If I eat too much fat but yet stay in caloric range???

So lets say that I still stay in my caloric range of 1400 calories a day but yet I eat things that are high in fat for a few days, but doing so will this hinder me from loosing weight?

I am pretty good about staying between 1300-1500 calories a day but sometimes I still eat cookies, some chips etc that are higher in fat.

Please advise


  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    As long as you're burning more calories than consuming, you will lose weight. Unfortunately, I don't think the weight starts really coming off until you sacrifice some of your splurging and replace it with healthier choices. Trust me, it's not as hard as you may think. There are plenty of delicious, lower fat foods that are satisifying. When I'm feeling frisky, I look in the recipes section of this site, and have found some fun new ideas.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    wel a lot of those things are high in bad fats, not good for you health. After a high fat meal it can be stored as fat, but later used up for energy.
  • douglw
    douglw Posts: 25
    I'm no expert, but I wouldn't think it would be a big deal. Just take a look at your weight loss over the course of a few weeks. If you're not losing at the pace you should, make adjustments. If you are, then don't worry about it.
  • LOVEthighSELF
    LOVEthighSELF Posts: 104 Member
    I am having the same problem.... never go over my calories but ALWAYS over for my sugars!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • juliei
    juliei Posts: 4 Member
    I believe in moderation, not deparvation. Remember, two cookies is considered a snack. You can also eat a huge salad as a snack. You do need fat in your daily life for your brain and to use all those wonderful vitamins we get from eating the fruits and vegetables. If we cut out all the things we really like - cookies for you, peanut butter for me - then we are less likely to stick to really healthy eating if we can't have what we love.

    I also love cheese and crackers. I haven't had any in a while and today I had some. You know what, while eating them, I was like, wow! These do not really taste that good. After I ate them, I felt totally bloated and lifeless. I was so used to feeling refreshed after I ate a normal snack (fruit or veggies).

    Listen to what your body says. Follow it. Our bodies do not want us to be overweight. It is too much work on them. Good luck!!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Both carbs and fats can only be used for energy. If you eat more at one time than your body can burn for energy the excess will get stored as fat.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    Having those types of things in small amounts (usually half a serving size for me) and they are very much a treat... But if you are saving your calories throughout the day so you can fit those items in, you are depriving your body from the "fuel" it needs to keep burning!

    Don't get me wrong, I would totally grab a cookie or a few chips if I really needed to, but this exerience is about training yourself to not want to fit those things in, but to discover new great options that satisfy BOTH the WANT and the NEED our bodies tell us we have to have...

    Your body will thank you for changing those items you really don't need.... Trust me!! Good Luck Chica!!!!
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    I also love cheese and crackers. I haven't had any in a while and today I had some. You know what, while eating them, I was like, wow! These do not really taste that good. After I ate them, I felt totally bloated and lifeless.

    THIS - so true! My favorite food, prior to MFP, was cake. I LOVED CAKE and could eat it each and every day. I stayed away my first month, then had a couple bites at a b-day party, and was fine with just those couple bites. Then a month later I was at another b-day party and had NO trouble turning down a slice (and that cake looked and smelled divine, I just didn't want it). Now I don't even know what I could say my favorite food is, my tastes are changing so much.

    Sorry for hijacking...
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Have you ever seen the really skinny person who eats like CRAP but is still a bean pole? That would be my husband. One weekend he consumed an average of 12000 calories a day and still lost a pound. You will lose weight as long as your calories in are lower than your calories out. Eating high fatty foods excessively, however, may not help in the body fat percentage.

    With that being said, I ate an entire small buffalo chicken pizza today. I don't always have myself in check. Enjoy some goodies in moderation, and I wouldn't worry about the rest! :):)
  • mattcoop
    mattcoop Posts: 30 Member
    Simply put.... we are what we eat... I have proven it myself. scales often lie. That's why I use a fabric tape measure every day first thing in the morning instead of scales. Do that yourself. measure your hips and waist every day and be your own guinea pig and at your own risk look at the results graph... you will notice your waist and hips expanding if you go too high on fat intake... even if you are within calories. Not only is too much fat a weight gain problem.... it is also unhealthy for your arteries and heart. I know this first hand. I had a heart attack last April. I have since lost 60 lbs in an attempt to be healthy. I wish you success in your pursuit of weight loss..... by the way, I have tested my waist trends by the MFP graphs.... and it is consistently true for my body, I lose 1/4" at my waist each day if my fat intake is less than 22 -27 grams per day. Your sensitivity may be altogether different.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    So lets say that I still stay in my caloric range of 1400 calories a day but yet I eat things that are high in fat for a few days, but doing so will this hinder me from loosing weight?

    I am pretty good about staying between 1300-1500 calories a day but sometimes I still eat cookies, some chips etc that are higher in fat.

    Please advise

    You are better off to be higher on fats than on carbs and sugars............

    Fat and protein help to keep you full and satiated.

    As long as your eating natural sources and not eating transfats you are good to go.

    Just remember that it takes fat to burn fat!!
  • dawniewest
    dawniewest Posts: 37 Member
    From the research i've done and my personal experience, Sodium and simple sugars will "clog up" your metabolism. Dousing the fires of fat burning ability if you will. You want to stoke up that "fire" and you can do that with fiber, protien and complex carbs. The more of the sugar and salt you cut out, the quicker you will see results. I'm sure there is basic truth to the "just burn more calories than you eat" rule, However if sugar and salt are slowing your metabolism then it stands to reason that it is going to be like pulling teeth to drop pounds, not to mention you will be fighting cravings (or not fighting them) constantly. If you can get off of processed foods, for 2 weeks, I promise you will stop craving them! That's my 2 cents anyway! I wish you the best!
  • myrabarlow
    Fat is fat. Isn't that why you're here.

    Don't fool yourself, you will absolutely slow yourself way down. Give yourself breaks, we need those, but a full blown retreat - not so much. But then I guess it depends what you really want to get out of myfitnesspal.

    Just trying to keep it real . . . more for me than you! "It's Now or Never".
  • em1158
    em1158 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting to have a problem with eating too much sugar but staying in calorie range. I'm noticing that, although I'm staying in calorie range, I am no longer losing and actually find my body deciding to gain. I'd cut back on sugars and eat more fruit and things that are good for you; not only are they more filling, but will be better in the long run.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Fat is fat. Isn't that why you're here.

    Don't fool yourself, you will absolutely slow yourself way down. Give yourself breaks, we need those, but a full blown retreat - not so much. But then I guess it depends what you really want to get out of myfitnesspal.

    Just trying to keep it real . . . more for me than you! "It's Now or Never".


    Anyway, if you're under your calorie goal you probably haven't eaten too much fat.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Fat is fat. Isn't that why you're here.

    Don't fool yourself, you will absolutely slow yourself way down. Give yourself breaks, we need those, but a full blown retreat - not so much. But then I guess it depends what you really want to get out of myfitnesspal.

    Just trying to keep it real . . . more for me than you! "It's Now or Never".


    Fat is fat...but fat doesn't make you fat. You do need fat and it isn't "the enemy".

    And no OP. As long as you remain within your calorie goals, it's not going to hinder your weight loss (though it's a good idea to try to get a good amount of protein in as well to help minimize muscle mas loss. MFP's default #s tend to be set at the very minimum.)

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So lets say that I still stay in my caloric range of 1400 calories a day but yet I eat things that are high in fat for a few days, but doing so will this hinder me from loosing weight?

    I am pretty good about staying between 1300-1500 calories a day but sometimes I still eat cookies, some chips etc that are higher in fat.

    Please advise

    You know, if you think about it anyone who is losing weight by eating at a deficit has a high fat diet. Its just that the fat comes from their own body rather than externally. If you have a 500 calorie daily deficit that means you are consuming 500 calories worth of your own bodyfat. If you have say a 1500 calorie diet that is 1/3 of your macros from fat before you even add the fat you eat in your food.

    Everyone is on a high fat diet who is losing weight.

    In more direct response to your question fat isn't evil its just higher calories per unit weight. The only trick to weight loss is eating less calories than your body uses, doesn't matter the source of the calories. Now for health the source of calories is important, but for weight loss no.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I'm starting to have a problem with eating too much sugar but staying in calorie range. I'm noticing that, although I'm staying in calorie range, I am no longer losing and actually find my body deciding to gain. I'd cut back on sugars and eat more fruit and things that are good for you; not only are they more filling, but will be better in the long run.

    not sure why you bumped an old thread regarding fat intake to say this, but high sugar intake has nothing to do with your weight gain. most likely you are not logging accurately and you are unknowingly eating at a caloric surplus which is why you are gaining. your body does not just "decide" to gain weight, it does so because you are eating more calories than you burn.

    read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/872212-you-re-probably-eating-more-than-you-think

    eta: I also find it curious that you advocate eating more fruit in order to avoid sugar...
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Quick Marty, back to when responses to this were relevant!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    ....and I just realized I responded to a post from March 9th.