A twist on tilapia

ddao Posts: 17
I was getting bored with baking and pan frying my tilapia so I thought let's cook this up in a nice tomato sauce. So this is the end result.

I guess this site doesn't allow for picture posting. So here's a link to the preparation http://teamdao.blogspot.com/2011/03/healthy-tilapia-recipe-to-celebrate-me.html


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Interesting. Might have to try this when I get bored of plain fish.
    Ok, I'm weird, I like it just plain. lol
  • SFbarmaid
    SFbarmaid Posts: 117 Member
    I've made this recipe numerous times...its easy and healthy....It calls for cod, but any white fish is good... I like to add alot of fresh pressed garlic at the end...and serve over quinoa or brown rice.

  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I have stopped eating tilapia because it is farmed in Mexico without any regard to food safety standards. I don't want to eat something that has been raised on garbage.
  • ddao
    ddao Posts: 17
    ok any white fish will do LOL. This one's raised in Indonesia; probably a little better. I did a little research on the farming of this fish and Indonesia didn't come up on the radar as being irresponsible (relatively speaking)

    thanks for the other recipe idea.

    I was playing around w/ the idea of maybe using a hand blender to puree it a little more and not so chunky. But the wife prefers chunky maybe a compromise :)