Fitness Evaluation = Most Embarasing Moment!



  • SarcasticKliker
    SarcasticKliker Posts: 3 Member
    I totally understand how you feel! I got my orientation session on the equipment and I barely remembered everything! I was also shy about using the equipment by myself.

    This is what a friend of mine suggested and it really helped me. She told me to us the hand weights first and do bicep curls and different lifting with them. While doing those, watch the others use the equipment. You will learn a lot by watching. Watch how they sit on it, adjust the weights and seats of each machine. Then get on one when you are comfortable in knowing where all the gadgets are.

    I had an embarassing moment this week. My trainer for my In Shape class asked us to work four different weight machines alternating with push ups in between each. There is one piece of equipment I had not yet used where you pull down on a bar. I sat on the machine, facing the wrong way! People in my class laughed and I lauged with them. :o)

    Have fun working out!

  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Go do it! :flowerforyou:
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Who care what anyone else thinks!!! You're doing this for you, and chances are that unless they were born with the knowledge of how to use every machine or do every exercise, they were once in your shoes!! I was, heck i still don't know how to work a few of the machines but if i ever want to use them you better believe i'll go ask someone!!

    I remember the first time i wanted to use the assisted pull up machine..... i had no idea what i was doing and i asked a trainer and they explained it and i went over and fiddled around with it for a good 5 minutes before i found the setting that was good for me.... hahaha

    You got this girly!!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Don't let strangers get in the way of your goals!

    I second: "you got this girly:!
  • CharlieSC
    CharlieSC Posts: 42 Member
    I feel your pain. I have experienced the same problem although mine is probably attached to the enormous male ego. I literally hate going to the gym because I get so embarrassed. I do feel like everyone is watching but I know in the back of my mind that they really aren't. Still it is hard to overcome. A couple of weeks ago I went to the gym for the first time in a long time and really felt like the "Cover Boy" for Weaklings. I could not help but to notice what everyone was doing and how much they were lifting. Men, women. they all were stronger than me. There was this one lady who I know could not weigh more than 120 lbs and in her mid 60's ( i heard someone talking about her) that was throwing up weight more than double what I can do. I posted this experience on this website and got a ton of great advice. (that is what is so good about this site). I went again yesterday and it was even more crowded and the strong lady was there. I just kept my mind on what I was doing got through my workout. I did not see anyone looking at me much less laughing. What I am trying remember is that others are there to get more fit, stronger, and healthier and not to watch me. Getting fit is my goal and I am not going to let my ego get in the way. Good luck to you and thanks to everyone on this site for all of your encouragement.
  • suzhawken
    suzhawken Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I REALLY appreciate the support!

    Here's a funny thing to end the thread with:

    I was at the gym yesterday - pre-evaluation(!) - and got on the leg lift machine thingy. Well, after moving the seat back and moving the leg cushion to where i wanted them, I started doing the exercise and then after my reps I was getting ready to get off the machine and I couldn't! I couldn't move the leg cushion up from off the top of my legs and I couldn't get my legs out from on top of the leg lift thingy!! OMG it was SO EMBARRASING!!! I ended up swinging my legs out and the weights dropped down like a cannon ball! Can you say, "LOUD"?!?!?

    This is where I am coming from, and hence the post! Feel my pain!?! LOL!

    Thanks again, guys and gals!

  • Ava_Jane
    Ava_Jane Posts: 11
    who cares what anyone else thinks. You are there for you. Just focus on learing as much as you can, Im sure you will be fine.

    I agree completely! Just go there thinking about you, you, and you!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Everyone's been there. Everyone's had an embarrassing moment at the gym (I saw a guy get stuck under a barbell doing benchpresses!)

    Go to the appointment. You will probably find out you are in better shape than you realized and it will give you a starting point

    Also the trainers are there to help and they like imparting their knowledge. In fact I bet they like someone like you as opposed to someone who already knows everything.
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