T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.. new thread :0)



  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    MUCH better day for me, too, gals and yes, that glass of wine really helped.

    Shawna, every online diet site I've been on had at least one member moving and they ALL couldn't lose a pound through it. I somehow think you are the one to reverse that trend. I'm so happy for you two. Oooooh the decorating possibilities...wish I could be there to help.

    Glad you're safe and sound Lulu. I forgot about Mardi Gras...did you go to NO, or celebrate at home?

    Yes, Cyndi, my blood sugar was down...I actually had a spoonful of Whey Protein powder to calm me down. It was either that or the whole jar of peanut butter. Even through my Insulin Insanity my head kicked in for a "better" solution. What's wrong with your motorcycle?

    Hi Deb. Add one...just ONE more glass of water tomorrow. You do that and I'll add 5 minutes of aerobics to my Thursday routine!

    Nice! Bra shopping, Sis. I can't wait until I get there....right now I'm still size "ceremonial breast plate".

    Well, I'd chat more but I've got to print out the checks from the bills I paid the other day and get to bed. DH has a nasty respiratory flue that's been going around, so I've been doing his chores as well as mine. Poor guy...he's so sick he isn't even annoying.

    I'm in on the 30 pounds by August...that'll put me in the 190's by our vacation! Woooo Hooooo!!!

    Happy Losine...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Shawnalee...congrats on the move, you must be really excited now. I don't envy you the packing and unpacking though.

    Lulubar..i'm in the uk so wasn't typing that early in the morning *lol* The hair looks great by the way, thanks for asking.

    Maybe i need to plan a holiday it seem to be really motivating you all.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I dropped another 2 lbs...that is 3.7 lbs since Friday!!! The challenge now is to keep it off for this Friday LOL. I will try to get more water in Vicki. I slept until 8am today so I can't write a book. I have to be at work at 9 and I have to take my son to his bible class on my way to work. Hope everyone ha a great day!!
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    We need to write a book of funny stuff ya'll say -- ceremonial breast plate... OMG, you're gonna make me pee my pants laughing this hard.

    Did Day 2 of shred yesterday and I truly can't believe how much stronger I have become. I had lung cancer seven years ago (no- not the kind from smoking -- rather the no-reason-for-this kind where God decides you're ready for another character-building opportunity) and had a lung removed. Cardio stuff is especially tough -- my pulmonologist reminds me that I went from an 8 cyinder engine to a 4 cylinder one so I shouldn't expect my body to perform the same way it did. Anyway, I'm in great health now, but it's really tough for me to figure out when I'm really doing the best I can when working out or when I'm just making excuses for not working hard.

    Speaking of excuses, I just got home from a late night meeting and I just don't think I can make myself work out this late. Perhaps that's what hump day is for -- a midweek break.

    Hope you all have a great evening.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Utahsis ~ you said you heard a study that shopping releases the same endorphines as exercise? Yesterday, since I was off work, I watched The Doctors on t.v. and they were showing the pleasure centers in the brain which light up when you are finding a good bargain while shopping - and they are the same pleasure centers which light up during sex! So between your info and my info I think I'll be doing a whole lot more shopping!! :laugh:

    Shawnalee, my favorite part of moving is purging all the stuff that hasn't been used in a couple of years! It feels so great to get in a new place and know that everything in your house is useful! Good luck, girl ~ you got a lotta work ahead of ya! :drinker:

    Vicki ~ you wear a "ceremonial breast plate"?? Me TOO! You are too funny! Yay for getting on the "30 pounds by August, 30th" train! It's gonna be a great ride!!:glasses:

    Painten, glad the hair turned out well! And yes, if you are in the UK, I guess there is quite a time difference ~ about 6 hours between you and I!

    Debbie!!! BIG happy dance for you!!! Walking away the pounds :bigsmile: Super happy for you my friend!!

    The bad thing about being off work on Tuesday is that I just ended up having another Monday when I went back to work today:noway: ! The great thing is that tomorrow is already Thursday so I'm almost back to a weekend : ) and that makes me really happy!

    Later gators
    :heart: lulu
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member

    Did Day 2 of shred yesterday and I truly can't believe how much stronger I have become. I had lung cancer seven years ago (no- not the kind from smoking -- rather the no-reason-for-this kind where God decides you're ready for another character-building opportunity) and had a lung removed. Cardio stuff is especially tough --

    Thank you for sharing this Utahsis! WOW! You are doing shred?? I am BEYOND impressed! And what an amazing inspiration you are! Thank you, seriously!!!!
  • sararuiz
    sararuiz Posts: 7
    Hi everyone, im Sara from Vancouver, Canada. I am so excited to find such a great group of people that are so supportive of each other. I am new to the site and want to get more involved as I feel the supprt will get me to the next level.

    I am 23, 5'4" and weigh 170lbs. I am fairly active but have trouble maintaining consistency with my eating habbits. I will be really good for about 3 weeks then go down hill for 3 weeks. I am hoping I can stay on track for life! I am about to graduate from nursing school and I want to feel and look my best for the graduation ceremony in June. Realistically I think I can loose about 20lbs by then but will be just as happy if I can just become fitter and maintain healthy eating habbits.

    I am also excited about my first amateur boxing fight in the spring, however if I don't stay in shape I wont get the chance to fight.

    Can't wait to hear everyone's stories and offer as much support as possible!

  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Lulubar, Me too! I look forward to reopening things and keeping what is important and will work well and not waste space. But yes, WORK! :-/

    Sara, Welcome!
    My biggest tip is.. set 2 goals for yourself each week, every week (for example: eat 5 fruits and veggies this week and workout 4 days or Eat within my alloted calories this week and get in 1 hour of strength this week) Just some ideas. Focus on them with all your might, :-D That and, be realistic! If you are realistic and are making changes you can do for LIFE, then you should be able to stick to it. Well rounded meals and enjoy them, mix it up and try new things! :-D Try a new recipe each week. ;)

    I plan EVERY dinner for the entire week every Sunday and each night I plan my meals for the next day and enter them into MFP (making adjustments the next evening as needed)
    Boxing?! Awesome!! My man is working with a Boxing trainer right now and he loves it! I have considered getting into something NEW but I can't really afford it right now. Best of luck! Stick to it! You will kick some A! ;)
    These are things that I find help keep me a float. You will do great and you already are!! :-D
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I had a laate night meeting, quick dinner (my version of a breakfast burrito), and dissapointed I couldn't load a new program on my 'puter. AND the font on this site got really small, so I can see what I'm typing.

    Guess I'll have to jaz up the exercise...'specially now that Deb got in two more glasses of water today! Thanks to her I might get to the teens sooner.

    DH is feeling better...he IS now a bit annoying...Ü

    See ya tomorrow...

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Sara...welcome, i used to do that with food, really good for a few weeks then awful for a few weeks. Since joining this site though i haven't been as bad. I haven't been perfect but when i've eaten rubbish one day i've not let it carry on. The next day i've got back on track.

    I always think to myself this is a life choice not just a diet and i know i'm not going to spend the rest of my life without cakes or takeaways or chocolate etc I just have stop at one here and there like most people who aren't struggling with weight.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yes, Cyndi, my blood sugar was down...I actually had a spoonful of Whey Protein powder to calm me down. It was either that or the whole jar of peanut butter. Even through my Insulin Insanity my head kicked in for a "better" solution. What's wrong with your motorcycle?

    I had one of those "im in pain and dont give a rats *kitten* what I eat" moments last night. Ended up sugar loading on Valentines day M&M's and ate 1/2 the flippin bag. Not my finest moment! Woke up this morning and gave the rest of my candy stash to the kids and told them "under NO cicumstances are you to give me ANY because I have already eaten my quota for the month!" :grumble: :embarassed: Today I am cleaning carpets for exercise. 2400sq feet of them..... they need it! And otherwise I am eating good.

    Anyway...as for the bike. Last time I went for a ride, about 3 weeks ago, I noticed that it didn't have as much horsepower and just didn't sound right. Hubby was out of town at the time, so it sat parked in the garage for a week before he got home. Then, another 4-5 days went by before he took it apart to check things out. I had a fouled spark plug, so he changed that, then did a resync on my carbs. I took it out for a ride around the neighborhood when he was finished, but it still had the same issue, No get up and go and sounded like crap. So last Thursday we loaded it in the truck and drove it down to the repair shop to have them look at it. They had to redo the valves and order a jet kit so we left it there. Now its ready to get picked up, but the weather is ugly. Its windy and wet and the ride is about a 40 mile trip home from the shop, including a trip across the 205 bridge, which I am not looking forward to. In fact, I may ride farther just to avoid going over that bridge.. LOL Its still a little scary to me and since I'll be by myself.... yeah.. I think not. LOL Even tho the weather has been icky and the forecast doesnt look promising (except for tomorrow) Hubby is out of town until NEXT Thursday and Im not willing to leave it there for another week.... :love:

    Off to work on the upstairs carpets! :0) have a good one ya'll!
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    *THIS* is an attempt at posting on here!

    Work is finally slowing down and i can actually got on the website to see what people are up too, i havent had time to read all the previous posts. It seems like we are chatty again though!

    I joined a gym because i missed the grou classes. Right now, i am taking Zumba and "Metobolic Effect" i want to start taking TRX but the classes are offered while im still working. :(

    I think i broke my plateau :) We shall see tommorrow at weigh in.

    I stopped tracking my food. it was too stressful!

    Hope every one is doing well!
  • cherylepestana
    hi everyone,
    I am new here, just started on monday and am loving it. count me in.....
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Hello Friends!!!!

    I have missed you all! I have had a very busy week like usual. I am an elected student leader of my college and university (the college and university are separate but on the same campus, thus there is one student association that represents all of the students, it is very unique). I am constantly in meetings and staying late almost every day to do things, but I really love it! It's because of this position though that I have gained so much weight this year, so I would like to get back to a more desirable weight before I leave at the end of April.

    I will be heading off to a conference for university student leaders across my province (Ontario, Canada) to help develop documents that will be brought to the provincial government. I never thought that I would ever involve myself in politics but I did and I am surprisingly liking it. Anyway, this conference will be full of fatty foods so I will really need to watch what I eat. Any suggestions to make things easier? I was thinking of bringing me some dark bakers chocolate that I could eat for my desserts or something.

    Exciting fact of the night: I have discovered that I am back to being disgusted by fast food (McDonalds). I got myself addicted to it again this year, and I walked past it today and smelt the grease, and for the first time in months, my salivary glands remained inactive. Very good, salivary glands! I had absolutely no desire for anything in there.

    I am still feeling urges to eat ice cream and desserts, but instead, last night I made myself a simple smoothie: 1 banana, a handful of strawberries, and just enough milk to allow it to puree. It was like ice cream but healthy!
    smoothie: 161 Cals; 24 g sugar vs
    2 cookies: 140 cals; 10 g sugar vs
    Ice cream: 140 cals; 13 g sugar
    .....hmm what is better?

    I would like to comment on a few of your posts. Unfortunately I have missed quite a bit of activity, so I will only address some of you, but I do read through everything that has been posted!

    Sara from Vancouver!!!!!!!!! Welcome, my fellow Canadian!! We gotta stick together, eh? :P I am totally instant friending you, because you pretty much have the exact same stats as me: 5'4, same goals, university students, etc. Glad to see you on here. Good luck with the boxing. My goal is to be able to do some 5ks in the summer.

    Vicki: Protip: if you ever have issues with the font size in your computer, just press 'ctrl' and the + or - signs to resize it. Don't feel bad, I even have trouble reading things on the the computer, I usually have to magnify it to at least 16 font, all of my friends make fun of me for it...

    Blue: Hi Blue! I'm a newbie here, you sound like you have been around for a while. Nice to see everyone checking in from time to time. No stress about disappearing every now and then, everyone is busy.

    Cheryl: Welcome to the group, tell us your story, we love story time *Gathers everyone in front of the MFP fireplace*
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Hi everyone. Good day. Day 3 of Level 2 Shred. I am amazed that I absolutely have no balance. I'd blame it on something, but can't think of anything except maybe I should have stayed in ballet for longer than one session...

    missabeez - sounds like you're already thinking proactive about the conference. Bringing good choices/treats sounds like a really great idea. Congrats on this position. Just remember to take time for you too. I keep trying to remember if I give all of myself away to everyone, then eventually I don't have anything left to give to anyone. Kind of like the golden goose..

    Welcome new folks -- sounds funny saying that cause I've only been on a couple of week, but already feel like I have a new family. Wow such an amazing, funny, encouraging group of folks!

    Be well - got dishes to wash. Hmmm wonder how many calories that might burn lol.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Missa, props to you and your busy life! I would say the smoothie wins. The sugar in the smoothie is NOT the same sugar as in the cookies or the ice cream. The sugar in the smoothie is a banana and strawberries. Therefore it has more beneficial nutriients than the others ;) Also, if you use a nonfat plain greek yogurt with your fruit and you will get some additional protein too. But your milk works just fine. The less processed, always the better option ;)
    I have some calories left, maybe I will have a smoothie myself!

    Utah, that is funny, I always want to blame something! ;) It may just be basic core strength... and the more you do shred the better it will get so stick to it! You are doing great! :-D

    Tomorrow I am subbing a half day in Elementary PE! haha I wonder what my activities will be! The part I am looking forward to is wearing more comfortable clothes than dress pants and a blouse hahah

    So the plateau continues, I am wondering what I am doing wrong. BLECH! Lame o! Anyhow, J is hiding the scale from me so I stop thinking about it and just keep kicking my *kitten*! :-D
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member