
bekkyhughes Posts: 63
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
What is everyone giving up for lent?

I'm giving up chocolate, crisps (chips if you're American), cake, biscuits, cheesecake and icecream.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am giving up calories :)
  • George1942
    George1942 Posts: 5 Member
    I am giving up my favorite drink of the day...French Vanilla Flavored coffee with French Vanilla Creme. I always overdose on the cream and know that is where many hidden unrecorded calories are.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm giving up dieting.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I'm not givin' up anythin' - I'm actually helpin' out at homeless shelter... :happy:
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm giving up dieting.

    NOoooo!!!!! Don't give up! you can do it!!! Or do you mean in the sense that it's no longer a diet, but a lifestyle?!?!
  • Chrissle
    Chrissle Posts: 46 Member
    I'm giving up weighing myself...it is going to be hard but SOOOO worth it.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I am Lutheran, I dont have to give anything up! :))
  • kimbaclay
    kimbaclay Posts: 81
    I am giving up takeaway/fast food! Try to do chocolate also :))
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    A little-known fact. You get Sundays off from "fasting" over Lent. It's 46 days in total, but you only fast for 40 of them.
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    Thinking about giving up my scale!
    Giving up office gossip and picking up a small group Bible study.
  • Chrissle
    Chrissle Posts: 46 Member
    I am Lutheran, I dont have to give anything up! :))

    Haha! I'm Lutheran, too...I still give something up for "Lent" every year, though. Last year it was alcohol...this year I'm keeping the alcohol and ditching the scale. Seems much more sensible. :drinker:
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    I am giving up- fried foods, cheeseburgers, my one diet pop a day chocolate and sex !
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Facebook for me. I have also joined a bible study group:smile:
  • Iris0022
    Iris0022 Posts: 54
    I am giving up caffiene. Time to finally kick that diet Pepsi addiction!
  • lmk224
    lmk224 Posts: 41 Member
    Chocolate! And anything sweet really! Will celebrate by eating some Easter Sunday :)
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    I'm not calthelic, but a bunch of people at work always do it, last year I gave up chips
    this year, im giving up elevators (always taking stairs), eating after 8, and fried foods :)
  • nikkinikki113
    nikkinikki113 Posts: 279 Member
    I'm giving up my Sunday mornings, to attend church. I haven't been good at all about going, so I'm making a Religious lifestyle change along with my weight loss. I hope to make this a permanent thing, not just for Lent.
  • WTFitness
    WTFitness Posts: 77 Member
    I'm giving up on saying negative things about people (mainly one or two co-workers I dislike), processed foods, and internet surfing past 11pm (usually keeps me up until 12:30-2 in the morning).
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    This may be a stupid question...But....what is Lent? Sorry, I really don't know. Thanks
  • nikkinikki113
    nikkinikki113 Posts: 279 Member
    This may be a stupid question...But....what is Lent? Sorry, I really don't know. Thanks

    It's a period of sacrifice and preparation for Easter. It's basically a time for Catholics, or other denominations to reflect on their lives and how they can be Christ-like. The 40 days represent the time Christ spent in the desert, leading up to his death and resurrection.

    Caholics spend this time praying, repenting (reflecting on their bad-doings, and fixing them) and trying to be closer to God. When we "give up" something for Lent, it's our way of sacrificing for Him.

    Definitely not a stupid question!
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