Something good that happened to you today?



  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I took the day off work today and got an awesome workout in today with a great group of ladies :) It wasn't planned but it made my day for sure!!
  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    a) I ran 5k in the morning in my best time since recovering from my injury
    b) I had a really fun day at work
    c) I managed to survive doing the 3 levels of 30DS in a row
    d) I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be awesome :))
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    1) I'm actually in a pleasant mood.

    2) I got to do a morning routine before work.

    3) I'm able to "hide in plain sight" because family can't even recognize me when they're sitting a table away from me in a restaurant, allowing me to mess with them by sending a random text message asking if they're at the restaurant, and they tell their daughter and friend to start looking around for people they know.

    4) I didn't have my usual weekly post-bowling day increased fluctuation, even if I wasn't able to do my usually scheduled cardio routine last night.

    5) Did I mention that I'm actually in a pleasant mood? Because that's kind of important. :bigsmile:

  • dorktv
    dorktv Posts: 30
    I finished my first fundraising sale with a cheer group who raised over $1,200 for their Knottsberry Farm competition trip! Yay!

    As a person who has had to fundraise a lot, that is AWESOME!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    My 11 y/o's fever broke and he's laughing merrily watching "Anchorman" right beside me. :)

    A very good thing!