Should I go against my doctors suggestion... Please help!!



  • First, If you feel that something isn't right, then it isn't. Don't ignore your insticts. Doctors can be wrong! They are not perfect. Second, 800 calories is way, way too low! If you are losing weight following the tools and suggestes of MFP, then I would continue with that, because it is working. The worst thing you can do is NOT listen to your body, and if it telling you something is not right, then it isn't right. Good luck!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    If her only reason for suggesting 800 calories a day was for weight loss than yes. If there was another reason than I would consider her suggestion. Personally I think most doctors don't have a clue how the body works. They think just calorie reduction is the only answer, they are wrong. I am learning that sodium is a huge category to watch and keep in check. I cook many things that I used to buy pre-packaged just to eliminate the sodium.

    What you might do is stick with MFP for a few months and see what results you get. I am willing to bet you will be very happy, much happier with the results than you would be with an 800 calorie a day diet.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    800 just sounds cruel and unnecessary.
  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    Some doctors persribe a Very Low Calorie Diet for people who are morbidly obese. The risks of being over weight in some cases out weigh the risks of the diet. If you have a lot to lose, you're not going to harm yourself by going very low for a short period of time.

    As for wether or not to follow the advice, that's up to you. If you need that "boost" for confidence to help you stick with it, do it. If you want fast results and are sure you can follow the plan after you lose the initial weight, do it. If you'd rather be the tortise than the hair, don't.

    I second this-- I would listen to your doctor-- if you are morbidly obese, a very low calorie diet might be the best option for you, at least initially. I would talk to your doctor about a long-range plan for weight management-- the 800 calorie limit may only be temporary. Also, I would see a nutritionist.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am just going to assume here that your doctor is a family/general practice doctor, whose patients diagnosis run the gamut. That said, you sould seek someone with expertise in the field of nutrition and see a certified nutritionist.

    **Edit** Whoops did not see trainingwith tony's post. I still stick with my suggestion though. :smile:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    But above all else, don't beat yourself up emotionally because you "can't stick to the doctors plan" because the doctor should be tailoring the plan to you not you tailoring your life to the doctors plan.

    The best part of what was, in its entirety, a wonderful post.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    First off , congratulations!

    You are awesome to be doing all that you are doing to get things under control. You are going to a doctor, getting your levels checked, writing down what you are eating, and even walking! Hooray for you!

    Please go with your gut feelings, 800 is way too small an amount of food. If your body thinks that's all it's gonna get, when you finally increase the levels (and by golly, you'll have to at some point or you'll be miserable) then your body will store everything it gets and you'll be worse off. (Also- please don't take any drugs that help you lose weight, I've been there, done that and it comes back fast and more. I thought of this cause I did it and the dr told me to do the 800 cal diet too). Anyway, please get a second opinion. The reason we are in this predicament is most likely multi-layered...

    1) Old habits (formed since childhood most likely) are hard to break , it's more lasting to make small changes that you can stick with to slowly mold them into the habits you wish to have.

    2) Food is more than nourishment to us. We'd like to think that isn't the case, but when I've had a stressful day, I don't want to sink into my comfy chair and eat an apple... no mam, I want something comforting. Can you think of a comforting food? Yes? Than you know what I mean. 800 calories a day will make you so hungry that you can't feel satisfied and if you are "hungry" your ability to make good choices is impaired. If you eat what myfitnesspal suggests, especially if you eat the cals throughout the day, you won't be ravinous. When I'm dieting and hungry, I feel sad, when I feel sad I want comfort, when I'm hungry I don't think clearly, my decisions are impaired... So,
    Impaired judgment + need for comfort + my habit of eating for comfort = bad choices.

    You are smart, or you wouldn't have questioned your doctor. Believe in yourself. If you want lasting changes, talk to people who have lost over 100#'s and kept the weight off for years. They know. I can't think of one who lost it by eating 800 cals a day. That's close to a dag on anorexic. You and I both know 800 isn't enough for a thin person let alone someone who has weight to lose.

    You are on this site for a reason. This site has what you need. You can do this and you know it! The only thing that will throw someone off is having to deal with their emotions. Please consider writing in a diary about anything that you can think of that bothers you. Know that you can and should burn it afterwards. No one needs to know what you wrote. Once you've written it (daily I hope) put it in the sink or fireplace and burn it. It's gone! But get it out there first. Allow yourself to recognize what you internalize. If we hold extra weight on, it's most likely because we are people who bury our feelings. Most likely anyway. Well, here you are my dear.... We are all in this together. We can lose any extra pounds, slowly, safely and together.

    Please get a second opinion. If you have a child, wouldn't you recommend he or she do the same?
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Some doctors persribe a Very Low Calorie Diet for people who are morbidly obese. The risks of being over weight in some cases out weigh the risks of the diet. If you have a lot to lose, you're not going to harm yourself by going very low for a short period of time.

    As for wether or not to follow the advice, that's up to you. If you need that "boost" for confidence to help you stick with it, do it. If you want fast results and are sure you can follow the plan after you lose the initial weight, do it. If you'd rather be the tortise than the hair, don't.

    True, and I agree. Low calories are not the boogey man, and obese individuals can get away with it for a short period of time, at the very least until the 10% reduction which is so great for health has been reached. It's really no different than gastric bypass in terms of calories, and most people who shoot for 800 will end up over anyway. I say there is no harm in trying those calories for a few weeks or on alternating days, but you have to do what you're willing to do
  • It is not healthy to eat under 1200 calories. You are depriving your body nutrition that it needs. You are also sending your body into "starvation mode" and you end up losing less weight because of it. You are more likely to cheat or fall off the wagon if you eat too little. If you were following the goals on myfitnesspal and you lost, you are doing the right thing for your body. I do agree though, stay away from those packaged foods. Other than Pasta and canned tuna, nothing else we eat comes from a can. If you don't have time to do fresh vegs, try the green giant steamers or other frozen vegs. They have a lot less sodium than canned and taste more like fresh. Also, be sure you stay away from too much lunch meat. It is also full of sodium. Try making fresh soups on the weekend and then freezing it for future use. I made a great low-fat chicken soup in a few hours. You can do the same with vegetable soup. The most sodium you will have is from the bouillon (and they have low sodium bouillon). Also, consider using better sodium such as sea salt or kosher salt. They are less "salty" than traditional table salt.

    One may ask why I am obese myself. I actually know how to eat well, the problem is I wasn't doing it.

    I wish you well on your journey and I hope you do what is ultimately best for you.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    As others have already suggested, get a second opinion. Regardless, YOU are in control and can either choose to follow their advice ....or YOU see fit.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Get a second opinion! Depending on you activity level, 800 calories could be less than what you need to SURVIVE - it simply stalling your weight loss or screwing with your metabolism is the least of the concerns. According to the Army Survival Handbook, minimum survivability varies between 600 and 1,000 calories. This diet your doc is suggesting could potentially kill you.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I'm almost 100 pounds over "ideal" and even my doctor told me to eat a 1200 calorie diet, no lower.
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