Diaries and Unnecessary Comments - Rant



  • Chiquita_Banana
    that's uncalled for.. i was raised catholic but i really dont follow strictly, but would never call anyone out for that
  • jhackenmueller
    That's horrible. I'm catholic and don't eat meat on Friday's or Holy Days but that doesn't give me the right to say anything to anyone else about it. I would give them a pc of your mind and leave it be.
    Don't judge Catholics on that one persons actions, we all aren't crazy like that :)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm pretty sure that if there is a God out there, He/She probably doesn't care whether or not somebody is eating meat on fridays. He/She has more important things to worry about, like the UNIVERSE?!

    Freaking super like!!!!!!!!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Sad, SOME PEOPLE! Ignore them people can get so radical in religion that it annoys me. I consider myself Christian but would never dream to go to extremes that some do. :(

    Even though I do think Lent is a neat thing and like the idea of giving up something for more time with God or reading the word it seems people go to extreme. I have a friend I go to church with sometimes that is doing something different this year(she's not Catholic) and instead of giving something she is ADDING something but it had to be something positive so she started back on the Flylady program. I'd like to get back to that myself. I can't seem to get a good housekeeping schedule going.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I'm pretty sure that if there is a God out there, He/She probably doesn't care whether or not somebody is eating meat on fridays. He/She has more important things to worry about, like the UNIVERSE?!

    Freaking super like!!!!!!!!!

    No kidding. And even so another sinful human being doesn't have the right to judge. ;) There is only ONE TRUE judge.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Hi there! I am so sorry that a rude person behaved inappropriately in their comments on your diary. I too have a diary that is 'open' to anyone. I think you should report the comments right away. Your religion should not be a discussion item regarding your diary!
    This site is a supportive environment for people looking for encouragement, guidance and information about the their weight loss journey.

    btw, I am a practicing Catholic. Despite what a few have posted here, we are not all crazy, right wing loons!

    I hope you eat what you like and need whenever you like!! :flowerforyou:
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Your rant is justified and unfortunately illustrates a large problem on MFP. Not that there is really anything MFP can do about it since they let us customize our diary privacy settings. But in the last few weeks I've seen this issue come up a LOT and I don't understand why other people feel the need to comment on someone's food diary. For this reason I've made mine private until I reach a point that I basically eat the perfect foods and portions.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I recently closed my diary completely because I went on a little food binge for a few days and someone actually had the nerve to message me and say I was never going to lose weight and I was being a negative role model to everyone on my friends list................ I would also like to mention that this week I lost over 4 lbs.

    I feel like MFP is full of supportive people and 90% of the time is such a great place, but there sure are a lot of know-it-alls around here and people who think they're better than others. And that's just sad.

    Wow that is unbelievable. I've made my food diary private because to me it a private matter. I may eat a certain way and lose and someone else might gain weight. I kno wwhen eat well and not so well. I don't need anyone scolding me for my choices they are my choices. I can't believer someone would have the nerves to message you that nonsense. Why are they assuming you want to be a role model? Well you know what they say about ppl who assume...:laugh:

    I was born and raised catholic. At 16, when it became my choice, I moved out of the church because there are a lot of things that I don't agree with. Anyways, I'm just getting back to it after being away for 16 years. I eat meat sometimes. I had meat for Breakfast and no meat for Lunch. There is no spiritual value to that whole no meat eating on Friday. Its origin is based on economy. You know during the time when the Church was almighty.

    Die hards don't eventhough, most of them don't even know where this whole tradition started. It sad that they are always those fanatics that give the rest of us a bad name.

    sad that so many ppl have had those rude experiences here. But I guess the crazies are everywhere online and offline...
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm so sorry that someone felt the need to chastise you for something that is none of their business. There are people out there who forget that we don't all live by the same rules... we don't all cross ourselves when we pray, we don't all eat the same things and we don't all live the same kind of lives. Don't let it get to you - make the best choices for you.

    I recently changed my settings to private... I found myself having difficulty being honest with myself about what I was eating. I had been off of MFP for awhile and get a Private Message from someone saying - "Hey, it's been a long time since you logged anything - you're not going to meet your goals." They were right, of course... and during that time, I gained. But the fact is... I had made the conscious decision to take a break from logging and micromanaging my weight so that I could devote that time and energy to other things - like the rescue dogs in my care that needed constant one on one, my son's algebra class that was kicking his butt and ummm,.. oh yeah - our trip to Maui. I was CERTAINLY not counting calories while in Maui. LOL... and it was totally worth it!
  • satine82
    satine82 Posts: 13
    aww no,u are doing great hun you had a balanced meal better then eating a great big indian or cake but then we are all human we are all here to help and encourage not judge hiccups just ignore negativity and carry on with your good work x
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    aww no,u are doing great hun you had a balanced meal better then eating a great big indian or cake but then we are all human we are all here to help and encourage not judge hiccups just ignore negativity and carry on with your good work x

    Who's been eating a great big indian??? LOL

    This thread is going downhill... first someone wants to "Eat me and be healthy" - now we're eating a great big indian??? LOL
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Totally agree, and I'm "technically" a Catholic, but all of those crazies have seriously steared me away

    it's not just catholics that have crazies :) im totally with you!
  • itsjustme77
    itsjustme77 Posts: 102
    I really dislike people sometimes. This is one of those occasions. No one has the right, especially on a diet forum, to push their religious views on others.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    I had a beef chimichanga today.....not catholic either!! Maybe this person wasn't catholic but saw all the talk about lent and thought it was a diet strategy?? :)
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am a Catholic as well and I also work for the Church, I accidentally had Chicken on Monday, and know a priest who had a steak on Good Friday! Mistakes happen.
    That said, EVERYONE has a right to their beliefs, and you are right to be annoyed. How dare someone judge you based on THEIR religion. That is obnoxious, rude and makes the rest of us look bad. To each their own I say. Good luck to you and do not let one rotten apple spoil anything. Enjoy!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    aww no,u are doing great hun you had a balanced meal better then eating a great big indian or cake but then we are all human we are all here to help and encourage not judge hiccups just ignore negativity and carry on with your good work x

    Who's been eating a great big indian??? LOL

    This thread is going downhill... first someone wants to "Eat me and be healthy" - now we're eating a great big indian??? LOL

    I like great big indian's...quite tasty!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I welcome any criticism of my food choices if the critique is coming from a nutrition standpoint. But if someone got all religiony on me about it, I would just have a laugh about it. At least that's what I do when my mom asks me if I eat meat on Fridays :laugh:
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    About 20 mins ago I decided to make my diary public...i've now changed it back to private because of this. I don't need any greif.

    If anyone really wants to see it let me know.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I welcome any criticism of my food choices if the critique is coming from a nutrition standpoint. But if someone got all religiony on me about it, I would just have a laugh about it. At least that's what I do when my mom asks me if I eat meat on Fridays :laugh:

    religiony, my new favorite word today! HA!
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