
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    gonna try and lose 2 lbs this week. at 413 on friday because of water retention from strength training and sodium so going to try and control it more closely and hope my muscles get used to the work.
  • kld1624
    kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in again. Since I've already done 105 minutes for this week, I'm going to up my workout minutes to a total of 300 or more. I'm going to keep doing my 50 minute workouts on the Biggest Loser Challenge for my Wii. I'm on a 12 week program which has me scheduled for every other day, three days a week. So I'll do the 50 minutes on Tues, Thurs, & Saturday this week. On the off days, I'm going to either go walking for 15-30 minutes, or do an additional Wii session.
  • crazyquilter36
    crazyquilter36 Posts: 74 Member
    I am in again. Keeping it the same as the past 2 weeks, 350min of exercise. Keep up the great work everyone :flowerforyou:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'm just curious. I wear a pedometer daily. I have a good one. Are there others that wear pedometers?

    Do you find yourself making deals with yourself in order to up it each day? Some weks I get into it, but some weeks it only discourages me cus I don't feel I get a good number in.

    I think I want to add lose 2 pounds this week as well, but I will say............ In HOPES to lose 2 pounds. LOL

    Exercise 120 minutes.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    20/200 for this week
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    I would LOVE to join in. My goal for this week is to get 150 min of work'n out in AND lose 2 lbs. Tomorrow starts day one of week 3 of MFP and I am loving this new lifestyle!
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Count Me In!!!! :happy: I will make my goal to exercise 250 minutes mostly cardio with some muscle building. I am really hoping to lose more than three pounds this week. Last week I was wreckless came in under my cals most of the time but ate a lot of sugar as well. I did lose 2.8 pounds but I wanna hit that feel good 3 this week.
  • Believe4
    Believe4 Posts: 22
    Great job on getting started! Welcome to MFP. This is a fun way to help stay focused.
  • Believe4
    Believe4 Posts: 22
    I made my goal of logging in daily and 155 mins of exercise. Goal was 100 mins. I am sticking with 100 mins again. My work schedule is too crazy to put self pressure of pushing more minutes.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Failed my short term goal first day - maybe I'll make tomorrow my first day - haha. I was doing okay on the log until I changed my daily activity. That messed me up. As for a workout, hmm. No excuses.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Suzanne, welcome! This is a FANTASTIC thread full of wonderful people who are all going for the same goals - to be healthy and support each other! :D

    Thank you! I am so glad to have found you all! :)

    Missdee - yes, I wear a pedometer. I just started to!

    Actually, the reason I found MFP is because of a challenge that began last Monday at work called Shape Up the Nation. In our kits we received a pedometer and a competition log book. The three areas of competition are : percentage of weight lost, number of minutes exercised per day, and the number of steps taken per day. I wanted to log my meals in somewhere and that's how I happened to find MFP! Now I am so inspired to not only WIN the competition but to keep a healthy lifestyle and FINALLY shed all this weight I've gained over the past 12 years!!! I don't know why I wasn't ready to do it before... I am an extremely unhealthy weight and I don't have a full length mirror so I guess I never really knew I was so huge. Now I realize it and I am ready to change myself!
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Hello all!! I got 69 mins in today and 57 yesterday so thats a total of 126/200. I think my mins on my goal are too low. Will increase my goal to 360 for the week. So that leaves me roughly 240 mins left. I am not going to count cleaning my house in on these mins. However that is a good burn as well. Hope everyone has had a good Monday!!!!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    got in 2 mile walk in 45mins,
    65/200 for the week
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I attempted to do the 1 mile Walk at Home again this evening but my muscles were screaming from yesterday so I only made it 5 minutes. :( I found an upper body aerobic type of workout so I did that for 20 minutes. It's something and better than nothing but I didn't hit my daily goal of 30 minutes. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to handle the walking again!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Goal for this week: walk 10 miles

    Sunday - 1.5
    Monday - 1 2.5
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm already over for sugar, and it's only day 1. I was doing oatmeal with friut, and I'd go over, then I switched to just fruit, and i'm still over. Today I had an apple for brakfast, for lunch I had yogurt and I was already at 30 grams. Throw in the asparagus for dinner and I'm at -11 <sigh>

    Does anyone have some ideas for breakfasts that are lower in sugar and portable? I eat breakfast when I get to work. So yogurt, oatmeal, and fruit are usually my go to items.

    As for sodium I did well, I am under for the day. YIPPIE! 1 for 2.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I attempted to do the 1 mile Walk at Home again this evening but my muscles were screaming from yesterday so I only made it 5 minutes. :( I found an upper body aerobic type of workout so I did that for 20 minutes. It's something and better than nothing but I didn't hit my daily goal of 30 minutes. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to handle the walking again!

    Hi Suzzanne
    Glad that you joined us. Are you doing Walk Away ThePounds?

    Sometimes I can't complete the walk because of my arthritis or my knee that was replaced. But I continue the walk but just sit on my bed for brief moments but keep my upper body moving and kinda marching my legs while sitting. I do this to give my legs the break yet keep my heart rate going. I stand up again agter a few second break. This way I can complete the walk. Try that and see how it goes for ya!!

    Good Luck!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'm already over for sugar, and it's only day 1. I was doing oatmeal with friut, and I'd go over, then I switched to just fruit, and i'm still over. Today I had an apple for brakfast, for lunch I had yogurt and I was already at 30 grams. Throw in the asparagus for dinner and I'm at -11 <sigh>

    Does anyone have some ideas for breakfasts that are lower in sugar and portable? I eat breakfast when I get to work. So yogurt, oatmeal, and fruit are usually my go to items.

    As for sodium I did well, I am under for the day. YIPPIE! 1 for 2.

    I KNOW!!!!! I am an oatmeal & fruit eater!! Totally surprisd on the sugar in the good healthy foods!! But I eat it anyway cus I HAVE to eat a banana every day or I get leg cramps in my sleep. :-(

    What about hard cooked eggs or pickled eggs. Yogurt & Fiber One cereal w/ a sprinkle of Dry Sugar Free Pudding mix? Peanut butter/jelly sandwich?? FF Cream Cheese & WW wraps?? Laughing Cow cheese WW Mini Bagels?? I LOVE peanut butter & Honey on WW mini bagels but then you have sugar in your honey. Egg & Ketchup sandwich?? .

    I need to eat a filling breakfast.
    Good Luck!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Day 2 - much better. Made my calorie goal, and worked out 35 minutes.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks for the ideas Dee! I will try some of them out for sure!
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