

  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Eggs are amazing. Don't let the old thoughts about eggs turn you off to them-- egg whites are very high in protein and can be added to so many things to bump up the protein content. I eat whole eggs myself-- the yolk may be fattier, but a little fat is necessary in a balanced diet, and I'd rather it come from something healthy like an egg than something processed.

    Do you like fish at all? If so, salmon and tuna are great choices.

    Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are high in protein-- if you eat a little dairy, I'd make it one of these, as they pack a lot of protein into a small package.



    Beans of various types. Kidney beans are especially good.

  • Mark_99
    Mark_99 Posts: 39
    If you are really struggling to get your protien, you can take a protien supplement in the form of a shake, but i would reserch them first and i would try to stick with Whey Protien as with other protiens there is the possibility of putting on muscle bulk. Whey Protien (Isolate) will not put muscle bulk on but will help your muscles to repair quicker after a workout. Do you workout? if so i would say give it a try and see where you end up.

    This, before i get shot in the face by the non supplement believers, is only as a last resort for not being able to get enough protien. Of course if you can get your protien from natural sources then this is a far better way to get it done.


    Happy Hunting
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    I too am mostly vegetarian. I do not eat red meat or pork. If I am going to eat any meat, it is chicken or turkey, and it is with much guilt. I have the same problem with getting enough protein. I love peanut butter!! Who doesn't? But let's face is not exactly diet friendly. I was going to post the same question you did. You beat me to it. Good luck!
  • epikes1
    epikes1 Posts: 12 Member
    I have also had this problem. I use a protein powder by Body Fortress. The carbs aren't to bad and you can mix it with water (obviously it's better with milk). It is also supposed to increase the effects of your workout. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • AngelicaDulas
    Hi there. I'm a vegetarian and I have been my entire life. I've done a lot of research on the topic of protein in the last 5 years and here is what I've learned: Most people consume TOO MUCH PROTEIN!!!!!! The FDA's pyramid guide with the suggestion that an average adult needs between 60-80 grams of protein a day is based on studies done in the 60's using dogs as the subjects. How does this possibly relate to the completely different metabolic systems of a human? It doesn't. Most people are toxifying their livers and kidneys trying to filter out the excess of proteins that, when not used to build muscle (like for body builders) it make your kidneys work double time.

    If you are accustomed to consuming only 35-45 grams a day, then you are doing perfectly. The average person only needs about that much. If you are eating healthy (fruits veggies, nuts and some meat/dairy) you shouldn't be consuming processed protein bombs to "supplement" our ancestors had no such thing!

    I hope this helped a little. Good luck!!! :D
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you can find these in your area or maybe order them online they have 14 grams of protein per 1/4 Cup Seapoint Farms - Dry Roasted Edamame. I eat them daily mixed with my trail mix for a snack.
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    If you are really struggling to get your protien, you can take a protien supplement in the form of a shake, but i would reserch them first and i would try to stick with Whey Protien as with other protiens there is the possibility of putting on muscle bulk. Whey Protien (Isolate) will not put muscle bulk on but will help your muscles to repair quicker after a workout. Do you workout? if so i would say give it a try and see where you end up.

    This, before i get shot in the face by the non supplement believers, is only as a last resort for not being able to get enough protien. Of course if you can get your protien from natural sources then this is a far better way to get it done.


    Happy Hunting

    You don't need to worry about a protein supplement causing increases in muscle bulk.

    Muscle bulk is the result of effort; it's difficult to increase muscle size, and requires not only proper nutrition, but the right types and amounts of exertion, as well as the presence of adequate levels of hormones such as testosterone and HGH. So don't think that it will happen accidentally just because you feed your body what it needs.

    Also, whey protein is pretty much the industry standard for protein supplements. Whey protein (whether isolate or concentrate) is basically milk whey (as opposed to curds) filtered to various degrees so that the result is mostly protein. Other proteins, like Casein, are the protein filtered from the curds (so the protein you get from cheese). When you drink a glass of milk, you get both whey protein and casein protein. Neither is going to make you magically bulk up muscle.

    Other protein supplements obtain the protein from eggs (egg albumen, or egg "white"), soy, hemp, et cetera. Eating eggs does not magically make you bulk up, eating soy, hemp, or any other source of protein does not magically make you bulk up.

    Each of these proteins has different properties in terms of absorption and bio-processing rates, which amino acids they provide, et cetera, but rest assured that any protein powder with milk, soy, or egg protein will provide you all of the amino acids that you need.

    What you DO need to watch out for is how much fat, protein, carbohydrates, and other things are in the powder. Those supplement powders which are targeted to bodybuilding are probably not for you. But as long as a powder doesn't have a huge number of calories (like Muscle Milk), it's probably fine.
  • floydg68
    floydg68 Posts: 28
    Here is my list:
    Fish (filets or steaks) including Tuna, Salmon, Talapia 30-40grams of protein per serving
    Chicken Breast-30 grams
    Pork Chops- 22 grams
    Beans (I like Black Beans)-15 grams
    Yogurt-10-12 grams
    Eggs-6 grams
    Tofu-20 grams
    Peanut Butter 8 grams
    Almonds- 8 grams
    Flaxseed- 8grams

    These are averages.

    Good luck to you and welcome!
  • nancy7711
    nancy7711 Posts: 12
    Thank you so much for taking the time to write your list out, along with the nutritional values. That's just great! Nancy
  • nancy7711
    nancy7711 Posts: 12
    Thanks Chess!

    I'm so overwhelmed with the great response and the great caliber of people on this site!!! Awesome, just awesome! :heart:
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    I have a couple yummy ideas I use that are low on fat and good on protien..

    Omlet:for breakfast or even for dinner/great after workout meal :)

    -1/2 cup Real egg product egg beaters -12g protien
    -1 cup fresh mushrooms -2g protien
    -1/3 cup Weight Watchers shredded chedder cheese -7g protien
    -(OPTIONAL if you eat) 1 Turkey Burger sliced up-22g protien
    -1/2 cup fresh spinach- I forget maybe 1g protien
    ***I season with fresh garlic or garlic powder and salt free Mr Dash seasonings***
    -ON THE SIDE-1/2 cup Low Fat cottage cheese-13g protien
    with turkey burger= 57g protien :) without turkey burger=32g protien :)

    Protien Shake: for snack or meal replacement

    -1 rounded scoop Gold STandard 100% Whey Protien(vanilla ice cream flavor 24g protien
    -1 cup Unsweetened vanilla almond milk-1g protien
    -1 medium banana-1g protien or whatever fruit u desire if you desire any:)
    =26g protien :)

    If you like Peanut Butter.....There is this brand called PB2 its a powdered peanut butter, I personally think the chocolate PB2 is the best...only 45 cal,1g Fat, 1g sugar and 5g protien for 2tablespoons :) Here is the site check it out :)
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    great topic...Thank you
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Kashi Go Crunch cereal adds 9g of protein in each serving. I've been trying to make sure I am adding more protein to my day (not really a protein shake kind of guy, and Greek yogurt was pretty "blecch" to me). If you add in a number of little things here and there, they will add up over the course of the day. Nuts, natural peanut butter, the cereal I mentioned, light string cheese...there are a number of sources to get a bit extra here and there in addition to chicken, fish, etc. that you might eat throughout the day.
  • megarrett87
    try snacking on hard-boiled eggs, string cheese, or edamames. All very delicious!
  • myrabarlow
    Search 'high protein foods' on the web. You'll find all kinds of information and lists of foods. Look for what you like or things you would like to try. You can always plug them into your food tracker to check for nutritional values. Watch the fat/carb/sugar contents as well.
  • Brian_Collins
    I like to eat peanut butter and drink my Shakeology!! Chocolate of course :) I put the Peanut Butter on Multi-grain Sandwich thins and eat them a few hours apart to keep the metabolism going :)
  • Snelllee
    Snelllee Posts: 23 Member
    I don't like to eat much meat either. I drink a protein shake every day to get mine.
  • jovbal
    jovbal Posts: 3
    3 cups of egg whites a day is a great start, i like a brand called better n egss almost zero fat and they taste just like eggs and the plus side to them is you can mix them in any recipe that calls for eggs, also a powder made by healthy n fit called 100% egg whites is another choice if u get sick of eating eggs beacuase i mixes into water and tastes like choclate milk and only has 106 calories and 26g of protein!!!! :) good luck
  • jessalice66
    jessalice66 Posts: 47 Member
    have a tuna and mayo sandwich or salad. peanut butter sandwiches are quite good too, but have lots of eggs and fish and you shoul be fine! :)
  • Keran24
    Keran24 Posts: 90 Member
    Cottage cheese, greek yogurt, fish, venison and chicken are all great sources.