


  • pocha0704
    I was not tempted to open my chocolate boxes, but there was cheesecake for Vday dinner, and half a cupcake at school. I swear tomorrow i will do better!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Enjoy the holiday!
  • pocha0704
    Hi everyone! I am still looking for teachers who live in FLA. I just need someone to understand why i ate that piece of cake after the FCAT meeting ;)

    I teach 5 grade science!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not in Florida, but I understand why people eat cake at and after teacher meetings! Teachers unite!
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    FCAT....the Florida F-word!!! I teach 8th graders...M/J Math 3 and Algebra One. My Algebra students this year not only have to take all the FCAT tests, they ALSO have to take the new EOC exam! Which also means that every time we do progress monitoring tests (3x a year), they have to do both. They are tested to death. Whatever happened to instructional time!!! Data. Data. Data. RTI. PBS. IEP's. Crap. Crap. Crap. I just want to teach!

    Okay....can you tell I'm from Florida too? German chocolate cake is my favorite. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Okay, STAFF MEETING CONFESSIONAL is now in session.

    Me-- 9 Oreos and a Newman-O at one meeting after missing lunch to work with kids.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I have one - a coworker brought in a GIANT cake-version replica of a Hostess cream-filled cupcake for another coworker's birthday. It was tasty... :blushing:
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Spring Break for HISD...nothin' but crickets chirping!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    March Break for us too! And not a day too soon! I love that it`s been sunny all day for the past 3 days.

    Somehow it`s been easier to stay on course during this time away from work.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Arrrgh! Our spring break doesn't start until APRIL 18. Groan. Last year it was the last week in March. I'm dying.
  • IreneAdler
    Spring break starts next week--and I'm going to Disneyland! I'm coming from raining Oregon, so sometime tomorrow I need to find my shorts and figure out if they still fit!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I miss Oregon. But.. maybe I'll get to go back there. I just got a pink slip! Damn budget cuts.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    ^That is terrible :( ...but also could be the start of something new (in a sh*tty unexpected kind of way).
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    Our spring break is at the end of April. I am ready for it now! I see a sick day coming on - hee hee :)
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    This is my last day of spring break. We have state testing at the end of April...ugh...
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    "Back to life, back to reality..." Spring Break is over and now we officially have 59 teaching days left until our exams begin.

    Yes, I'm counting... :)
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I saw this a while back but a friend posted this on FB (in light of all the crappy current and impending edu-cuts):

  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    Hi all :) Elementary art teacher here - (lunch duty starts in 10 minutes, sigh)

    Our spring break is this week - just Wed, Thurs, Fri this year, and we're on contract Tuesday until 7:30 PM for conferences - I am so in need of a break! The most exciting thing I have planned for my break is a trip to Trader Joe's :)

    Hang in there everyone!!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I was in the classroom for 6 years (middle school science) and now I work from home with parents who homeschool through a local charter school. I do have to say being at home is harder since I eat everything in sight. I used to just inform my students I had a strict diet and there may be times I am eating in class. They understood. I felt in the classroom I had a better handle on my eating than I do now because I was restricted to eating at certain times a day. I do have to say one thing I don't struggle with is eating waaayyyyy too much at dinner. I used to do this because I would feel famished. I found that Zone bars were great ways to get a quick 200-250 cals in between periods or quickly during warm ups or cool downs (beginning and end of classes). It helped me push my hunger aside. I also bought a 2.5 gal refillable water bottle at a local water store and refilled it every morning and brought it with me. I was able to hydrate easier. (You can buy one from the store pre-filled if you like that). The final thing that helped me lose weight between my babies was I found a group of teachers at the school to run with or work out with after school. Having two to three days a week to just rund and chit-chat really helped my stress and my sanity in the classroom. You may be surprised how many others there are at your school who are looking for the same thing. Put an e-mail out! But believe me the stress of in class teaching can wreak havoc on anyone's health!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    Spring break starts next week--and I'm going to Disneyland! I'm coming from raining Oregon, so sometime tomorrow I need to find my shorts and figure out if they still fit!
    I'm in So Cal, check the weather for when you come it is raining today! =(