&-Week Challenge Team Europe / UK



  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    I was a bad girl yesterday lol think i done about 2000 calories opps back on it today and repolishing the halo. No exercise today been busy running kids to dentists drs etc. Gym in the morning tho and try do that 2 miles usually i only get to spend 45 mins at the gym as i rely on a lift to go there so will come home and do some zumba in the afternoon and another session in the evening to try make up for sundays naughties. Have a good week everyone :)
    Mandy x
  • Stacebob85
    Oops; went on a trip to London with my Ma on Sunday and went a bit calorie-bonkers :S Not sure how much gym-ness I'm gonna be able to get in this week so I'm really not confident about hitting my goal :(
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    I feel pretty heavy this week after just feeling plain hungry since eating too much at the weekend! I usually sneak a weigh-in in on Wednesdays to check I on track but can't face it this morning incase I have gained and it triggers a big craving for junk!

    Despite most of us having some slip ups this week, we are still here and still up for the challenge!

    Be strong and step away from the donut! X x
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    hmmm i had a sneak peak this morning said i gained lb... i wasnt tht bad sunday and done nearly 1000 calories worth of exercise yesterday, and never ate any back never do and was a bit under 1200 for food for the day ...never mind :) today im doing some jillian michaels boost metabolism dvd then out to zumba tonight and drink water till it comes out my ears lol have a good day everyone xx
  • graceybaby2011
    Hi how do i become part of this group please?????
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I'm going to do a midweek weigh in for my sins. I've had 2 bad days this week with 2 parties :-(
  • Stacebob85
    I did a pre-emptive weigh in today; lost 0.3lbs, which hardly seems worth it. Still, it's a loss, and I'm hoping a trip to the gym tonight can at least boost me to 0.5lbs loss.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hello lovelies! I was brave this morning and stepped on the scales.... have gained nothing and loss nothing, so reckon my 2llb goal is definitely outta reach. Am off to the gym this afternoon to try to undo some of the bad choices I have made this week.... it would seem that a little of what you fancy does not do you good, especially when it is a calzone folded pizza the size of Italy!

    Joining us this week is graciebaby2011.... a new myfitnesspal member who wants to weigh in with us (without contributing to our results on the 7 week challenge) ...

    Nearly the weekend!
    N x x
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Welcome Gracey feel free to add me as a friend xx
    I have been good all week showed a lb gain couple of days ago when i looked hope i at least lose lb, worked out a fair bit to and just went for a walk and done some shopping then back and done Jillian Michaels boost metabolism dvd oooo it hurts lol... I think i need to try eating a few of the exercise calories next week trouble is ive got in the mind set that if i work out and dont eat them i might lose more but doesn't seem to work that way opps so will try switch it around a bit after the weekend and up my calories by a couple of hundred see if that helps me. Have a great day everyone
    Mandy x
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Welcome Gracey,

    I'm a fellow Manc myself.

    I think I may have lost some weight this week but i've finally come on tonight so here's hoping for Saturday. Done my 2 mile challenge, just the bloody weight now.

    I have managed to get into my old size 12 jeans. I have a belly issue with some of the jeans but one pair I can wear. I felt really good in them too. Even my partner said he didn't want me to go too slim - I just told him that he already loves me for who I am so let me get on with it.:laugh:
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hey Sylvia.... well done on getting into those size 12's! I also have a belly issue, my husband keeps on about when we are going to start trying for baby no 2, I showed him my belly, and told him number 2 will have to wait till I refind my stomach muscles! He needs help I think coz he said he finds my mummy tummy sexy and soft. Hmmmmmmm.... reckon he is after something!

    X x
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Hey Sylvia.... well done on getting into those size 12's! I also have a belly issue, my husband keeps on about when we are going to start trying for baby no 2, I showed him my belly, and told him number 2 will have to wait till I refind my stomach muscles! He needs help I think coz he said he finds my mummy tummy sexy and soft. Hmmmmmmm.... reckon he is after something!

    X x

    HAHA! Well I'm not having anymore, he's been done. LOL. So i'm determined to have a flat tummy by summer time at least. I agree on finding those stomach muscles before trying again. My two have a 2yr 2mth gap between them. Its hard work but well worth it x
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Think my stomach muscles went missing in action years ago and if i find them it would be a miracle lol i got 3 girls all by section so i dont think ill ever have a nice flat tummy.I got in to some 12s today but think they must be a big 12 lol but its amazing how getting in to another size makes you feel great :) x
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Yep... we may have to lay on the bed and breathe in as much as possible, but as long as I am in those size 12s, unable to exhale or bend over.... we are happy ladies! Ahhhhh these kids are sooooooooooo worth it! I hear hear the sounds of mine stirring now for his first feed of the night, oh joy! X x
  • Stacebob85
    Hey hey, here are my stats for Week 3, as I'll be out for most of tomorrow and can't access the forums properly from my phone (luckily I can still get to my diary so I can keep up with that):

    Starting weight: 179.5lbs
    Week 1 weight: 177.5lbs
    Week 2 weight: 176lbs
    Week 3 goal: 175lbs
    Week 3 weigh: 175lbs (woo!)

    On the mile challenge, I've walked/jogged 10.1 miles this week (well, I will do once I've done my walk for this evening; I will let you know if I don't do it and adjust my results accordingly).

    Looking forward to Week 4; I've decided to be a bit adventurous and set my target weight for next week at 173lbs. Eep!
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Well done Stace :) x
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Well done Stace - you are doing so well. :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: at the stomach muscles thingy. I'm the same. Mine went missing once I had DD and stopped ice skating.

    Running has got rid of the extra stomach blobbiness though by my thighs (do you know where I mean). I'm feeling slimmer and I'm under 10st for the first time in ages as well so small victory I suppose. :happy:

    Sorry ladies I don't think I'll lose this week. I've put on a pound (due to CAKES/PUDDINGS/BREAD) :angry: but I have done the challenge. I'll do my proper weigh in tomorrow morning though. :ohwell:

    Hia Gracie :flowerforyou:
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Dont worry evies i doubt i have aswell. My scale looks like its refusing to move, now im wondering if i eat enough.. i feel ok with what i eat not hungry but i dont ever eat any exercise calories back and wonder if thats coming back to bite me on the bum now lol.Do any of you eat your exercise calories ? If it dont move by weigh in tomorrow i might cry hahah noo but i might have a week end of shocking my metabolism by eating more and then go back to strict from Monday or maybe up calories for a week by 200.Gets frustrating tho when you work hard all week and it refuses to move :o/ xx
  • Stacebob85
    Thanks guys :)

    On the exercise calories thing; I tend to eat about half of them back, but only when I'm hungry. It sems pointless to exercise and then eat them all back, plus we all know that MFP isn't exactly reliable in it's calorie burn calculations, so I'd hate to think I was eating back more calories than I really had burned.

    Gonna have a struggle this weekend as I'm off out twice, but I'm trying out yoga on Sunday so hopefully that'll do me some good :) I can't wait to see how we're doing in the grand scheme of the challenge :)
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    I quite often eat back my exercise calories as on the whole I go by the gym machines and they are lower than the mfp exercise calorie count. I honestly can't cope on much less than 1500, if I have less than that I wake up hungry in the night and get obsessive about food all day. I don't know if this is because I am still breastfeeding, but do allow 300 extra calories for that. I figure that even if I am not loosing anything through eating back he calories, I am still toning muscles. I am a great believer in the starvation mode thing, your body needs those calories or it will just hold onto the little food you eat to fuel it.
    Just recently I have got the end of dinner and still feel hungry, must increase the protein, I'm sure that makes a difference

    See you for weigh in in the morning! X