in addition to my workouts. Good luck to you all on your journey to change your lives!!
  • I am a stay at home mom to two boys, 3 1/2 and 7 months. All the support I can get will be great!! I am also a proud Navy wife to an FMF Corpsman who can have some crazy work hours. Please feel free to add me!!
  • Kimkimba
    Kimkimba Posts: 173 Member
    I'm a SAHM. I have 4 kids, one is grown and on her own. The other three are girl (almost 4), girl (almost 8), and boy (13). The 7 and 13 yo are special needs with autism, NLD, and ADHD.

    I never had a problem with my weight until I became a SAHM almost 8 years ago. I'd love to have some more friends, so feel free to add me.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    My 7 year old girl is OCD and ADD. Makes for a VERY long day when she is redoing everything to make it perfect. The other day the poor girl repacked her suitcase 4 X just to spend the night at her grandmothers LOL. It's either laugh or cry about it and I prefer to laugh!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Ahhh, 2 in the afternoon. Workouts behind me, baby in bed, "big kids" in watching a movie (my apologies to any of you excellent parents who don't believe in using the TV as a babysitter). I just had a long, hot shower with no interruptions. No worrying about the baby getting into the spice cupboard and covering himself with garlic and coconut extract (not a good combo). No tattling. No lengthy 6 year old stories through the shower curtain. No rushing because I have to be somewhere. That, My Friends, is pure bliss!:love:

    What is your bliss?
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I am also a stay at home mom of a soon to be 1 yr old :) I would love to be friends with other moms!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I am a sahm of an almost 3 year old little girl. My workouts revolve around her nap and bed Add me if you'd like!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I'm a SAHM of four, though I think "stay at home" is a misnomer since I am always in the car going to doctor's appointments, flute lessons, Taekwondo, 4-H, church activities and whatever else they happen to be involved with. I also homeschool all four of them so we keep pretty busy. I have two high schooler's, a 5th grader and a 1st grader. I also have 24 chickens (8 adult, 16 chicks) that we're busy playing with! My oldest DD and I are doing P90X together which is awesome! My husband was going to but I think he flaked out so it's nice my DD is still hanging in there with me. :) Our whole family does Taekwondo together which is really fun too.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I'm a SAHM of four, though I think "stay at home" is a misnomer since I am always in the car going to doctor's appointments, flute lessons, Taekwondo, 4-H, church activities and whatever else they happen to be involved with. I also homeschool all four of them so we keep pretty busy. I have two high schooler's, a 5th grader and a 1st grader. I also have 24 chickens (8 adult, 16 chicks) that we're busy playing with! My oldest DD and I are doing P90X together which is awesome! My husband was going to but I think he flaked out so it's nice my DD is still hanging in there with me. :) Our whole family does Taekwondo together which is really fun too.

    Holy Cow! I will never complain about my busy life again (or at least not today:tongue: )
  • jaydensmommy2010
    jaydensmommy2010 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to the site (and new to mother hood!) I am a stay at home mom to a 8 month old boy. My biggest problem is being bored, so I snack and snack and snack. I have a hard time dieting. I exercise, so that is easy for me to do, but when it comes to eating right, that is very hard for me... Have about 50lbs to lose so any advice and friends would be a huge help!
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