Will I ever like running?!



  • smills3
    smills3 Posts: 4
    I hated running also, I think everyone does when they start out. Now I go for 40 minutes every day, and i LOVE it. I couldn't stop if I tried. I'm not sure exactly why you hate it, but I'll tell you why I did. It's hard, but that's never made me dislike any other kind of exercise, the reason I hated it was because of my shorts. I know that sound ridiculous, but I'm gonna go ahead and say what nobody else does. Your shorts get all hiked up on your thighs (and mine aren't massive or anything - it just happens!) so you're trying to run, but you're yanking your shorts down, and people are looking at you and it sucks. Then you're tired and feel awkward and you just give up for the day. I bought under armour spandex a few years ago (the kind that are the medium-long length) and now i refuse to hit the treadmill or street without them. They don't budge, it's awesome!
    also music is SO important! I couldn't go a solid 20 minutes without some great jams.
    Hope this is mildly helpful - if not I just went into depth about my thighs for nothing haha. enjoy.
  • happychell
    happychell Posts: 12 Member
    I was asking this same question about 3 months ago!

    I started by going for a walk/jog (intervals) with some friends/boyfriend in places that I found relaxing/liked.
    I didnt worry about going fast, meeting a goal.. just enjoyed it! I made a playlist on my ipod full of my favourite songs that
    make me feel happy and energetic! One day I realised that I was **shock horror** enjoying my run, and had done a few km without even realising! I dont go fast... I sweat and puff like a train.. but I had fun!

    Now running has become my time to escape, get rid of some stress and just be outdoors. Just dont put pressure on yourself to be perfect... find your style and love that!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    I also love running and if I don't go (feeling under par), I get so agitated lol: I run outdoors, along the river (City of London, UK), during my lunchtime and on Saturday in my local park. I don't notice the scenery much as I'm zonned out with my music, this for me is really important, as you literately run in pace with it, so recommend you have a good mix. Saying that, running isn't for everyone, for me I hate running indoors on a treadmill! but give me the outdoors and I'm happy!!!

    As mentioned, don't try to run every day, do every other day, don't try and go quicker than your body wants! also try the walk/run/walk approach and build up to see if you get a better routine that way! in any event good luck and if you don't like it, give it up and find something else you like as it's no point forcing yourself to do somthing you don't like!.....try Zumba if you like to dance, heavy workout, but you feel excellent after and the harder you push yourself the more calories you burn, I love this also and do a class on Tuesday evenings
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    No. In a word. If you reaaaalllly don't like running, you are not going to suddenly love it. I also HATE running with a passion! I am sure it is something to do with my technique but I don't care enough to get it checked out as I have found a way of working out that works for me and that I enjoy. Be varied with your workouts and keep your body feeling challenged (and sweating!) and you will be fine.

    I tend to power walk for 35mins on the treadmill on incline 8.5 and speed 7 and burn around 450 calories. When I sneak a peek at the runners next to me who are running hard for similar amounts of time they burn only HALF the calories. This is what worked for me. Try it and see if it works for you. I have to warn you though it is tough, I started off lightly at incline 6 and speed 6 and worked myself up from there.

    Good luck!

    I also think its a balance thing, I am so scared of falling off the treadmill and hurting myself!! lol
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm totally with you (hate running, want to be one of those people who loves it). I jog/run on the elliptical and listen to my ipod. The ipod definitely helps. Also, I do Turbo Jam 4-5 days a week and only run 3 days. That helps, too!!
  • aschultz9
    aschultz9 Posts: 89
    I am a runner. Pick a goal and work toward it, each milestone will encourage you. If you just go running without any intention then you won't like it. I have a goal to accomplish with running every single day.
    Also, find different types of runs to do, repeats, tempos and long runs. You will likely find one you like more than another. I do all three because it is necessary, but really like doing speedwork/repeats.
    I became addicted to running after I finished my first race...nothing can compare to that feeling.
    In the end, if you really hate it then find something else. You won't keep it up if you hate it.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    No. In a word. If you reaaaalllly don't like running, you are not going to suddenly love it. I also HATE running with a passion! I am sure it is something to do with my technique but I don't care enough to get it checked out as I have found a way of working out that works for me and that I enjoy. Be varied with your workouts and keep your body feeling challenged (and sweating!) and you will be fine.

    I tend to power walk for 35mins on the treadmill on incline 8.5 and speed 7 and burn around 450 calories. When I sneak a peek at the runners next to me who are running hard for similar amounts of time they burn only HALF the calories. This is what worked for me. Try it and see if it works for you. I have to warn you though it is tough, I started off lightly at incline 6 and speed 6 and worked myself up from there.

    Good luck!

    I also think its a balance thing, I am so scared of falling off the treadmill and hurting myself!! lol

    I have to disagree. I also dispised running. Hated it! But I gave it an honest chance and now I am loving it. I agree with the others that you need to give it more time. You may find after two weeks you still hate it, but then at least you know you gave it a fair shot. And they are all right, good music is a must! I love running to the beat! And also, I dont go very fast, try not to worry about speed. Good luck!
  • meganprather
    I always wanted to run but just didn't think I could do it.

    But.... I've been doing C25K for about 8 weeks now and am just loving it! I ran for 20 mins non stop last week which absolutely blew me away, I really had no idea I was capable of doing that.
    I have an app on my ipod which tells me when to walk and when to run and I like the fact that there is a structure to follow and that I know I don't have to do one thing all the time. I also listen to audio books when I'm walking/running which keeps me interested. I have one book that I'm only listening to when I'm doing this, so I want to get running so I can keep going with the story :)

    However, if you just don't like running, don't do it! There are so many different things that you could do, find one that grabs you or motivates you (for any reason, even it if seems silly, like me wanting more of my story!) then you will be more likely to stick with it.

    I was just thinking about doing an audio book. I love to read so I think that would probably help a lot. Great idea!
  • meganprather
    I am a runner. Pick a goal and work toward it, each milestone will encourage you. If you just go running without any intention then you won't like it. I have a goal to accomplish with running every single day.
    Also, find different types of runs to do, repeats, tempos and long runs. You will likely find one you like more than another. I do all three because it is necessary, but really like doing speedwork/repeats.
    I became addicted to running after I finished my first race...nothing can compare to that feeling.
    In the end, if you really hate it then find something else. You won't keep it up if you hate it.

    I really do hope that I can say this one day. I LOVE the idea of running I just HATE doing it. I am going to give it more time for sure. I can't give up this time. :)
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I always wanted to run but just didn't think I could do it.

    But.... I've been doing C25K for about 8 weeks now and am just loving it! I ran for 20 mins non stop last week which absolutely blew me away, I really had no idea I was capable of doing that.
    I have an app on my ipod which tells me when to walk and when to run and I like the fact that there is a structure to follow and that I know I don't have to do one thing all the time. I also listen to audio books when I'm walking/running which keeps me interested. I have one book that I'm only listening to when I'm doing this, so I want to get running so I can keep going with the story :)

    However, if you just don't like running, don't do it! There are so many different things that you could do, find one that grabs you or motivates you (for any reason, even it if seems silly, like me wanting more of my story!) then you will be more likely to stick with it.

    I was just thinking about doing an audio book. I love to read so I think that would probably help a lot. Great idea!

    Podcasts are quite good too.
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    The trick that may work for you is not to run too fast. If you don't run relaxed, it starts to hurt and it becomes very unpleasant. Running (jogging) slightly below or better still just nicely at your capability is fun, provided you have good music to listen to. And that it helps you lose weight.

    If you practice enough, you might end up getting a Runner's High (http://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Runner's-High). That's REALLY a great feeling! But, it doesn't come without sweat.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    I always wanted to run but just didn't think I could do it.

    But.... I've been doing C25K for about 8 weeks now and am just loving it! I ran for 20 mins non stop last week which absolutely blew me away, I really had no idea I was capable of doing that.
    I have an app on my ipod which tells me when to walk and when to run and I like the fact that there is a structure to follow and that I know I don't have to do one thing all the time. I also listen to audio books when I'm walking/running which keeps me interested. I have one book that I'm only listening to when I'm doing this, so I want to get running so I can keep going with the story :)

    However, if you just don't like running, don't do it! There are so many different things that you could do, find one that grabs you or motivates you (for any reason, even it if seems silly, like me wanting more of my story!) then you will be more likely to stick with it.

    You mentioned an app on your ipod... What's the name of the app? I am interested in starting to run when it gets warmer (LIKE ALOT WARMER!) but I don't want to have to stare down at a stopwatch all of the time because that could be distracting.
  • jblazey
    jblazey Posts: 2 Member
    I just started running about 4 weeks ago after a 10 year hiatus after having kids. I have found that if I keep it up for about 10 minutes, it starts to get better. I get a 2nd wind, or whatever. If I run outside with my Ipod, I am happier than running inside. That said, I was just thinking last night that I wish I would hurry up and like to run. I don't really enjoy it, but to tell you the truth, exercise, for the sake of exercising is boring to me, no matter what. I do feel great though after a run, energized and focused. And, feel like I have accomplished something.
    What helps me is that I am training for a 5K, and hopefully a half-marathon. It keeps me motivated to run on my training schedule. And, since I have a goal, it gives me that extra push. I also will add that running has gotten more enjoyable and easier each week. I'm not quite at the point where I like to run, but hoping I will get there.