How to get rid of a "lower belly pouch"

katrinadizzle Posts: 16
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost enough weight to be considered at a healthy BMI, however, my--and I'm sorry if the term offends anybody--FUPA still remains. In fact, I have the beginnings of UPPER abs due to kickboxing with cardio twice a week! I have not had any kids, so this shouldn't be an issue to lose. What am I doing wrong? Is there a specific exercise you can do to trim it?

Also, I feel like mentioning my very SLIGHT lower back problem is important.


  • ItsOn130
    ItsOn130 Posts: 269 Member
    FUPA? lol what the heck does that stand for??? lol
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    No idea on that acronym.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Huh? Spill the beans and clarify what you need help with.
  • majikal6
    majikal6 Posts: 72
    FUPA stands for Fat Upper Pubic Area...
  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    Can't wait to hear what FUPA stands for! I call mine the front butt! Would love to get rid of it but it seems to be very attached to me! I think it is a love/hate relationship!
  • If you find out I am dying to know, my original goal weight was 160lbs, at 5'10 I thought that would have me done.

    I'm 146 and still trying to lose weight because, like you, I have a solid upper stomach, with visible abs.... But I still have what I shall not so politely refer to as a gunt... A very small one, but one nonetheless.

    It's killing me!
  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    OK, just saw the update! That is funny! I think I will stick with front butt though!:)
  • Lol, a FUPA is a sort of derogatory term for "Front Upper Pubic Area." I wouldn't have used it, but it's the only specific word I know of to describe the area. It's the area below your belly button and above your pubic region. Again, I apologize if I offended anyone.
  • Molleh
    Molleh Posts: 5
    you could try doing reverse crunches and bicycle crunches. though they may be a bit hard on your back.
  • amybm
    amybm Posts: 4
    I would like to see if anyone has any idea, but mine is a bit more complicated I have had 2 c- sections so it will be even harder to get rid of.
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    that is my trouble area too. Especially after a c-section that left pain for over a year. Pain is gone but no idea what to do other than the standard crunches etc.
  • I have one as well, but mine is due to carrying an 8 lb baby. Sadly I didn't have one before kids. But since I've lost 12lbs I've noticed it's starting to bounce back. I have loose skin though too since I was stretched out so far for many months. Have you been doing any core exercises? Reverse Crunches, Bicycle crunches, and planks are really good for that area. I'm sure someone can shed some light on what diet tips could help as well. I don't have any advice in that area.
  • Molleh
    Molleh Posts: 5
    Well, running is the fastest weight loss method. but for those of us who cant run very long, skipping with high knees or bicycle crunches work pretty well.
    I'm doing Jillian MIchael's 30-day shred. She uses these exercises and wow...seeing results after 7 days. its wicked.
  • So I can choose any exercise that targets the lower abs and it should work? :) Also, I'm looking into Jillian Michael's 30-day shred, Molleh. It sounds awesome-- but I wouldn't be able to do it everyday due to kickboxing :)
  • robinsonmama
    robinsonmama Posts: 6 Member
    Good Evening, Everybody! I am new here as well. I think pilates may work with toning that area. My sister and I used to do it years ago before we had kids.They have this one exercise where you lay yourself flat on the floor and lift your legs off of the floor a little bit and sort of move them in a circular motion but your legs have to be together the whole time. It can hurt your back but I think if you do it in a slighty bigger circle it may be okay ? :tongue:
  • Well, running is the fastest weight loss method. but for those of us who cant run very long, skipping with high knees or bicycle crunches work pretty well.
    I'm doing Jillian MIchael's 30-day shred. She uses these exercises and wow...seeing results after 7 days. its wicked.

    I love the Shred, I've been doing this as well but not everyday. It's too hard on my knees. I just ordered her new Ripped in 30 days. Looking forward to starting that next week.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    AFter 3 babies, when I was nicely thin and in great shape, I still had one. Went to a plastic surgeon and found out surgery was the only way to get rid of it...really no fat there. Chickened out as the dangers didn't justify the surgery, so it wil be with me forever.
  • Molleh
    Molleh Posts: 5
    So I can choose any exercise that targets the lower abs and it should work? :) Also, I'm looking into Jillian Michael's 30-day shred, Molleh. It sounds awesome-- but I wouldn't be able to do it everyday due to kickboxing :)

    pretty much. but you gotta combine it with other things. she explains it all in the video. It's only 20 minutes a day. that's all. but it is a huge butt-kick. probably would help out with your kick boxing haha (used to kick box aswell :P) the combination would work just brilliant if you combined the two :D
    the video can be found at best buy or future shop for only 9.99!!

    hope it works for you as well as it's working for me :D
  • MsKittyCAT
    MsKittyCAT Posts: 217
    FUPA, huh? lol I have one and never knew it had a name. Mine comes from an emergency hysterectomy when I was still in my 20's. Past 40 now and still have it unfortunately. Even when I weighed less there was still a bit of a pouch there.
  • RLC1
    RLC1 Posts: 5 Member
    I lost about 50 pounds and got rid of mine but then got pregnant with twins. After a c-section, it's back and so is almost all of my weight, the twins are two so I've played long enough. I started "trying" to run bc I heard this was one of the best ways to lose it. It's been about three weeks with Couch to 5K and I can tell a HUGE difference in my muffin tops but not my bottom belly! Planning on sticking to running and eating right, and pray that does the trick. Might have to do some sit ups but that's my last resort. :)
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