Postcard Challenge Round 18

NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Can you believe that this is the 18th round of the Postcard Challenge? How fun is this?!

Ok, here we go! Post your weight as of today (March 13) and I will make a note of it. In 2 weeks (March 27), post your finishing weight and if you lost the most weight, I will send you a postcard from Dayton, Ohio (it's an hour North of Cincinnati). The winner will also get to host the next round!

In round 17, Shannon asked for everyone to make some pledges for the next two weeks. I thought that was a great idea, so I'll do the same.

20 minutes of exercise minimum daily
Drink 64oz of water minimum daily
More fruits and veggies

Feel free to add me because I'll post a reminder in my status of when to have your final weigh-in.


Manda (NMandaMarie)


  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    I can't pass up this challenge! I am the author of Evanston, a Postcard History. I will send you an antique postcard when I win!!:flowerforyou:
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    i was 188.8 this morning:smile:

    im going to
    20 minutes of exercise daily more if i can
    and to drink my 97oz of water daily
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm in again! It's evening here in the UK, so I'll post my weight tomorrow morning.

    Here are my goals:

    everyday - 30 Day Shred, (I'm in a challenge for Lent and I'm going to complete it!!!)
    walk at home dvd - at least 3 miles, 3X a week,
    sat/sun - walk at home, full 5 miles,
    tue, thu, sat/sun - at least 30mins of Just Dance,
    drink, at least, 8 glasses of water each day,
    relax for 15-30 mins each day (I'll be reading a book),
    C25K running programme - I'm up to week 4!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm in, I'll weigh in tomorrow morning. I just plan on keeping up on all of my challenges again, I have quite a few out there right now.

    Good luck all!
  • wildmamatiger
    wildmamatiger Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in. I'll weigh in tomorrow morning. My goals are to drink 100oz. of water a day & keep my calories in the green.
  • Oh I'm in! 162 today, and I would love to be able to say I was under 160 in two weeks time! My goals:

    1. A minimum of 45mins of exercise daily
    2. Eat less carbs
    3. Try to snack less, I find that all of my snacks keep on adding up every day!
    4. Not miss a day of tracking my food and exercise.

    I'll start tomorrow!

    Good luck everyone.
  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    I'm in!!! I've got my last few pounds to loose...

    Starting weight 126.6

    To exercise 1-2 times a day
    Eat clean
    No alchohol
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm in... gonna use my last weigh-in's weight of 214. I'm up a little right now from high sodium and a not-so-great weekend but I'm sure it will come back off pretty quick.

    Anywho, here are my goals for the next 2 weeks:

    ~ No soda (I gave it up for lent)
    ~ Exercise more
    ~ Up my water intake to 9-10 glasses a day instead of the 6-7 I've been getting
    ~ Get out of the 210's... I want to be into ONEderland by the time school lets out in May.
  • romanhokie
    romanhokie Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in. 231 today.

    64oz of water a day
    At least 20 minutes of walking (either at work or on the 'mill).
    Staying in the black on my calories (1430 / day).
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    Weight 254. Really really want to be 249. Then that will be a total of 90 lbs lost! and closer to 200 than 300 :) I have been the same same weight or there abouts since 1/22. It's gonna be a huge challenge because my birthday is this friday. And I have off the majority of the week. So hoping I don't go nuts.
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    Sounds like a great idea!!!! Wt: 207.4

    Goals: Not exceeding calorie goal
    Exercise: @ least 5x/wk (burning 4000+ calories/wk)
    Water: Drink @ least 96oz/day
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ok, I think I'm skipping my weigh in tomorrow and just gonna use my last weigh in.. so 193.2 it is.

    I went out for lunch AND dinner with the in laws and some friends, and while I did enjoy myself, I know my weigh will be high due to sodium. Good luck all and see ya in 2 weeks!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Weight back up to the weight I started Postcard Challenge 18!!! Pah!


    Still, I'm hoping there's a shed load of weight just itching to fall off my body!!!!!!

  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Ok - in again and not going out of town for a while so let's do this!

    weigh in 293.5
    goals - get that water in
    walking 30 minutes 3 times a week during working week and 2 hours on Saturday
    other exercise (toning, pilates or whatever) 2 evenings a week
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm in!! I am at 163 as of this morning.

    I will exercise 3x a week
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    Some how I missed this yesterday, hope I am not too late.

    today's weight: 237.3

    Goals for the next 2 weeks:
    Eat more fish
    Eat more fruit
    Finish Week 2 of C25K
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    Am I too late to join? Today's weight is 246.9. Goals are to drink lots of water and keep working on C25K
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    You still have time to join! I'll jot down everyone's numbers tonight before bed. :)
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    You still have time to join! I'll jot down everyone's numbers tonight before bed. :)

    Alrighty! We have 15 players this round!!

    Here's where you all started:

    Missevanston --- 224.0
    roselynsy --- 188.8
    lovebrian815 --- 198.0
    hollycurran --- 162.0
    Hotbottom --- 126.6
    Learning2LoveMe --- 214.0
    romanhokie --- 231.0
    agirlfromminnesota --- 254.0
    pjfmaui73 --- 207.4
    BrunetteWife --- 193.2
    looby1968 --- 188.0
    JeninBelgium --- 293.5
    bkrbabe57 --- 163.0
    gonnaloseitin2011 --- 237.3
    HeatherShrinking --- 246.9

    Mark your calendars to have your final weigh-in on March 27 or 28.

    Here's to our success (big or small)! :drinker:

  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am a wee bit sore this morning but starting to feel stronger and I hope the same (strong nt the sore part) is true for all of you as well.
    Have a fabulous St. Patrick's Day and be sure to balance the alcohol with some water too!
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