you met WHERE?



  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Let me just start of by sayin I believe it was a true love story because: (and I will make it short as possible)

    I met my future fiance @ work. It was my first job that only lasted for 3 days. After I was fired I never gave up hope of findin him.

    6 months later after bein laid off from my 2nd job I applied thru a different temp agency and started workin again @ the same place I was fired from.

    @ the time he was in a relationship but I was unaware and didn't care I just knew in my heart he was goin to be mine :)

    I started there Sept. 24, 2007 on Oct. 10, 2007 we began dating. I remember it like yesterday.... Tears are startin up. I LOVE HIM SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!

    Anyways Dec. 23, 2007 he asked me to marry him and we've been happily (with the usual fights) engaged every since....

    Although I wont marry him until he repairs his credit........... He got really bad credit and I am buildin good credit... SO I don't wanna ruin my credit :(
  • We met on a golf course. :tongue:

    But seeing as the OP mentioned it, the last time I was 170lbs I did get a lot of looks at the grocery store.:blushing: It doesn't suprise me in the least to hear people met there.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Mine is an odd story.

    I first "met" my boyfriend in a car park. I was meeting up with friends at the time and he happened to be there... nothing happened at that time. The next night I was invited to a party at my friends house, and he was there. He was really drunk, I wasn't. He held my hand, i freaked out a bit.

    He managed to get my number from someone, and he texted me to apologise for his behaviour! We kept exchanging texts, and the we decided to meet up one night and we've been together ever since.

    When we eventually got talking, we found out that we had worked in the same place for around 6 months. He also worked in my local Halfords store and I'd spoken to him on many occasions about my bik (he was the bike specialist) and I'd just never paid attention to him before
  • surra
    surra Posts: 33
    Craigslist! LOL. I had moved to a new city, not knowing a soul (hadn't even met the people I'd be workig with). Everyone was much older than me and I didn't know how to meet people my age. So after a couple months of being bored, I put an ad on Craigslist saying how I was new to town and wanted to meet someone to hang out with and show me around, etc, etc. Well, he was one of the ones that responded and we talked back and forth online for about a month (I honestly didn't think it'd turn into anything). Finally he invited me out with him and his coworkers for dinner. He was working at a coffee shop and was working until lunch time that day, so I said I'd come out and met him there first. That was my way out, so that way if he was creepy I could think of an excuse to not go out to dinner that evening. Well, we started chatting and hit it off right away and now, 4 years later, we're still together!!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    myspace in 2006 married in 2008 had son in 2009
  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    I first met my husband online about 11 years ago. Our first conversation exchange was about how cute I thought he was over 35 y/o and still single and willing to have kids. He replied that even before seeing my pic he knew I was blond :noway: :laugh:
    I wrote back saying the curtain didn't match the carpet and we went from there. He would sometimes correct my English (I'm born in Brazil and Portuguese is my first language)

    It took him 6 month to travel 65 mi (he lived in South Jersey and I in Central Jersey) to meet me the first time. Torrential rains, snow storms that never happened made us postponed the first meeting a couple of times. We scheduled to meet at a diner parking lot and I forgot what car he was supposed to be driving so at one point he was following me in the parking lot, and I, on my first blond moment (in front of him) looking for him like a dumb person :laugh:

    His biggest Brownie points on our first date was a video game for my daughter (12 yrs old ate the time). :blushing: All other guys used to bring me flowers (I really hate flowers for first meetings - so tacky)

    We've been together since then,:love: married since 2002 and he still brings me my cup of coffee in bed every morning.:drinker: In all these years he maybe missed 3 times only.

  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    At church
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    I met my husband at a grocery store. We were both baggers and his grandmother asked me if I had met him yet. That led me to introduce myself. Atleast 5 other marriages resulted from other employees at that store. Here we are 13 years later with 2 kids and very happy!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I met my handsome husband when we worked on staff together for a summer at Bible Camp!!! I was the slingshot instructor & he was the head male counselor :laugh: We started dating in the middle of the summer & were married a year later!
  • arosas7
    arosas7 Posts: 7
    I met my boyfriend of 4 years at a local restaurant that I'd always go to for dinner and happy hour. Funny thing is....he claims to have always been there for Happy Hour as well, but we never saw each other before. I gave him the run around for about 3 weeks, finally got the courage to invite him back to that restaurant for Happy Hour with friends. I brought my entourage and he brought his, I guess for support in case we didn't like each other (LOL), needless to say we hit it off great!! The following day we spent all day together, he told me "take a chance and be my girlfriend"....I said OK and we we've been together ever since. Who knew after taking a chance on someone that we'd still be going strong! : )
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I met my girlfriend on Chatroulette of all places. She lives in Brazil and I live in America, but we manage to see each other every 2-3 months, and it's the greatest relationship I've ever had by far. I had serious doubts about carrying on a long-distance relationship (especially a REALLY LONG-DISTANCE relationship), but it's been absolutely fantastic. We are visiting San Francisco in May with hopes to be moved there before the end of the year.

    For any of you out there who are still looking for love and think you'll never find really CAN and DOES just jump out at you from out of nowhere when you least expect it. And it's the best feeling in the world. :)
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I met my hubby working retail...He was the new security guard being taken around to meet people...One look at his smile was all I needed to know about him. We started dating by the end of the week and the rest is history...We've been together 14 years in December.
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    He was my friends boyfriend. We were all s'pose to go out to a movie and she got grounded & had to stay home. He PAID his brother to stay home and just took me to the movie. I fell head over heals for him when he leaned over to kiss me and almost hit a bridge! (They had a love/hate relationship everyone knew she was cheating on him) The ex moved on to two failed marriages. She was not the "forever" type of girl I guess.

    We've been married 31 years this year. 4 kids, 7 Grandkids and I still get butterflies when I know he's about to walk through the door :)
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Met my wife when I was working as a Licensed Massage Therapist. She was referred to me by a Chiroprator for a Auto Injury. Low back. Rubbed that butt 3 times a week for a year before I worked up the nerve to ask her out.
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    I'm currently listening to the radio & they are saying the best place to pickup is the grocery store!

    I actually met my fiance at a grocery store! I was working as a cashier, and he worked at the customer service desk. We worked like that for three summers before he got the nerve to ask me out!
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    i met my boyfriend of 2 years and 5 months online. he kept trying to get me to meet him and i would not because i am 15 years older than him. we sent messages online for about a month and i agreed to give him my number only as a friend, we talked for about 2 weeks and i agreed to meet him in person because he was sad and didn't feel like going home after work. he ended up staying at my apartment for 4 days before he finally went home. he jokes now that he was afraid to leave because he thought i would pick up and move while he was gone. he looks much older than he is and i am told i look and act younger than i am so when people see us together they don't generally know how far apart our ages actually are.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    i met my h2b at work..he was the cheeky popular guy and I was the very shy and quiet new girl who had no friends so he started picking on me to get me involved in their conversations..
    3 years later we are planning our wedding, changing our lives and he can't shut me up!! :D
    Do you still work together?
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I'm currently listening to the radio & they are saying the best place to pickup is the grocery store!

    I actually met my fiance at a grocery store! I was working as a cashier, and he worked at the customer service desk. We worked like that for three summers before he got the nerve to ask me out!

    Holding up zucchini. " Mines bigger than yours" -- Otter in Animal House
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I met my guy on Craigslist. I was really just looking for a FWB, but we really fell for each other right away. We have been together for 3 years and have lived together for 1 year.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    The airport in Anchorage, AK, USA. Which is odd because she's Russian and I'm English :-)
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