Looking for other P90 Support



  • nrevanch
    nrevanch Posts: 15

    Thanks so much for the great response, and a quick one at that! I'll definitely continue to keep my cardio going as long as I can handle it!

    (It's awesome to see so many encouraging people who are able to relate to and understand what i'm going through!)

    Congrats on your weight loss so far :)

  • nrevanch
    nrevanch Posts: 15

    I just bought P90 on amazon and it is going to arrive on Wednesday. I'm SO SO SO excited to start this next Monday. I have a few questions for everybody out there who has done P90 or is going through P90.

    1) Are you still able to do your normal cardio while doing P90? I really enjoy using the elliptical/stair climber at the gym ...but wasn't sure if there were restrictions with doing P90 or if it made you so sore/tired that its not recommended!

    2) Has anybody tried Shakeology and/or have any alternatives? I have looked into it and it looks great but $119.00 is a lot of money for 1 month supply of shakes.

    Thanks so much and happy weight loss to everybody!!!! :)

    nrveranch...so glad you starting P90. With your excitement, you will do great!
    My opinion on your 2 questions:
    1. I think its fine to supplement P90 with other cardio as long as you can. Depending on your fitness and time though, I would make P90 your primary focus IMO.
    2. I have not tried Shakeology, but I too cannot afford this at $4 per drink ($120). Many purchase a Whey and Protein powder to use post-workout. I bought an EAS brand at BJ's. I got a 5 lb. bag for $28. It'll last me forever and really seems to work fine for me.

    Good luck and let us know how your doing.

    Thanks Mike!!!

    I'll definitely update once I get started on the P90! I've heard good things about whey and protein powders so I'll probably end up buying some once doing a little research...especially seeing that you paid $28.00 for a 5lb bag. Not bad at all!

    Congrats on the weight loss :) ....(seeing the amount that people have lost so far and everything just gives me so much hope and definitely motivates me!!!)
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Forever, I responded to your comment on my profile.
    Hearing that about 3-4 makes me nervous and excited to start it next week. I will probalby actually start it on Day 29, because Day 30 is a Tuesday and I can't start a new program on a Tuesday. Guess we are all a little OCD. LOL!
    I am nervous for my measurements next week too. I didn't lose any weight last week and that is kind of discouraging. I don't want to get more discouraged if I also have not lost any inches.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Been super-busy at work, so I didn't have a chance to post my update for yesterday, so here's a double-shot!

    Started week 3 with Sculpt 1-2 yesterday, and Sweat 1-2/Ab Ripper this morning. Everything is getting stronger... I've been treating the sore shoulder with heat/ice and stretching exercises and it is getting better.

    Yesterday I got to 15 regular push ups and 15 wide push ups in the early sets, then still did the full 7-7-7 with only the close ones on my knees. PROGRESS!!! :happy:

    Also, while I'm still keeping the weights a little light on the shoulder exercises (presses, shoulder flys), I'm doing extra reps on those to help strengthen the muscles in that area to get rid of the soreness.

    Power yoga was pretty good today. The leg sweep into runners pose is getting better, although I still can't get it all the way there, I have to scoot my body back a little bit to position myself over the knee. And I'm keeping pace through most of the first two rounds of low impact/high impact cardio. Kicks and punches felt great as usual. And I'm consistently getting through all 100 ab reps (although I still kind of feel like puking afterwards...) :sick:

    Excited for Sculpt 1-2 tomorrow morning! Welcome to the new folks!

    Have a great workout today everyone!

  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Ho - ly - COW!!! Moved to Sculpt 3-4 tonight. Every muscle in my body, including some I did not know I had are trembling at the moment. :noway: I burned 431 calories according to my HRM, as opposed to 175 with 1-2! I am going to hurt tomorrow. I am scared about Sweat 3-4 tomorrow.

    Heh - sounds scary! I'm getting close to the time when I can move up to 3-4. Just when I thought I was getting through this without a problem...

    I've been contemplating adding some weight to some of the sculpt exercises, but then I would have to change 'em out a couple of times during the workout. I breeze through most of the lower stuff (lawnmower, standard curls, heavy pants, etc.), but I definitely wouldn't be able to do max reps on the swimmer press with a higher weight. Thinking about it now though, I could probably at least do the minimum reps with a heavier weight. Might have to try it on Thursday.

    Don't worry - I won't overdo it. I'm so not the macho type, so I don't really care who I'm impressing with my lifts (which is basically nobody in this house - even the cats don't seem to be impressed!).
  • fischer_mjjr
    fischer_mjjr Posts: 15 Member
    When I moved to Sculpt 3-4 last year the first two weeks were the hardest. The additional reps take some time to get used to. I think that is why they do muscle confusion in P90X. It seems that you get used to a work out after awaile. Just keep pushing play like Tony says! It will get easier. Gotta go push play now!!!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Yesterday I got to 15 regular push ups and 15 wide push ups in the early sets, then still did the full 7-7-7 with only the close ones on my knees. PROGRESS!!! :happy:

    Geez, Mike - 15 push ups?? That is great! I'm still maxing at around 10 (and I'm pretty please with myself for that), so I think 15 is great!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Sounds like you are making great progress Mike. Keep it up!
    NIgel, let us know how it goes with more weight. I am still doing good with the 8 lbs. Not sure that I will be going up anytime soon. Will have to buy more weights when that time comes.
    Finally made it under my calories for the first time in several days. Counting calories has been a real learning process for me. I have to be choosier about what I buy, but it's hard when my family still wants some of the regular stuff. Slowly I will turn their diets too. :bigsmile:
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    Well, I completed Sculpt 1-2 tonight for the first time. I loved it. I felt really good at everything except push ups and the chair dips. I definitely have to work at getting stronger for push ups because right now I'm not cutting the mustard! LOL However, I am totally stoked and loving P90!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I am nervous for my measurements next week too. I didn't lose any weight last week and that is kind of discouraging. I don't want to get more discouraged if I also have not lost any inches.

    There have been several weeks where I have not lost weight but I always lose inches. It is discouraging until I see the result in inches lost. Then the scale doesn't seem to matter as much. lol
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I did Sweat 1-2 today. I think I burned more calories because my heart had to work harder to make up for the fact that my lungs don't seem to be functioning properly. I think I have bronchitis like my kids, or maybe pneumonia. I don't know, but it doesn't feel good. I have had this cold/cough for a few weeks, but now my lungs seem to be getting tight lately and I am having trouble taking full deep breaths. I should go to the doctor today, but I don't have time with work and taking my kids to their first dentist appointment. I think I will give it until Friday and if I don't feel better I will stay home and go to the doctor.
    Okay, sorry for the rambling. I hope everyone has a great workout today!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    My husband and I did our 30 day pictures the other day...

    The pictures were identical....It was very discouraging...but as Brent suggested, we are gonna trust in the program and see it through the whole 90 days!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    My husband and I did our 30 day pictures the other day...

    The pictures were identical....It was very discouraging...but as Brent suggested, we are gonna trust in the program and see it through the whole 90 days!

    My 30 days pictures I could only see a bit of a difference. But, I also heard several people say that their biggest change came between days 31 and 60. So, pushing play on Day 32 later tonight. IF you really think about it, how many people have gotten fit in only 30 days?

    Keep it up. The change will come. :wink:
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Well, I completed Sculpt 1-2 tonight for the first time. I loved it. I felt really good at everything except push ups and the chair dips. I definitely have to work at getting stronger for push ups because right now I'm not cutting the mustard! LOL However, I am totally stoked and loving P90!

    Glad you enjoyed it. I have enjoyed it as well. And the amazing thing as you approach the end on 1-2 and start thinking about 3-4, is you really look back and see how far you have come. I started barely able to do 4 pushups on my knees, now I can do 10 on my toes before I need a little break, but can then continue on with 10 more. The chair dips, I could barely do 3. Now I easily do 12, and struggle for the last 3 (although they too will come with persistence). It is amazing how far you come in just 30 days.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    When I moved to Sculpt 3-4 last year the first two weeks were the hardest. The additional reps take some time to get used to. I think that is why they do muscle confusion in P90X. It seems that you get used to a work out after a wile. Just keep pushing play like Tony says! It will get easier. Gotta go push play now!!!

    Thanks! I will continue on. I think back to how I started 1-2 and where I ended, how far I have come. I know it will come in time on level 3-4 too. I will complain, grumble and accuse Tony of attempting to kill me :grumble: but I feel such a sense of accomplishment. I feel my muscles complaining, which means I worked them well. I have plans to move to P90X when I finish P90.
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    Well, I completed Sculpt 1-2 tonight for the first time. I loved it. I felt really good at everything except push ups and the chair dips. I definitely have to work at getting stronger for push ups because right now I'm not cutting the mustard! LOL However, I am totally stoked and loving P90!

    Glad you enjoyed it. I have enjoyed it as well. And the amazing thing as you approach the end on 1-2 and start thinking about 3-4, is you really look back and see how far you have come. I started barely able to do 4 pushups on my knees, now I can do 10 on my toes before I need a little break, but can then continue on with 10 more. The chair dips, I could barely do 3. Now I easily do 12, and struggle for the last 3 (although they too will come with persistence). It is amazing how far you come in just 30 days.

    Thank you for the encouragement! I cannot wait to see what the next 27 days bring! Today is day 3 Cardio for me!! :happy:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Guess like Reebs in the beginning, I didn't read the instructions like I should have. :blushing: I started with cardio 1-2 first instead of sculpting 1-2. Does it really matter?

    It probably doesn't matter much at all. But personally, what I would do (and this is probably just my OCD talking LOL) is finish week one, and then reverse it starting in week 2.
    :laugh: Thanks!!

    And here's my OCD kicking in, I'd do the same workout 2 days in a row and then I'd be on track :)
  • nrevanch
    nrevanch Posts: 15
    Hey Everyone!

    I was reading old posts and just looking at everyone's tickers, and I honestly cannot tell you how motivating and inspiring it is to see how far everybody else has come, and knowing that that can be me if I work hard and be patient. So thank you for opening my eyes and giving me hope!!!

    Last night I finally received my P90 in the mail!!! I was so excited to open everything up, take a peak, and read all the information. I just have a couple of questions for those of you have already started the program or are pros at P90 ;)

    1) Did you do the 6 day cleanse that is recommended before actually starting P90 (I forget the name of the DVD that goes along with it) and the diet? If so; do you really think it is beneficial and why or why didn't you like it?

    2) Does anybody else have issues with following a healthier diet in general? The reason I ask is because during the day I am at work and can control my intake of fat/calories/etc. but at the end of the day when I get home and my family makes dinner; it's usually not the healthiest meal. I don't want to starve myself and not eat dinner, but at the same time I don't want to end up hurting myself instead of helping myself. Any suggestions would be awesome.

    Thank you and happy weight loss to all :)

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I just finished my 6th workout and I have to say that I'm impressed how the body improves with the moves everyday. That body, it's resilient!

    I've been tracking my workout on the teambeachbody.com website, I like that I can just program in what I'm supposed to be doing each day with a few clicks. Since my DVDs are old (yes I ordered them and never did them...shhhh) I don't have all the documents that came with the program anymore, so I'm finding the website with the Wowy workout is very good at helping me keep track.