What is your biggest food obstacle?



  • Chips- I used to sit down and eat a whole bag watching TV. I don't even bring them into the house.
    Pizza and Burgers. It was too easy of meal. I haven't touched either in 60 days until this week. I had my first piece of pizza this week because work paid for lunch. I surprised myself by only having two pieces and chose the cheese only option.

    Diet Soda- Yes diet- I used to drink two or three cans a day. After reading a few postings on diet soda on MFP I decided to stop drinking it. I have been clean for three weeks. :)
  • ravenlunatic76
    ravenlunatic76 Posts: 69 Member
    This is easy. Baked goods. And drink wise? BEER. mmmmm beer.
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    Mine is pizza and ranch! Now i try to limit them and if i do eat them i workout extra and drink lots of water, probably still not good that i eat pizza but i cant help it. With the ranch on a recommendation from someone on here i got Bolthouse yogurt ranch which has half the calories as normal ranch and tastes just as good.
    TIFFIEJO Posts: 14
    Yum....Snickers and Mountain Dew... the staples of my teenage years! And I never gained an ounce. Now I see someone else eat one and I feel my waistline expand!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Beer is my weakness. Cheese is my other obstacle - I could eat a whole block in one sitting but know better not to do so.
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    Anything with chocolate really, especially if it's got the whole savoury/sweet thing going on. So like pastry with chocolate, chocolate with sea salt, pies. Pain au chocolat are my biggest downfall, I don't care how much weight I have to lose I will never give up my pain au chocolat!
  • babalee
    babalee Posts: 20 Member
    India Pale Ale. As someone else said, I cringe when I document those calories.

    I think one of my food obstacles is having to feed the family. If it were just me, I'd have a bowl of soup supper. But I need to feed my husband, 2 sons (18 and 21 years old) and 1 daughter (23 years old). These people are physically active and hungry at the end of the day. And the 18 years old is underweight and on the track team, I really need to make sure he gets calories.

    So. That's it. Planning, preparing, and presenting dinner to my family every night is difficult.
  • RFlexen
    RFlexen Posts: 6 Member
    Soda! I seem to always fall when it comes to soda, but this time I'm standing my ground!!! Going to drink it, but only in moderation like 1-2 per day!!!
  • lotrisneat
    lotrisneat Posts: 36 Member

    I keep telling myself that I need to give it up, but I honestly don't want to. I drink diet, so there's no calories, but I know it's not good for me.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The unhealthy thing I most crave is crisps. I think it's the salt. I have never liked sweet things. It used to be bread, but that doesn't react well with me these days. So now it's crisps. I cave in every 2 weeks or so.
  • dilansmom
    dilansmom Posts: 14
    cream in my coffee

    ginger ale. I promised I'd give it up, but drank a case in the last 2 weeks.
  • mpfand
    mpfand Posts: 98 Member
    Where to start... French Fries, especially from Red Robin. I haven't given them up completely, but I'm trying to. Candy; Skittles, Starbursts, licorice, Hot Tamales, Jr. Mints, Reeses, peanut M & M's- just to name a few. Brownies, chips, baquettes from the bakery, Genoa salami.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    Large bags of anything chocolate. I can handle it if I have a fun size pack, I eat it, I'm good. But if you have the big bag meant for candy dishes of anything, M&M's, hershey's kisses, Peanut butter cups, you name it, I'll over do it.
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Carbs. Period. Refined carbs can ruin my diet in seconds. But people keep encouraging me to give up all carbs - wheat, rice, potatoes, etc. I think it would help me lose, but I'm afraid to give up the good carbs, because I'll get to craving them, and give in to the refined ones. AAAHHHH!!!!

    Keep your healthy carbs in your diet just eat them for breakfast and/or lunch. Its your bodies source of energy so you need it to help you loose weight as long as you dont over do them
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