Homecooking Poll



  • sherielf
    We don't eat out for supper very often since I can plan those ahead and it helps me stay on track.

    My husband and I do eat breakfast and lunch out at least 1x a week depending on my daughter's schedule. I find that breakfast out is a realxing way to start a usually hectic day. We usually eat at Tim's and split a small BLT and a Boston Creme with our tea and coffee.

    It is better when we only go out once or twice a week - our lunches out are our "Latte Factor" - where we drop unneccassary money as per David Bach (financial guy).

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    I eat out about twice a month, so would put myself in the 0-25% category.
    I've never eaten out more than about once a week, but like julie says, i used to cook unhealthily at home so i don't think it really made too much difference in my life.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    I eat at home majority of the time. I order pizza once or twice a month and eat a meal out once a month. I do however eat a frozen/processed meal once a day ( I'm thinking that's not home cookin)

  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    My family eats out (or more likely take out) usually once a week. If I am running errands and get hungry I try to look for a mcdonalds and I get a bbq grilled chicken wrap and a fruit and yogurt parfait I can fit this into my calories easily. My Downside is when my hubby wants dominoes pizza. I would not order it for myself since there really isn't anything healthy on the menu but feel bad letting all that pizza go to waste so I eat 1 to 2 slices and a salad with it. I try to fit this in to my calories but this usually ends up to be the day I go over. Not too bad since it is usually only like every 3 weeks or so
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I only eat out on Wednesdays for dinner as I won't be home for a while. Basically every day I prepare all my breakfast, snacks, lunches and dinner at home. I also try to make food that will give me left overs to last a couple of days so I am not cooking every day.

    So I eat dinner out once a week (and its usually Subway) and sometimes (like 2x a month) my family and I have dinner out at a restuarant.
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    We eat out 1-2 times per week. My wife and I met at a local place yesterday for happy hour and 1/2 price appetizers. I very, very rarely eat fast food and we do go to chain restaurants now and then. The trick for me is to ask for a doggy bag right away. If I can take home 1/2 of what I order, I feel empowered to eat the rest without guilt or risk of gaining too much. I take Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice meals, fruit and water for lunch with Slim-Fast and fruit for breakfast.
  • AndreaMMil
    Twice a month. We used to eat out at nice restaurants about 3 times a week until we realized the scale was going up and the bank account was going down!!
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    Was eating out for lunch 5 days per week when working in an office - was never much of a lunch bringer. My ex boss used to buy lunch for the office almost everyday. Thats how I gained 15 pounds in the last 5 years. Now I go out to lunch about once every two weeks and family goes out to dinner also about once every two weeks. We dont eat fast food - havent in years. My husband is from Brazil and he was raised on only fresh foods. He doesnt even like me to buy meat and freeze it, so I go to the market almost every other day. We eat very little canned or frozen stuff - all fresh. Its taken almost 14 years, but he's finally got me into his way of thinking.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    93% of meals come from home for a month. twice a month we go for mexican food after skateboarding lessons.

    Other than that everything is made at home, fresh ingredients and some planning make for a faster meal than fast food.
  • sundaygirl85
    Weekly, 0-25%. Maybe lunch at a coffee shop once or twice a week, dinner out once a month average. I love to cook!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    0-25%---We may eat out once or twice a month. all other meals are cooked or prepared at home
  • mrsjo79
    mrsjo79 Posts: 123
    Once a month, I love to cook! :bigsmile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Every other week or so, I visit the Thai Restaurant down the street. I have food allergy issues, and they took me back in the kitchen and pointed at everything that goes in my food. (I have an unfortunate Pad Thai addiction)

    Other than that, I eat at home. And I try not to eat anything processed. If I can't pronounce it, I don't eat it.

  • williamsknollfarm
    We eat out maybe once for dinner every 2-3 weeks. Sometimes I will pick up a roast chicken during the week and cook mashed potatoes and veggies and/or salad on the side, so that is sort of eating out. I'm a huge Organic fan and have issues even drinking public water w/the high chlorine count (known to scar arteries) and even carry raw sugar with me to put in iced tea when I do happen to go out to lunch with a client once ever month or so...

    I consider McDonalds...Toxidonalds...

    Its funny, but I love reading the cook books and coming up with new recipes, especially now on my 1200 calorie/day diet, I've been trying to cut out the extra fat and cooking healthier. Costco has great organic spices & I use garlic a lot! I figure eating salt makes me retain water and then it looks like I've gained weight which is such a bummer when you are on a diet, so I am trying to cut back on salt as well...
