How much did you have to lose before people noticed?

I've lost 14lbs since I started MFP, no one has noticed (or at least said anything) to me indicating they noticed that I've lost anything. I started at 190, I'm 175 now. I wonder when people will notice? Only person that has said anything about it is my fiance, and that's ONLY if I ask ''do I look any thinner to you'' --I'm sure he'd be scared as hell to say no :)

How much did you have to lose, before people said anything, noticed?

Thanks for your input


  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I have only lost 6 lbs, but surprisingly my co-workers started noticing right away.
    I don't weight myself every week or anything, I don't focus on the weight, just on the food!
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    Well my dad said i looked thinner yesterday.. i don't know if he was trying to make me feel better. I told him i've only lost 7 lbs and he said i look like i've lost more.

    i don't really see a difference.
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    i've lost almost 30lbs, from 215 to 187ish. the only people that notice are the ones who know i'm trying to lose weight.. but i tell a lot of people, so who knows..
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    my hubby noticed after 5 lbs, but only because he knows of this, and what i am doing..maybe try wearing tighter clothes ? congrats on your journey so far :D please feel free to add me if you like, for more of luck
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    I have lost 10kg about 20lbs and people noticed when I had lost 16lbs. My theory though is as long as YOU notice and feel better and look better to you and fit your clothes etc better that's all that matters. Those who see you regularly hardly ever notice but you will bump into someone who hasn't seen you for a month or so and believe me they will notice!

    Just keep keeping on and soon someone will say WOW look at you!!!!!!

    Enjoy the journey - the destintation is going to be a wicked place :flowerforyou:
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Same here lost 5-6 pounds and people have started saying thing to me.Maybe people are they are just not saying anything?
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    I have lost 18 pounds, and people are just starting to notice... heck, I'm just starting to notice myself.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    When I lost 12, an old co-worker came to visit and he noticed. He said my face looked thinner.

    I can tell in the way my clothes fit and my energy/happiness level is higher.

    The mirror is just starting to show a little change,but not nearly enough :) keep at it.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    People started noticing at around 10 pounds down. Now at 25 pounds down they have started telling me I need to eat! Oh yeah, and now that I'm pregnant they are really after me to eat! LOL!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    For me, it took until I bought new clothes that actually fit me before people really noticed. This was after about a 30 pound loss. I just kept wearing the same old baggy stuff until they were literally falling off of me. Then I bought a new pair of jeans that fit, and wow....people really noticed then.
    The biggest compliment I received was when my brother told a cousin that he didn't even recognize me after I'd lost weight :happy: (this was when the cousin made the remark that he hadn't even seen me in the bar we were meeting at....and then said, yeah, I saw that person but didn't think I knew her). Hearing it from my brother made my day!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I've lost 13 pounds and no one (except my family, who hear about every pound as it goes away) has said anything. I think I've lost most of it in my legs. My calves are buff, and even my thighs no longer jiggle. That would be more noticeable if it weren't the middle of winter, but mostly the difference right now is that I can wear long johns under pants I used to have to squeeeze into.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    It really depends on how much you NEED to lose to begin with.
    In my opinion 30 is the "magic" number where people start to take notice. Then as you lose more it's like EVERYONE you see has something to say. It can get overwhelming but in a totally good way! lol

    I started at 215 and now I am 67lbs down. But to answer your question....about 30 lbs lost is when people noticed.
    Don't get discouraged. It'll happen soon. And then atleast you know it will be a genuine compliment/comment.
    Regardless of whether people say anything or not you are doing something great for yourself.

  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Somewhere about 15-20 lost my aunts commented that they could tell. I'm guessing because some of my normal clothes went from snug fit to really baggy - to the point I knew it was time to go down a took me about 3 more weeks to get the courage up to actually try on the smaller sizes still in my closet from 4 years ago... By then I was down about 22 pounds. Now I'm loving the fact I have more jeans to wear :happy:
    I had 1 male co-worker that didn't know I was on the path to weight loss, asked if I had lost - he's a sweet guy too, so it was a very nice remark that made me smile. Others who know I'm on the path have commented, but most of those ask week to week how my journey is, then make the compliments - which is OK with me...
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    About 15lbs. My total lost so far is 25.5 lbs. My "ticker" doesn't show that number, because I started losing weight before I joined MFP.

    The first person to notice and actually say so (other than my family) was a customer that comes in regularly where I work.
    The compliment made my whole week!!!!
  • showers1989
    showers1989 Posts: 63 Member
    i had only lost about 5lbs and by 10lbs everyone could really notice i started at 230 though so 10lbs makes a bigger difference when your bigger. So keep at it im sure your doing beautiful. Are your clothes fitting any better? Thats where i notice my difference i dont see it in the mirror because of what i call big girl syndrome but ive went from an 18-20 to a 13 so thats what id pay attention most to
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I have only lost 5-6 lbs but I noticed.
    I hate my scale b/c it is ancient and I don't think I am getting an accurate reading.
    Usually I just get on it about 3 times and have to take the average - that is how IN-accurate it really is.
    I know - time for a new one!
    When I lost 20lbs before not only did I notice b/c I was down some sizes in my pants BUT others noticed as well.
    I don't really expect anyone but me to notice at this point but LOOKOUT b/c I want to get back down to a healthy wt. and thanks to the sweet people on here I am motivated to do it.

    So, in answer to your question I would say between 15 - 20 lbs YOU will be able to see a remarkable difference but so will others and they will tell you.
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I'm short and in the first week or two I lost about 8 lbs, so people noticed early on. I swear it is only because of my height. I noticed a difference at first but not by much. My parents asked how much I had lost at the time and they both said that it looked like more. SO I think it depends on where you lose it, how fast you lose it and how tall you are. Also, some people just aren't very observant or maybe don't comment on it to make you feel self conscious? Not sure, but good luck!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I am 5'4 started @ 150.5 now i am @ 140.5. I have lot inches too. but no one has noticed! I have though, I see it in my face, stomach thighs. 10m pounds is a lot of weight...:sigh: I know how you feel.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I always lose weight in my face first so I feel like people always notice even the minor fluctuations (which is annoying if you're gaining a few) but if you're losing in your belly, maybe it's not as noticeable b/c of clothes?

    Keep it up! Believe me people will start noticing!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    For me it was about the 20 to 25 pound mark that people started commenting. For me at least I think it was partly to do with attitude as well as appearance. Working out 5 days a week will give you a whole new outlook than being sedentary all the time. So I think people were noticing that I had more energy as much as they were noticing that I had lost weight.