7 Week Challenge - Midwest is Best



  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I've exercised 536 calories so far this week (since Monday), and I have yet to exercise today, so I think I'm doing pretty well. Not sure where I'll be on the scale on Saturday, but we'll see!

    I wanted to share a resource with all of you that I learned about recently. http://www.calorieking.com/ is a great website that has nutrition/calorie information about all different kinds of foods, and also has nutritional info for foods at most chain restaurants. Since we're all tracking our food, I thought it might be helpful.

    Keep up the good work!

    Edit: I've been having trouble creating clickable links on this forum. I guess you can just copy and paste that website if you want to use it. Enjoy!
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    Nice job guys! Does anyone know from what day a week starts on mfp? Like if I go to the excersize tab and look at total calories burned for the week does that include Sunday?
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    right now it says 798 for cals burned this week. But I knooow its more =/ its hard to log c25 k because its interval training. I log it as 13 minutes walking and 7 running but that's broken up. So my heart rate during the walking is up a lot higher because of the running!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Nice job guys! Does anyone know from what day a week starts on mfp? Like if I go to the excersize tab and look at total calories burned for the week does that include Sunday?

    My week starts on Monday, but I joined on a Monday, so I don't know if that's why. If you scroll back through your days of exercise, the weekly stats will be the same until you hit the last day of last week. So if I go back to Monday, my total minutes and calories for the week are the same as they are today, but if I go back one more day to Sunday, the data changes to last week's data. I hope that makes sense...
    right now it says 798 for cals burned this week. But I knooow its more =/ its hard to log c25 k because its interval training. I log it as 13 minutes walking and 7 running but that's broken up. So my heart rate during the walking is up a lot higher because of the running!

    I'm having the same issue. I've been exercising using Wii Fit, and when I enter it in, I know the calories are way underestimated. I get in a pretty good workout, yet 30 minutes of Wii Fit will get me fewer calories burned than 30 minutes of walking (according to MFP). Oh well. At least I know I'm putting in the work!
  • MattAxtell
    MattAxtell Posts: 73 Member
    I strongly suggest getting a Polar Heart rate monitor with a chest strap. Every person is different when it comes to how many calories they burned doing an exercise.

    They track how many calories you are burning during your workout and you can watch as your calorie burn keeps moving up.

    Not only is it very good information, and way more accurate, it is SUPER motivating.

    They are just under 100 dollars for a good one!

    It is worth it.

  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    I strongly suggest getting a Polar Heart rate monitor with a chest strap. Every person is different when it comes to how many calories they burned doing an exercise.

    They track how many calories you are burning during your workout and you can watch as your calorie burn keeps moving up.

    Not only is it very good information, and way more accurate, it is SUPER motivating.

    They are just under 100 dollars for a good one!

    It is worth it.


    TOTALLY agree with this Max! I have a polar HRM and I LOVE IT!!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I strongly suggest getting a Polar Heart rate monitor with a chest strap. Every person is different when it comes to how many calories they burned doing an exercise.

    They track how many calories you are burning during your workout and you can watch as your calorie burn keeps moving up.

    Not only is it very good information, and way more accurate, it is SUPER motivating.

    They are just under 100 dollars for a good one!

    It is worth it.


    I've been thinking about this, but i really wonder if it's worth the money. If I'm doing the exercise, and I know I'm working up a sweat, why does it matter how many calories I'm burning? I guess if I want to be pretty careful about how many calories I eat back, but at ~$100, it's hard for me to justify it.

    I love numbers, and I would love to be as accurate as possible, but I wish they weren't so expensive...
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Alright, I've done a little research, and I think I'm gonna go for it. Based on consumer reports, etc. I've found that the best bang for your buck HRM is the Timex Personal Trainer. I found it on Amazon.com for about $40. A few people have posted on MFP that they like it, so I think I might get it.

    Here's the link to some reviews of HRMs if anyone is interested: http://www.consumersearch.com/heart-rate-monitors
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    I really wanted a hem at first but I was totally in the same boat as you ceejay - I'm working out and eating right it shouldn't really matter what the exact numbers are the goal is to be healthy. I'm not gonna wear one for the rest of my life. My first chunk of change is going to running shoes then we'll see :-)
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    How is everyone doing? Weigh in tomorrow morning! I doubt I'm gonna make my goal but I've got the calories in! I've hit a plateau and things have just been reaaally slow going.ooh well I'm trying!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    i might not hit my goal tomorrow either but i will hit the calories. i've burned like 680 so far and i will run tonight and then circuit train tomorrow.

    my goal for tomorrow is 157 and so far this week i've seen as low as 157.4, but today i was 158. we'll see what it says tomorrow!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I don't weigh myself every day, but I weighed myself earlier this week, and I was back up a little bit, so we'll just have to see what the scale says tomorrow :). I have just under 700 calories burned right now, and I haven't exercised yet today, so once I do that I will have met the challenge!

    Go midwest! Keep up the good work!
  • I made it home from Chicago late last night. Didn't eat nearly as badly as I expect to while I was there! I'm about 300 calories short of 700 right now, but plan on hitting the gym later tonight or tomorrow for about 400 more. Have to go tomorrow to weigh-in, so I'm trying to convince myself I should go tonight too. Just SO tired after this conference. Haven't done anything all day today and napped for an hour.

    Going to start tracking food again tomorrow, too. Was just too hard while I was gone.
  • Yay for week 2=) I started this week at 180, making a goal for week 2 of 179..........felt like the '170s' was a BIG step! HOWEVER!!!!! I'm weighing on this week at (drum roll please.........) ~~~~~~~~178~~~~~~~~~ GREAT LOSSES THIS WEEK ALL=))

    My total calorie burn for the week is 5,727!! (i think working out 7 days week is really paying off!!)
  • nannabur4
    nannabur4 Posts: 24
    K official weight is 148.0 didn't make my goal of 147 but that's ok. I burned 1482 calories working out this week. I did have to take 3 days off due to this stupid abcessed tooth. It's getting better so hopefully it stays better and I can get back on my workout schedule. Hope everyone had a great week!
  • Boo. I gained half a pound. Guess that's what Chicago-style pizza will do! So I'm at 199 (my goal was to maintain at 198.5). I burned 894 calories, at least what I kept track of.

    Back on track next week - with the time change I'm hoping I'll be able to get up early and hit the gym before work instead of this whole trying to fit it in after work thing.
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    woohoo! This weeks challenge is great! I'm going 2 miles 3 days a week as it is for c 25k. So I'll put up 6 miles. I'm sure you elliptical nuts will put up a lot of miles! Go Midwest!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    For those who haven't found it, here's the link to the week 3 thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/192542-7-week-challenge-week-3-challenge-details-weigh-ins
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I walked for 3 miles today! I did not expect to do that, but there's a canal that runs behind my apartment building, and it has a 3 mile walking loop. I planned on just walking for an hour, and ended up doing the entire thing in 45 minutes. I think I'm going to try to make a habit out of this :).
  • I've never kept track of distance before - I use the elliptical for the most part. Will be interesting to see what my numbers are!

    This week's goal: SW 199, GW 198
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