How did you gain weight?...



  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    Emotional eating.
    Gained weight after I left school
  • hairburner
    hairburner Posts: 2 Member
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    July 2008 my husband died, and I saw pictures of myself on holidays not long after and I just looked so sad, fat and unhappy.
    I joined a gym to get fit (after posting a terrible blood pressure reading) and very slowly lost the 20 kgs (44 pds) to be within reach of my goal weight.

    Jan 2010 my 19 year old son is diagnosed with secondary cancer, and after 9 weeks of chemo and two operations I found myself with 13 kgs back on by Christmas.

    Now my daughter is away at university I have much more time on my hands and am kicking and fighting to get back down to my goal.

    Thanks to everyone here for being an inspiration.

  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    bump for later
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I gave up smoking and took up eating. Lollies, ice cream, chips. I ate and ate and ate! 15 kilo's later I decided this isn't me. I haven't had a cigarette in almost a year : )
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I love your response, it struck a cord with me. I still see myself as thin and yeah am shocked sometimes when I see myself in the mirror and then realise I'm fat.
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    emotional eating , stopped smoking, have 3 kids by c- section, I gave up on myself.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    I have always been over weight. Started about 2nd grade. Gain, lose, gain , lose. Was 255 when I wad pregnant with my son, over the next 7-8 yrs after he was born gained 100 pounds. Topped scale at 355. Still up and down, up and down. Now determined not to go back about 302. Emotional eating, stress, kid, bad food choices, office jobs, name it, it probably was causes for my weight gain.
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Came off the pill in my twenties to have a baby and gained 5 stones in under a year, turned out that the pill masked PCOS. Been a nightmare ever since as the only times I have lost weight weight was through being pregnant(after fertility treatment)

    No one told me that this kind of condition makes you insulin resistant, all those low calorie/low fat diets were never right for me.

    I'm now low carbing , it's working but...I have a long journey ahead .
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    For me I would be honest and say I was just greedy! Was always dancing as a child and most of my young adult life, after stopping it soon caught up with me and I went from being a tall slim girl with a fab figure to gradually becoming what I am today. I LOVE FOOD! There's no denying it! My main vice is indian take away so I am teaching myself to cook this food from scratch (cutting out the ingredients that involve coconut milk!). I'm also a vegetarian but do not like the meat replacement products like quorn etc as to me it is still like meat. Tend to cook nice healthy meals for kids and husband then munch on something high in fat for myself. This is changing!!!
  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    I have always been very thin. Growing up, people always assumed I was anorexic because I was so tiny. In 2008, my husband announced he had gotten someone else pregnant and was leaving me. I stayed very depressed for a long time and ate my feelings and just sat around all the time.
  • tennesseegal74
    I was not skinny but I guess you could say just right for my height throughout my teens got pregnant twice and dropped the weight as soon as I had the babies then got pregnant with my third baby at 23 and gained 50lbs and never lost it I guess I just stopped caring really. so now I'm almost 40 and I don't want to be fat at 40 plus now I'm just uncomfortable in my own body.
  • grenier317
    I was never overweight until I got hurt and had to have back surgery, after that I was about 15lbs overweight. But then I got pregnant with Twins and that was not good for me in the weight department. since the pregnancy I am now at least 50lbs over weight for my height and statue. I'm really hoping that I can get down to a healthy size, so I can be a good role model for my 2 girls, and to finally feel comfortable with me.
  • shtefie
    shtefie Posts: 32
    I never was a thin child. I lost a lot of weight at uni (didn't like flatmates, so stayed out of the communal kitchen!), but have since put it back on due to being in a relationship, and boredom eating!! Mind you, 100g of white chocolate every afternoon would put weight on anyone I think!

    Plan of action is to stay away from the Milkybar and the Percy Pigs (damn you Marks and Spencer!)
  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    I was a chubby kid that turned into a heavy teen then I got married to a great guy who thinks I am beautiful and tends to feed me.Fatty in mid life .We had 3 great kids and the pounds have just added up over the years .I lost 80 pounds then gained it back when youngest daughter and her hubby moved in and had twins which for some reason took over my life . fat grandma now They have moved now so its back to getting the weight off.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I gained weight right after college. I played basket-ball and ran track. I was never taught about proper nutrition nor was I told to slow down on my eating once I stop conditioning. So I continued to eat like I was an athlete when I was no longer participating in sports. I gained slowly but by the time my 2nd & 3rd children were born I was a whopping 324lbs. Somehow I had got the notion that a pregnant woman can eat as much as she wants and it would magically disappear after the baby was born because of breast feeding...NOT!! Oh well. I'm on my journey back to the slimmer athletic me! 105 lbs down, 39 lbs to go!!
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    I was a heavy child, runs in the family, .. In 2007 i went down to 129 lbs from 160 lbs in a matter of 2 months .... Then i gained it all back then some ... stayed around 170 most of my life... And then i got pregnant.. I gained 50 pounds. So i was at a whopping 220 pounds after I had my baby . and now i am at 164 and still going strong till i hit my goal !
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    I was a 'chubby' girl and everyone in the house was overweight. We were never taught good nutrition or anything about healthy eating. My mom and sister were also diabetics. In fact, my mom was a nurse and diabetic but never changed her eating habits which significantly impacted her health and ultimately lead to her death. I can remember seeing my mother sitting at the table eating a 'snack' in the middle of the night.

    My father loved heavy, rich foods and suffered from high blood pressure and died of a heart attack - the second heart attack, probably due to his refusal to follow the recommended diet.

    Now, there is me and my sister left. My younger sister has been an insulin dependent diabetic since age 9 and now has an insulin pump. However, she had WLS last year and looks fabulous. Her health is better too.

    But, ONLY by the grace of God, I have never had any health problems. I have a wicked sweet tooth and terrible eating habits that I'm seriously trying to control only recently. I don't eat because I'm hungry. I eat because something tastes good! I don't naturally like fruits and veggies so eating healthy has been very new and enlightening for me. Drinking all this water, too! We drank exclusively kool-aid and soda as kids. :-( And, ate chips, cookies, etc.

    I quit smoking last year. So, this year is my year to conquer the weight. I cannot recall being less than 200 lbs in the last 20 years! 2011 is my year to do it!!
  • DowntimeDesigns
    DowntimeDesigns Posts: 134 Member
    Fat kid born and raised...

    Can remember being 12-13 years old and crying on the way home from basketball practice because we played 'shirts vs. skins' and I was skins. I claimed to my parents that I wanted to eat healthier and get thin and that lasted all of 2 days. Its not that they weren't encouraging me, but I was a picky eater then (and still am now).

    Right before my 26th birthday I realized I was fat, single and lazy... and thats not a good combination. The catalyst was a gym that opened right across the street from my house. $10 a month, no contract, nothing to lose, so I started going every day. Here we are almost a year later and I'm down almost 60lbs.

    I inherited my wide build from my Dad and I realize while that may never change, I can do my best to look and feel as good as possible!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    nomoremuffintopness Posts: 275 Member
    I put on weight with my pregnancy